Shopkeeper and family account for grabs

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Rhianne Cade

green eyes💋gryff💋ttb owner💋lincoln's mom
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 Inch Unyielding Mahogany Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Hello guys!!

As you well know Im not that active in HNZ since Im in the middle of my pregnancy..
Now the issue is that I can't keep track of my accounts which now is four..
Im,as always,will be keeping this account along with the auror one:Irene Meredith..

I'm having Elise Meredith,Irene's sister,who is a shopkeeper and Kobi Clivey,Rhianne's relative..
It's up to the one who will keep Kobi what her relationship with Rhianne be..

I moved your topic in here since this is where everyone else who is giving up charries has posted :)
I'd like to point out that Elise is no longer a shopkeeper, due to the in-activeness of her account but feel free to re-apply for her position :)
Patricia Styx said:
I'd like to point out that Elise is no longer a shopkeeper, due to the in-activeness of her account but feel free to re-apply for her position :)
See!! I didn't even noticed the changes..

Michael:You can have Elise..I'll PM you the password and please change it..Just check her last posts so you would be in the know as to what is going on with her..​
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