Shaylah Martha Rouge

Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather

- Basic Shaylah Information

- More Shaylah Information

- History

- Family

- Wand

- Photos


The Basics
Character's Name:Shaylah Martha Rouge
Nickname: Shay
Name Meaning:
Shaylah: Her gift (Celtic/Gaelic)
Martha: Lady (Hebrew)
Rouge: Red (French)
Playby name: Taylor Michel Momsen
Name Meaning:
Taylor: Tailor (English)
Michel: Who is like God (Hebrew)
Momsen: N/A
Character's Birthdate: 14th March 2012
Hometown: Fort William (Scotland)
Current residence: New Zealand (Hogwarts and Halfway house)
Blood Status: Mixed blood (She thinks she's pure blood)
Blood Type: AB+
Heritage: 1/4 Scottish and 3/4 English
Wand: 15" Ebony and Raven tail feather
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Pets: An owl called Flake, a Golden Retriever called Sasha and two cats called Fudge and Tigger. She also has a house elf called Nim


Eyes:Blue (sometimes look grey)
Height:4" 8'
Old Shaylah
Shirt Style: Something baggy
Jacket Style: Hoody
Trousers Style: Trackies
Skirt Style: None. She's a tomboy and would never wear them.
Hair-do: Messy, down.
Shoes: Trainers
Make-up: None. She's a tomboy and would never wear them.
Overall-summary:Shaylah is a tomboy and likes to wear simple, practical clothing. She never cares if her clothes get dirty because she doesn't care what she looks like.
New Shaylah
Shirt Style: Something slim
Jacket Style: Hoody
Trousers Style: Trackies or jeans
Skirt Style: She rarely wears them but if she does then they tend to flow.
Hair-do: Tidy, down.
Shoes: Trainers mostly
Make-up: None.
Overall-summary: Shaylah was a tomboy but being away from the stylish mother and sister that she has had brought out some style in her. She hasn't changed her wardrobe much it still looks better than she did before.
Dominant hand: left
Other Distinguishing Features:None


A Little Deeper
Five Words: Rude, hateful, family-orientated, intelligent, distant
Personality:Shaylah is a very snobby girl. She has spent her whole life thinking she's a pure blood so she looks down at anyone who isn't a pure blood. She beats up anyone who tries to talk to her because she doesn't want to get in with people who are friends with scum. Shay spends most of her life acting depressed because her dad was the only person she properly trusted and he got sent to azkaban.

Talents and likes
Magical talents: Defence against the dark art, charms, transfiguration
Other talents: Drawing, singing, guitar (acoustic)
Weakness: Very short temper
Likes: Animals, home, family, nature, rain (thunder and lightening)
Dislikes: Muggles, muggle borns, fashion, pink, girly girls
Best subject: Defence against the dark arts
Worst subject: Muggle studies
Favourite place in the Hogwarts grounds: The cliffs or the lake.
Least favourite place in the Hogwarts grounds: The library
Favourite Professor: Professor Riley Smith
Least Favourite Professor: Most teachers
Patronus: A dragon
Boggart: Something silent (Probably corpses)
Goals: Shaylah's one and only goal is to please her father. She wants to pass all her exams and go on to get a good job and become a death eater. That way she pleases him and follows in his footsteps.
Quidditch: Shay wants to be the Slytherin beater but she doesn't have the guts to do it. She's scared she'll be rejected.
Good habits: Does all her homework and goes to all her classes.
Bad habits: Likes to hurt anyone who gets on the wrong side of her.
Loyalties: Shaylah puts her loyalties to her house and her family and friends. She doesn't care about anyone else. If there's someone holding back her house then she makes sure they keep on their toes. If her friends start going soft she dumps them. Her family is different. If someone in her family starts going soft then she will do anything she can to make sure they stay hard. Dumping them is the last thing to do.


Sign: Pisces
Element: Water
Ruling planet: Neptune
Symbol: Fish
Stone: Bloodstone
Life Pursuit: To avoid feeling alone and instead feel connected to others and the world at large
- Compassionate
- Adaptable
- Accepting
- Devoted
- Imaginative
- Oversensitive
- Indecisive
- Self-pitying
- Lazy
- Escapist


Chinese Year
Personality: Dragons symbolize such character traits as dominance and ambition. Dragons prefer to live by their own rules and if left on their own, are usually successful. They're driven, unafraid of challenges, and willing to take risks. They're passionate in all they do and they do things in grand fashion. Unfortunately, this passion and enthusiasm can leave Dragons feeling exhausted and interestingly, unfulfilled.
Health: Considering their hard-working nature, Dragons are healthy overall. They do get stressed and suffer from periodic tension/headaches, likely because they take so many risks.
Career: Dragons prefer leading to being led. Jobs that allow them to express their creativity are good choices.
Relationships: Dragons will give into love, but won't give up their independence. Because they have quick, sometimes vengeful tempers, their partners need to be tough-skinned. Dragons enjoy others who are intriguing, and when they find the right partners, they'll usually commit to that person for life.

Before Shaylah was born.
Jay and Tracy were high school sweet hearts but they split up. Tracy's mum had her get an arranged marriage with a stuck up rich guy. After they got married, Tracy found herself pregnant with Sydney. She gave birth and then ran back to Jay. She wasn't ready to have a baby with a man who she didn't even love. She then got pregnant with Shaylah but she was more ready this time. She gave birth but had to leave Jay. Her mum was blackmailing her saying she had to go back to Theodore.


Shaylah wasn't the most popular person in Scotland. Her dad started her off at a muggle school but she got in a fight on her first day. Jay pulled her out straight away and got a tutor for each of her subjects and others. She spent most of her time either in her house or in the woods so she got a reputation for being a freak. Nobody wanted to be her friend and everyone teased her. She ignored all of them though.
Jay was always off on business trips as he was an undercover death eater working in the ministry in England. Shaylah became very independant. She learnt how to cook and clean for herself. She didn't like being on her own all the time but they had no choice. Jay had to work to earn money.
Shaylah's only friends the whole time she was growing up were the kids of her dad's best friends-Benson and Taneaka. Ivana was always a lot like Shaylah. A bit more girly (as Shaylah's a tomboy) but just as crazy-if a bit more-and just as loyal. Shaylah had always had a soft spot for Ivy's brother Markov. This resulted in Jay agreeing to sign a contract so the two of them would have an arranged marriage. Shaylah and Markov were never told about this though. Jay, Benson and Taneaka were the only people who ever knew.


Move to New Zealand.
Shaylah got a letter from Hogwarts New Zealand saying she had been accepted and Jay took this as an opportunity to move the two of them (plus the dog and the owl) to New Zealand. He found a nice big house in the woods and decided it was the house which Shaylah would like the most as she liked being in the woods.
Shaylah got on much better there. She made a new friend within a week of being there. Angela became one of Shaylah's best friends.
The bad thing about the move to New Zealand was that Jay ran into Tracy. He had never been told the real reason why she had left him. He just thought she had dumped him. They ended up getting into an argument.
Shaylah then bumped into Sydney and they became good friends. They didn't know at the time that they were sisters though. Shaylah thought Tracy acted a bit odd around her but she didn't know why. She just assumed it was because Tracy liked pure blood families.


Shaylah had a small group of friends while she was in her first year of Hogwarts. There was her group (Sydney, Sam, Steph/Scar and Sasha) and there was also her secret best friend (Lily/Livia). She had loads of fun with all of her friends. Lily had to be kept as a secret though. She didn't want to be seen with someone who was a mud blood and Lily didn't want t be seen with someone as un fashionable as Shay. Shay got told that Tracy was her mum during the christmas holidays of her first year. She was shocked and amazed that the Caines were her family. She couldn't believe her best friend was actually her sister. She loved it. Also, she met back up with Ivy and Markov. Things went back to the way they had been before everyone had moved away.


Tracy went into labour with Malikai and Calliopa in the middle of Bleak Street. Some kids started attacking her. Jay didn't try to kill them at first. He just wanted to make sure Tracy was ok. He shot them backwards and the girl's skull cracked open. The boy then went into a rage and ran at Jay. The first spell Jay thought of using was 'avada kedavra'. He was unlucky enough to use the spell when an auror was walking past. Jay was sent to azkaban and Tracy was left to give birth to two babies all by herself. This made Shaylah crack. She had been closer to her dad than anybody else. She started rebelling against anyone and everyone that she wasn't related to or practically related to. The engagment was put off as her guardian changed to Tracy. Tracy believed that Shaylah should be able to pick her life herself so she refused to sign the contract.


Shaylah split up with most of her friends. The only people she stayed friends with were her family, Ivy and Markov. Not being engaged to Markov made her get closer to him and she ended up dating him. The feud started when Samaire Green (a mother figure to Shaylah) blamed Tracy for the fact that Jay went to azkaban. Just after Jay left, Sam's husband-Dervish-died and Sam blamed it on the fact that Dervish's best friend had been thrown in azkaban. Tracy broke down after this. She missed Jay and wanted him back and being blamed for him going wasn't about to help her. Shaylah decided she hated Sam more than anything and decided to beat up two of her children-Lily and Jerrod. She wanted payback and this was the only way she could think of doing it.
Shaylah then made friends with Teddy. Teddy was the son of someone married to a Green but he was rebelling so she was happy to use him to get inside information. He wasn't a half bad guy. He would have made a good Slytherin in Shaylah's opinion.


The split up
After a while, everyone started getting fed up of the feud between the two families. Tracy took the kids back to Scotland but Shaylah refused to go. New Zealand was now her home and she didn't want to live anywhere else so she started living at the half way house in the holidays when she wasn't in school. Not long after, Shay found out that Ivy and Markov had moved to Salem with their parents and Teddy also went there so Shaylah was left alone. Then she met Ryker. Her first impressions of Ryker weren't good. She slapped him and he pinned her to the wall. The next time they met, they got to know each other better and began to like each other more than they had before.


New Times
Shaylah got annoyed with everyone treating her like rubbish because she spent all her time by herself when Teddy returned. She didn't like the new Teddy and ended up leaving him. There was no way she was going to be friends with a soft guy. Shay got closer to Ryker but that was when he revealed that Markov was still in love with her. Her feelings for Ryker left making it so she just wanted to be his friend and she ended up with a longing for Markov. Then Sydney returned. Shaylah was ecstatic to see her sister again. It was great to have someone there at last. At least now she would have someone to keep her half sane.


The Break Up
Shaylah ends up in a fight with Sydney. She was fed up of being treated like the baby of the family when she was nearly the oldest. She wanted to be trusted for once. Tracy always had to have someone watching Shay or she didn't trust her so Shay had Sydney had a massive b!tch fight and now hate each other. All Shay wants now is for the lot of them to drop dead. She wishes that she could just go back to the way things were before her mum came into the picture.


Confussion and death
Shaylah spent a while not knowing whether she like Markov or not. She pretended to hate him as she thought he hated her as well. Turns out they were both playing the same game; liking each other and not admitting it. That is until they get in a proper argument. Shay had been in a bad mood when she saw him. She'd been saying bad things about her mother when Shay found out she'd died. Markov didn't like this as it upset Sydney so Markov sent Shay a letter saying how he'd sent her dad a letter telling him about how much she hated her mother. This made Shay angry and the next time she saw him she started yelling and shouting at him. This ended in her making a comment about his sister; big mistake. He immediately swung out and thumped the side of her face so she fell to the ground. Markov had to be held back by Teddy to stop him from doing anything else to her but it stopped her being confused about whether she liked him or not. She loathed him.


Family Tree <-- Click Me


Jay Rouge-When he was 3 his dad, Jonas, was thrown in Azkaban for using the killing curse on a ministry worker. Jonas had been working for Voldemort up until this point. Jay’s mum, Shaylah, was then left to look after a 3 year old and a shop by herself so she managed to persuade her sister, Sasha, to help look after Jay while she ran the shop. Jay then went to Hogwarts and was in Slytherin at the top of his classes (most of them at least). He became a prefect and captain of the quidditch whilst being a beater. When Jay was 18 he heard that his dad had died in Azkaban. At 19 a wizard older than him started laughing at what Jonas had done so Jay got in a fight with the man and ended up with a huge scar right the way up his chest and 3 days in St. Mungo’s while they were trying to get him repaired. He met Tracy Haddon at school but saw her at 20 when he fell in love with her and ended up getting married to her 6 months later. They then had a daughter, Shaylah, when he was 22 and she was 21 but 3 weeks later Jay woke up to find her gone and a note left saying that she wasn’t going to return. Jay has always told Shaylah that he doesn’t want to talk to her about her mum until she’s a bit older because she is very proud about being a pureblood but Tracy was a half blood.
Jay was an undercover death eater who worked in the ministry in the department for regulation and control for magical creatures. He enjoyed his job and got enough money to keep the house going for him and Shaylah. Jay enjoyed his life until he went to azkaban. He managed to keep his sanity for a while but that left after a few months of being locked away and having nothing to do.

Tracy Rouge-Tracy's father (a muggle) left her mother when he found out she was pregnant. Her mopther married a pure blood man almost immediatley after, causing everyone to assume the child was his. The family grew up pretending Tracy was a pure blood, managing to set her up with a respectible pure blood boy, Theodore Caine.
Tracy fell pregnant with Theodores' child when she was almost twenty one. Instead of marrying him like her family wished her too she ran off, leaving her daughter, Sydney, with Theodore. During the year she was gone she got married to another pure blood, Jay Rouge, and fell pregnant with his child too.
Once again, after she gave birth to her second daughter, Shaylah, her mother approached her and 'convinsed' her to return to Theodore with the knoledge that Trays' mother was willing to let slip she wasn't pure. Tracy left Jay, not explaining why, and married Theodore. They were married eleven years, having another child, Marcus, when she was twenty four. In 2022 she ran into Jay Rouge again and, while they started off on bad terms for her leaving, they gradually became close during the moments when they ran into each other. Both of Tracys' parents, including her step father not her real father, died when in 2019, and then Theodores' death in September 2023.
After the death of Theodore, the day of his funeral, she discovered she was pregnant again when taken in for a check up by her closest friend at that moment, her former husband, Jay Rouge. She spent that Christmas at Jays' house which resulted in her children, all three of them, learning of all her past except her not being a pure blood. Shaylah was immediately accepted by Sydney and Marcus.
In april of 2024, The wedding of Jay Rouge and Tracy Haddon-Caine happened. It was a small service, containing only their family and a few friends. They went on their honeymoon and came back in may.
Just after their honeymoon, Tracy was attacked by two children while going into labour. Jay was so intent on protecting her he resulted to killing them and using an unforgivable in front of an Auror. Dispite Tray's protests he was taken away and she was taken to the hospital. He is now in Azkaban for life and Tracy has given birth to two children; Malakai Theodore Rouge and Calliopa Jay Rouge.​
Half Sisters

Sydney Caine-Sydney grew up with her mum (Tracy), dad (Theodore) and little brother (Marcus). She was the snob girl at Hogwarts. She didn't have any friends because all she cared about was fashion. She then met Shaylah and started to make friends with people that she hung out with. Neither of the girls knew that they were half sisters until they were told that Tracy was Shaylah's mum. Since then, they have been better friends than ever before.​

Calliopa Caine-Calliopa and Malikai were born the day Jay got sent to azkaban. They were Theodore's babies but seeing as he was dead and Tracy and Jay were remarried, Jay had said he was going to look after the babies like his own. He would have done so if he was there.​

Half Brothers

Marcus Caine-Marcus is a nine year old boy who does nothing but suck up to his mum. He never stands up for himself because he's always been spoilt and he can just go crying to someone in his family and the person will be sorted out.

Malikai Caine-Malikai and Calliopa were born the day Jay got sent to azkaban. They were Theodore's babies but seeing as he was dead and Tracy and Jay were remarried, Jay had said he was going to look after the babies like his own. He would have done so if he was there.​


15" Ebony and Raven tail feather
Ebony is well-known as the most powerful magical wood. The power of ebony is non-discriminating. It is useful for any magical practice and with any element. Ebony wands give the wizard or witch using it pure, unadulterated power.


~Shaylah and Markov~


~Shaylah and Sydney~


~Shaylah and Ryker~


Before Hogwarts

First Year

Second Year

Third Year

Fourth Year

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