Sick on Spooks Ville

Abigail Lurken-Mckay

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Spanish Cedar 14" Core of Werewolf fur and Phoenix feather.
Abbey's cold had not improved. Now, she was sure she had a fever of one hundred-five degrees, her chest hurt from coughing so hard, her nose was stuffed up and she had just been quite sick. All in all she was in a very unpleasant mood from being so ill. Her room mate was sick but not as much as she seemed to be, so to make sure Alyssa, Nia or Bella didn't catch anything worse or what she had, she pulled on some grey sweatpants, and a large black sweater over her tank top. Her brown hair was pulled up in a messy bun, and when she stepped out of the Dungeons, her head pounded painfully from the light and nose from the Halloween feast as she passed through the Entrance Hall.

When the Slytherin reached the Hospital Wing, she didn't do or say anything, she just walked over to a bed and layed down shivering. She pulled up a blanket up to her neck, and she sneezed three times in a row. "Excuse me," she mumbled in a hoarse voice. Classes were going to be hell, but she was going to go to them, she had to, no matter how sick she was, it was only a muggle cold after all, and she couldn't let her Professors think poorly of her, it wouldn't boad well.

:p lame title
"What are you doing in here?" Theodore asked grumply as he sat up and sniffled loudly before breaking into a short coughing fit. Once he finished he groaned loudly before letting his body collapse back onto the bed. Theodore had somehow managed to get Alyssa's darn cold and had been in the Hospital Wing for nearly two days now. The worse part was that he didn't seem to be getting any better and more and more students seemed to be piling in here by the day.

'I can't believe I'm missing the feast because of this cold.' Theodore thought to himself as he coughed again a few times.
Abbey's violet eyes flicked over to the speaker and frowned. She had never been so infurieted to see anyone in her whole life, and it was just because of a stupid kiss that shouldn't have happened. "I'm sick, what does it look like Einstien?" she snapped with a roll of her eyes before coughing to the point where tears brimmed in her eyes. When she settled down she shivered again and muttered in frustration, "Bloody hell, kill me now!" For once her British accent was shown in her words, and it was clear that it was one from lower class society.
"Don't yell!" Theodore grouched before sniffling loudly once more. For some reason having Abbey be so rude to him made him feel angrier then the way she was always running away before he could say anything to her. Reaching for a tissue Theodore brought it up his nose before blowing it loudly and tossing the dirty tissue in the trash can. Once he made sure he nose didn't need more blowing he turned his dark green eyes towards Abbey before smirking.

"Were all in the same boat, so don't whine like a little girl." Theodore flicked his bangs away from his eyes before chuckling and laying back down.

//I think the Song/Music Video for Kelly Clarkson's - My Life Would Suck Without You would go so well with this secene...kinda.//
"I'll do as I wish," Abigail responded with a cold smirk. When Theodore blew his nose she grimaced at the disgusting sound made from it, and as he told her not to whine like a little girl, she sat up straight, and looked straight at him, her violet eyes were violent with anger. "If I want to whine I will, and no amount of arrogence is going to stop me," she said bluntly and honestly. Not once had she whined about her life to strangers, but now that her life seemed to be taking a low with her friendships and relationships, she was sad. "So shu' up," she said as she leaned back down onto the bed, hiding her hurt at how everything had gone sour between herself and Theodore since the mistake she had made. "I'm not even sure why you're mad at me," she said under her breath. I should be the one mad at him, he lead me on, and when I kissed him he kicked me to the curb,[color] [/color]she thought.
With another groan, Theodore picked up a un-opened tissue box that was next to him and sat up. With a rough throw, Theodore chuckled the tissue box roughly and couldn't help but bust out laughing when it hit her square on the head with a soft thud. "Maybe that will shut you up!" Theodore sneered before laying back down quietly.

"Maybe if you didn't run away all the time I wouldn't have a reason to be mad." Theodore sniffled and groaned due to his growing headache.
Abbey scowled as she felt the tissue box his her head. She rubbed her head trying to suss her pounding head ache. "Oh very mature," she drowled with a roll of her eyes. When Theodore told her that he was mad at her if she hadn't ran away her eye brows rose. "Are you kidding? I should be mad at you," she said angrily. "You lead me on, and now you don't want me," she said angrily but as she said that he didn't want her her voice became very soft, dulcet and sad.
"Lead you on?! What do you think I am....a player?!" Theodore growled before letting himself fall back onto his bad after sticking his tongue out at her. He had no clue what she was talking about, she was the one moving about the speed of the bullet. Theodore was only thirteen and still barely knew anything about girls. He didn't know what they wanted, what they thought, or what kind's of reactions they wanted to get from boys.

"Girls are stupid..." Theodore muttered softly yet loud enough for Abbey to hear him from across the room.
Abbey looked up at Theodore as he asked if she thought he was a player, and grabbed a tissue as she sneezed into them, then wiped her red nose before nodding her head and saying, "Yes. I. Do. I kissed you and you just looked like I was butchering kittens and starting a rien of tyranny." She sighed frustratedly, and said, "If you're going to be immature, maybe I should just go." She rubbed her eyes before breaking into a coughing fit. She didn't think that she was being a coward by wanting to leave now, she just didn't want to get hurt again. Theodore meant so much to her and if he didn't want her there, even as a friend it would surely break her heart, sure she had Willow, Alyssa, Bella and Nia, but Theodore was the only one she truely trusted. He was her best friend first and crush second.
"Did if ever come across to you that maybe I just looked at you like that because I haven't been kissed by many girls. I'm sure if someone walked up to you and planted one of your would look at them like that too!" Theodore said the first part softly, but then finished his answer in a sneer before crossing his arms over his chest and sniffling loudly. Theodore finally understood why his father had always told him to watch what he said and did around women, they always took everything the wrong way. Theodore didn't mean to freak out, he had only been kissed once before this...and he expected that one. He was completely unsure about why Abbey would go forth with something like that, he knew that she liked him...he just didn't think she would be that open about it so quickly.

"You can stay. It's not like I hate you or anything.....your just being.....well...a brat." Theodore mutterly casually. He was used to having girls act like brats...he did live with Alyssa, who happened to be the snobbiest brat he has probably ever come acrossed. Lifting his hands to run them through his blonde hair he smirked at Abbey; "And don't pretend like you hate me either. I did kiss me afterall." Theodore shurgged his shoulders while he stared at Abbey with a smug smile on his face/
"Did if ever come across to you that maybe I just looked at you like that because I haven't been kissed by many girls. I'm sure if someone walked up to you and planted one of your would look at them like that too!"

A hurt expression waltzed it's way onto Abbey's sick expression. Was she just some stranger to him? Had she confided her problems to him just to be someone? "And I'm just someone to you?" she asked in a sad whisper, her voice was shakey, she was not ready to hear Theodore's response to this. She had lost too many people, and one more would surely drive her mad. "If you had walked up to me... and.. done that.. I'm sure I would not look like that," she said, unable to speak what she had done any longer. The thought of what she had wanted to much causing her this much pain made her sick. She looked down at her feet through the sheets, and closed her eyes painfully, listening to Theodore's voice. His voice used to be one that caused pure elation and comfort, now.. well now she wasn't sure.

Nothing was certain anymore, Abigail didn't know what to think any longer, and it made her very anxious. "No, I can still hate you but still like you more then anything," she snapped, looking into Theodore's eyes, there was a subtle softness to her eyes that didn't show in her expression. She felt tears form in her eyes sadly, before she looked down again and winced.

"Don't cry. You know I hate it when girls cry." Theodore muttered calmly with his arms still against his chest. Theodore wanted to get up in comfort her, he felt bad because he knew it was his fault. He probably should've just shut up and pretended like he was sleeping instead of speaking with Abbey, it might've just been easier that way.

"You know I like you. So don't blubber, I'm just not so good with affections....I was neglect by everyone except Alyssa most of my life. I've never even talked to her girl other then family before I to Hogwarts. So this is new to me...." Theodore admitted shyly. Theodore had been a lonely child, his only friend when he was younger was Alyssa. He rarely ever saw any kids other then family. And when he did his parents didn't want him to play with them because they were either muggles or disliked the Snow family. It was hurtful and made him an awkward person around people even today.

With a small sigh Theodore uncrossed his arms, "Don't ever assume I hate you though. Your about one of the few people I've ever let even talk to me....and why else would I do that.....because I like you...duh." Theodore almost laughed at the duh he added in. It made him sound like he was trying to immitate Alyssa or one of her friends.
Abigail moved her black curls out of her eyes and wiped away the forming silver tears from her violet eyes with her shoulder forcefully. "And you don't think this is new to me?" she asked him. "I should still fear all males after what I've been through," she snapped angrily. How could Theodore think that his neglect measured up to her pain. Her family had dropped like flies, she had no one before Noelle, and she was certain that it was only time, but she would hold onto little Peter for dear life. She loved Peter, he was her little brother now, she was trying to warm up to Noelle but it was hard to think that someone could try to replace her mother.

Abbey sighed heavily, wanting so desperately to be swallowed whole right now to avoid this pain. She didn't respond to Theodore's words about liking her, she felt like he was lying to her why she really wasn't certain. The violet eyed girl looked straight at Theodore and said, "I'm going to sleep now." She wasn't sure if Theodore would understand that she was apologizing for the kiss in those words, but if he didn't that was alright, it didn't matter much. She sighed regretfully, before adjusting her pillow and turning on her side to lay down.

Abbey's curls rested on her neck gently, but left her flawless, clear skin in sight, as her violet eyes drifted shut. She knew that she wasn't going to sleep, but she wanted to give the appearance of sleep. She breathed heavily, as thoughts of Theodore plagued her mind, she was unable to keep his facial features and words from swarming around in her mind.
"Fine. Goodnight." Theodore muttered boredly once he indeed noticed was dark outside. He must've lost track of time from being inside the Hospital Wing for two days prior to this one. With a soft sigh Theodore gave Abbey one last glance before laying his head down onto the soft plush pillow. He still had very little clue what was going inside Abbey's head, but then again he was a guy and most likely never really would find out what makes girls so infuriating.

After a few violent coughs, Theodore finally felt his enegery leave him as he closed his dark green eyes and let sleep overcome him.

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