Shiloh Denton

Shiloh Denton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Ebony Wand 15 Essence of Phoenix Talon

Behind those blue eyes and that blonde hair, lies the heart of a Tigress and the Mind of a Bear.
</i> ~Marie Denton

About Shiloh...the Basics
Character's Name: Sarah Marie Denton
Nicknames: Shiloh, Shi, Pommy.
Character's Birth date: July 2nd 2015
Age: 11
Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: straight
Hometown: London, England
Blood Status: Muggle-born
Educated At: Hogwarts
House: Gryffindor
Current Year: 1st year
Martial Status: Single
Favourite colour: Blue

Six Words: Smart. Musical. Determined. Independent. Good-natured. Self-inspired.
Values: Shiloh believes that you should never take anything for granted. It is her greatest Value
Boggart: Her boggart would probably be her father hitting her. He has never once hit them, but she is always worried that it could. Also the death of any of her family members.
Likes: Shiloh is fond of;
Making friends
Dislikes: Shiloh is not so fond of;
The colour Orange
Mean teachers
People who would hurt her friends.
Goals: To become a teacher, meet a nice man and get married.
Mirror of Erised: She looks in the mirror and she sees her sister and herself both graduating Hogwarts. She sees them both having loving husbands, and beautiful kids.
Your Animagus:Probably a dog. Kind, Friendly and loves the odd party.
Your Patronus: Most probably a Lynx. Lean and Delicate like her.
Your Patronus memory: Being anywhere with her sister.
Fears: Any of her family dying. Or if Karah became sick so she couldn’t see her anymore..

Tad further...
<B>Personality: Shiloh is a happy-go-lucky-loves-everything-about-magic girl. She is a muggle-born so she now does everything she can to learn about magic. She is oblivious to alot of things when she likes some-one and she is kind. She doesn't take crap from people and she can be mean. But only when she absolutely has too. She is intelligent and smart and she knows what she wants. She is a leader at times and a follower at others. She knows what to do to get what she wants, and she knows when to do it. If her upbringing has taught her one thing, it is too never take anything for granted. This is a personal rule she has chosen to live for. It is her most valued belief. Shiloh’s favourite words to use are, “Fabulous”-when she is being Sarcastic. “Awesome”- When she is genuine and “Total Snazz bang”- This is something she made up herself, she uses this to emphasise how much of a Let down something was.
Shiloh is never one to judge people. She always wants to get to know some-one well before she actually forms an opinion on them. She sees this as the easiest way to get to know someone. By seeing them in their own environment, it also helps make her feel alittle more comfortable about everything. If you are a bully however, she will be able to spot you at a distance. She is very observant, often too observant and this can sometimes lead to alot of trouble for Shiloh.

<B>So close...
Heritage: Completely English.
Interests or Hobbies: Shiloh likes to read and write. She likes dancing and singing, and loves to play the violin. She can also play the Piano and paint. (Hence why her grandmother believes her to be attending a creative school) She also like the colour pink and most other pastel colours.
Additional Skills: Singing and Dancing. She is very good at these and often breaks out in a song or dance. She also takes her violin wherever she goes. Painting is also another skill of hers. She doesn't know about flying as she has never flown a broom. (Though she thinks that it would be weird to sit on a broom)
Favourite place to be: Wherever Karah is. Although at Hogwarts she has become fond of her Common Room or the Rose Bush.
Extracurricular Activities: Often Shiloh would give small concerts for her friends and family.
Graduation: 2033
Current Job: student

<B>Lets get right under the skin...
<COLOR color="#650335">Zodiac Sign: Moon Cancer.
How it affects her: This is the most subjective position of the Moon. The Moon is "at home" in the sign of Cancer, as the Moon is the natural ruler of the sign.
Moon in Cancer natives have a large potential to be able to get in touch with the feelings and moods of others. Often, they are quite wrapped up in themselves. Their memories of the past are outstanding, especially for all things emotional. Moon in Cancer people are never detached—they cling to things, their home, and people they care for. They seek out security and familiarity in all they do. They look for peace and quiet. Their attachment to all that is safe means they are a little leery of change.
These peace-loving souls dislike superficiality in all of its forms. They are devoted and accommodating. The insecure ones accumulate things in an attempt to feel secure.
Because of their strong attachment to, and memory of, the past, others may complain that Moon in Cancer natives tend to whip a dead horse. They may dwell on hurts long after everyone else has moved on. When they feel they have been taken for granted (which may be often!), they don't always confront others directly. This is when they can use roundabout ways to get your attention. In fact, these natives, when they are insecure, can become quite manipulative. They can also be victims of habit.
These people can have a hard time compartmentalizing their lives, simply because their watery Moon tends to know no boundaries. Sometimes, as a result, they may act irrationally.
One of the most delightful characteristics of Moon in Cancer people is their loony sense of humor. These people can be extraordinarily funny. Their moodiness can baffle others, but their unique outlook on life is something most people can appreciate.
When treated with tenderness and understanding, Moon in Cancer natives return the favor with warmth and protection. Give them security, and you'll take the crabbiness out of the Crab, at least for awhile.
These people are wonderfully dependable overall, despite their occasional mood swings. Make a friend of Moon in Cancer, and you will be taken care of for life.

Element: Wood
How it affects her: Shiloh is social and very sincere to people in need, as a result she can be taken advantage of by sympathy seekers, as a result she shuts herself off from people she does not know unless they seem OK to her.
Chinese New Year sign: Sheep
How it affects her: Sometimes Shiloh needs a bit of alone time, she enjoys living her life in a quiet and individual way, she does not enjoy being centre of attention but will bow down to the need of being noticed. But overall she is a relaxed and easy going person, if not angered.

<COLOR color="#090">Closer...
Good Habits: Helping people, smiling at strangers to make them happy.
Bad Habits: Gets frustrated when bored, tends to clean up other peoples things- this can result in the loss of items, biting her nails.
Strengths: Playing her music, singing and dancing. Being with her twin. She can make friends easily and she is a kind person, which could also be a weakness.
Weaknesses: Because she is so kind people could try to take advantage of her. But she can turn mean on command.

Towards the soul...
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Type: straight
Hair Length/Thickness: Long thin hair.
Eye Colour: Blue
Height: Average
Weight: 31.2 Kgs.

Your Journey is over, Congratulations.

Grandmother- Sarah Jane Denton aged 68- Sarah is a lovable story book grandmother. She loves her grand kids, though she isn't keen on Shiloh being allowed to attend a 'Special' school. She doesn't know that Shiloh is a witch, she just thinks she is going to a creative arts school.

Father- Marcus Anthony Denton aged 37- Marcus is a Hardworking and hot-headed person. He loves his wife and daughters, but tends to yell at all of them for the slightest things. Afterwards though he ALWAYS apologises. Marcus is a Defence Lawyer and makes alot of money. So it annoys him when all his earnings are spent buying things for his daughters. (His wife's not good with money)

Mother- Maria Denise Denton (Trager) aged 32- Maria is a very friendly and caring person. She loves her daughters with all her heart and is thrilled to have Shiloh being a witch. She is a Dentist in a small Dentists office. She makes friends easily, and gladly spoils her daughters, much to the dismay of her hard-working husband.

Sister- Karah Creta Maria Denton aged 10- Creta is Shiloh's twin sister. By a twist of fate, she was not born magical. She and her sister are very close as they are identical, the only difference is that Creta has brown eyes, Whilst Shiloh's are Blue. She is a little jealous with her sister being a witch and not her, but is happy for her twin none-the-less.
Pets: At the moment, Shiloh is yet to have any pets.
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First Year

Term One

When Shiloh got her letter, she went to Obsidian Harbour to do her school shopping by herself. The first person she met when she got to school was Grace Raven who she thought was really quite weird. Grace is the type of person to always be there for you even if she doesn’t realise it. Grace then went and taught her how to make ‘Tiramisu’ which was her favourite sweet. Here she met Koboshi Aiko and Hyeori Kim. Both second years and in different houses. Shiloh really enjoyed her first classes and was thrilled to make house friends.
The next person that Shiloh met was Colin Jin. He was really quite rude to her, and Shiloh lost her temper for the first time. This mad her even madder and she became enemies with him. Later the same day, she met a nice Hufflepuff named Tara Sitara. Tara quickly became a good friend and Shiloh invited her, and Grace to go to a theatre with her during the Brightstone weekend. Both girls attended and all three had a good time.
Soon after Shiloh met another set of twins Kayden and Georgiana Night. They were very nice to her and they quickly became friends. Georgiana and Grace then became her Roommates and they all got along very well. Then later that same day when she was exploring the castle she met Sara Moon. They have many of the same interests and quickly became friends. Through Sara she met her twin, Kate Moon. When she got to her third DADA class things started to get bad for her. She was scared of the spells and didn't want to do them so she elicited help from her DADA Professor, Riley Smith.
Later she met up with Amanda Pike whom she had met previously while in a park before school had started. They both attended a party where she met many other people.
At the end of term, Shiloh attended the Yule ball with her friends, where she shared a dance with Kayden Night. After some awkwardness between the two, Shiloh made a joke about his tie before they all returned to their dorms.
Potions - O
Herbology - A
Term Two

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