Silence meets Ice

Seira Katsaros

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Acromantula Web Core
Seira Zhefarovich did not venture out of the Ravenclaw nest too far. Being away from her books made everything more difficult. However, right now, there were too many females within the dorm, and she needed to get away. It was in the middle of the afternoon, so many were in classes. Thankfully, she did not have a class today. Seira let out a sigh and she ascended the stairs. Perhaps some time away from the Ravenclaw house would do the youngest of Asparuh's kids some good. After all, she would have to really think about how to entertain herself while she was here at the school. Tugging her robes tighter around her slim body, she arrived to the north tower. The tallest tower among the towers. She walked to the window and peered down upon the lawns. This was highly interesting. She could perch herself up here and watch the people from below. She could even see the Quidditch field from here. She had a few cousins interested in Quidditch, but she recalled them being in Slytherin. She had a nephew in Ravenclaw right now, and he wasn't a Quidditch person. He wasn't into much. Not even dueling. That was strange.

The Ravenclaw tucked her blonde hair behind her ear and her expression barely changed. Her eyes lowered slightly as she thought over her plans while she was here. There was not much. Not at all. She needed to figure out what to do with her time. Seven years is a long time. Her eyes opened more as she heard someone heading up the stairs. Someone was coming up here too. Were they as curious as she was? Perhaps they wanted some time alone. They would not receive alone time up here because she refused to leave. She would not back down. Her hands gripped the window ledge as she continued to listen as she watched the others down below.
So far, Jayson Katsaros was enjoying himself at Hogwarts. He had the freedom he so desperately needed in his life, even at his young age he felt suffocated at home. Of course he liked his family but his sisters were going to be the death of him, or vice versa and it was better for everyone that he was not in the house anymore.
Jayson let his thoughts roam around as he heaved his way up the stairs towards the North Tower. How had he not thought of coming to this place? Heights were exciting, and Jayson did not get excited by much. Jayson hadn't managed to get a ton of exploring done as the classes were long and intruded in on his time. There wasn't a lot of point to quite a few classes at the school, but, knowing how to do what he was told, Jayson attended them. He didn't care for many of them, except for when he was able to use his wand. The practical lessons were the best. After classes, and during break times, Jayson managed to explore most of the lower areas. He had yet to venture into the Forbidden Forest, but he figured he should save it for a full moon night - how thrilling it would be to come across a werewolf.
As the young Gryffindor reached the top of the tower, he noticed he wasn't alone. His eyes landed on a blonde that he hadn't seen before. Actually, racking his memory, he remembered her from the sorting. But she wasn't in his house. Jayson was frustrated that he didn't have the tower to himself, but he wasn't going to leave just because some girl was here. He found a comfortable spot, another window for him to look out of. This height definitely didn't give him the exhilaration he was expecting. He supposed it would be better if he was outside, on the roof, or climbing the sides. Moving his eyes away from outside, he studied the girl sitting near him. He had to admit, she was breath taking. Jayson didn't expect that thought to go through his head, girls were just girls. For all he knew, she was exactly like his sisters. The Gryffindor rolled his eyes at the thought of him, before leaning back against the window, closing his eyes.
Seira's eyes finally left their target and met with a figure who continued to be in the same tower as she. He was a Gryffindor, that much she could tell. However, her eyes stared at how cute he seemed. But, it was a shame that Seira had no idea what that was, and just thought it was because she tried to recognize him from elsewhere. Classes? She could not remember what classes, but obviously, it was not enough to make her remember him completely. No name or anything. It was likely the same way with him toward her. He might not know who she was either. However, the silence was only deafening toward Seira, so she wondered who would break first. Her or him? Seira looked out the window, and wondered if she should speak. Would he even be worthy company? Considering that he didn't speak a word, that was already a plus. He would not be one of those annoying little chatterboxes that she wanted to throw to the giant squid in the lake. Seira moved her hair over her shoulder, and onto one side, her fingers braiding it until it loosely hung on her chest. She decided that now would be the best time to break the silence.

"Are you bored?" Seira voiced, a last, before approaching the other student. Her eyes ventured down his window to see if there was something else out of the window. His point of view. She could not see anything of interest, so she turned away and leaned against the cool stone wall. She closed her eyes as her braid slowly undid itself, seeing as she did not have a ribbon. Seira folded her arms against her chest, and she closed her eyes. This was quiet, peaceful. Yet, it was still somewhat boring too. Nothing really interested her. She only fancied the arts she learned at home. The Zhefarovich Manor alone was a thrill all on its own. Rooms with unexplored territory. "This whole school doesn't have much to offer. Except being next to the Forbidden Forest, which is supposedly dangerous. Great place to put a school for children and rebellious teenagers." Seira opened her eyes and stared at her shoes. Her words were clear as day, but her accent wreaked of Bulgaria. Her voice was also cold, but that could not be helped.
The golden silence was broken and Jayson opened his eyes and registered that the girl was speaking to him. He shifted uncomfortably noticing that she had moved closer to him. He pushed his body back against the wall as she looked out of his window. Jayson watched her carefully as she then moved away, standing against another wall, closing her eyes. He was unsure how to handle the situation, but usually found answering questions was a good way to start. "Yes." He replied bluntly. He was bored. Maybe this girl knew a way to the roof. That would be way more fun. She spoke again, and Jayson forced himself to listen - it was the polite thing to do, right? Her musings about the Forbidden Forest put a small smile on Jayson's face though. "I'm waiting for the full moon." He replied, before realizing that she probably had no clue what he was talking about. "To go into the Forest, I mean." He finished his sentence. What was next? Was it his turn to say something again? This is why he preferred being alone. He hated talking. "Have you gone? In?" He asked. Good enough.
The boy was bored, same as her. Perhaps that needed to be fixed. A Zhefarovich was never pleased when she was bored. Seira opened her eyes as she looked toward the boy. Perhaps they should go elsewhere. This place was not cutting it. It didn't matter what they did, as long as it was something that might actually bring a subtle smile to her stone like appearance. She noticed that her own thoughts of the forest made him smile, even just a little bit. He was waiting for the full moon. She raised her eyebrows slightly, before he continued, which made more sense. "I suppose you would want to see the werewolves and such. That would be interesting, to watch such lowly creatures show their true colors." Her eyes drifted to the window, before she heard his question. He must not like talking. Preferably, she didn't either. People that talked too much got on her nerves. "No, not yet." Seira answered softly, before she leaned off from the wall. Seira approached the Gryffindor, before she introduced herself, "I'm Seira Zhefarovich. We should go to the forest to pick out a good observing spot." She was quick and to the point. That was the way she was raised.
Jayson actually listened as the girl answered his questions. He nodded his head, when she spoke about watching the werewolves to turn. That's exactly what he would like to see. It turned out that she hadn't gone to the Forest either. He had hoped she had already gone, that way she could tell him the best places to go. The girl introduced herself as Seira, then said they should go pick out a spot together. Jayson thought about it. He wasn't sure if he wanted company, especially a girl. He didn't want to have to look after her. But, from their short meeting, Jayson supposed she seemed like a girl that could look after herself. He smiled a small smile, before replying to Seira. "Jayson Katsaros. You're related to a Professor?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, wondering what that would be like. What if she set him up, and let her relation know about their Forest trip? Jayson mentally shrugged. More fun, trying to avoid someone. "Sounds like a plan." He said, standing up, ready to make his way down.
Seira was sure that she did not need someone to look after her. After all, she was a Zhefarovich, and that alone carried such a burden on her shoulders. She knew that she would need to be careful because she was related to so many in here. Prefects, professors, older students. Everything needed to be careful when she wondered around. She was not a Slytherin, but she was not going to get caught by Professor Styx. His name was Jayson Katsaros, but she did not recognize that name. It must have been in a place that she did not visit. Little did she know, it was a Greece name, and her nephew, Hades, had children with a Katsaros woman before. "I am related to a professor. Proefssor Styx. But we should not have anything to worry about as long as we are careful." However, she smiled a little bit which was not familiar on her ice cold features. It soon faded. He seemed like he was ready to leave, and so was she. She was ready to leave. "All right. I will meet you at the entrance, whenever you are feeling brave." She descended down the stairs, hoping that Jayson would come with her to the forest one night indeed.


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