Siani Rydderch

OOC First Name

You bring me to life then you shut me out
You keep me silent when I should shout
Full Name: Siani Mair Rydderch
Pronunciation: --
Nicknames: Sia, Curls
Name Origins: --
Date of Birth: April 17th, 2023
Current Age: Currently fifteen</FONT>
You make me cry and you make me come
You are the cop and I'm on the run

Basic Appearance: --
Personality: --
Family: Father: Yorath Haul Rydderch
Mother: Ysbail Rydderch
Sister: Elowen Llio Rydderch
Brother: Ithel Dai Rydderch
Brother: Eira Buddug Rydderch
Brother: Emrys Caradawg Rydderch</SIZE></SIZE>
It all begins with just one kiss
I'm held hostage by your love

Pets: --
School: Hogwarts Scotland; Hufflepuff
Blood Status: Mixedblood
Heritage: --
Interests or Hobbies: --
Strengths: --
Weaknesses: --</SIZE></SIZE>
Put me in cuffs, lock me up
</i> I'm held hostage by your touch

Describe your character in five words: --
Best school subjects: --
Worst school subjects: --
Current Job: --
Plans for the future: --
Patronus: --
Patronus memory: --
Boggart: --
Animagus: --

<COLOR color="#000"> This prison is rough but I can't get enough <i></i><i></i>
The secret life of us keeps me in handcuffs

<FONT font="verdana">Now hear this kiddies. This template is created by me with thanks to Tenilee. No touchy or I break you... Kay Oh , oh and song lyrics are "Hostage" by Sia.​
</i><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50">

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