JR laughed good-naturedly when Victor tried to steal the ball from her but instead sent it out of the court. She nodded thoughtfully when he explained about his brother. She wasn't sure exactly what he meant, but the evasiveness of his answer told her not to dig deeper. When he mentioned his parents were 'sort of well-known muggles,' she looked at him to see if he looked similar to anyone famous she knew. She couldn't think of anyone, so ventured the queries, "
Would I know who they are? What do they do? What's your last name again?" She knew full well he hadn't yet told her his surname, but didn't want to seem to be prying too much. She shook her head when he said it wasn't so bad having powers. "
Another one lost to their propaganda,"she thought. She didn't want to say anything though, firstly because she was in a good mood, and she didn't want to so anything to ruin this wonderful day, and secondly because she didn't want to ruin her chances of becoming friends with this boy who played basketball and knew what it was to live a muggle life.
She was impressed when he said he was into surfing, and didn't want a magical job. She'd always wanted to try surfing, but the water near where she lived was cold and wild, and it was a half hour drive to the nearest beach, even though the cliffs just a few minutes' walk from her house looked out on the mighty Pacific Ocean. "
Oh, you're on the Pacific too!" she realised out loud, then explained her thought process: "
I mean, my house is on the Pacific, and so's yours. Your town I mean, if you're from California. We're on different sides of the same Ocean." While trying to make sense of that, she stole the ball back out from under Victor's feet as he puffed a bit, and tried a shot from where she was standing.
My dad's a farm hand and my mum's a nurse... well, they're my foster parents anyway. I don't know who my biological parents are. Maybe they're magical." The last bit was said with distaste.
((You choose if I got the basket or not
