Sharing Time

Sephora Finette

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather
"If Only..." Sephora picked up her eraser and rubbed out the drawing of the lake on her sketchbook.
It was the first time she ever spent time to herself ever since her boyfriend, Sam, was placed into the Hospital Wing after his collapse.

Picking up her pencil again, she started to doodle some ducks that happened to be on that lake, smiling contently while thinking back to the close intimate times she had with Sam.

((Lame beginning I know, I need to get back into my RP mood))
Sam was desperate to move out in to the sunshine and to swim again. Now that he thought about it, he just remembered it being quite cold when he had first fallen ill, but now it was sweltering, and the sun beating down on the back of his neck seemed like the best feeling in the world to him. He wasn't completely well, as one could never expect to recover entirely from such a dangerous illness, but he was fine. There was someone he was looking for.

He knew just where to head if he wanted to find Sephora, which was good because it was his favourite place at Hogwarts to come, and also where they had first met. Looking out as he passed the wide expanses of the Great Lawn, Sam recalled their first kiss being there. I honestly can not believe I did that in full view, thought Sam as he blushed with embarrassment at the memory. But the feeling came with a tingle of delight, and he sped up his pace slightly.

There she was, not ten feet from him now, and Sam almost immediately tripped over his own feet. He had been hoping for a grander entrance, or perhaps a soft hug from behind or a kiss, but rather he rolled several more feet till he was right beside her and almost into the lake itself. One more push and ... "Hi, Sephora!" he called, waving frantically to her from where he was practically sitting on his own head. It was the last straw for gravity, who kicked him over the edge and into the lake.

Sephora watched Sam as he fell into lake with a mighty splash.
Laughing, she took off her shoes and socks and walked to the edge of the water where she grabbed for Sam's hand and helped him up; "Hello my clumsy one" She giggled as she pulled him to where her belongings are.

"...I have to say though - that was the best. entrance. ever." She grinned as she moved her stuff so he could sit down.
Sam surfaced a moment later, his hair and clothing dripping wet and managed to drag himself out of the lake. "Well I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said with a mock grumpy face before chuckling into his chest as he hauled himself onto the bank. "Scuse me," said Sam, blushing as he pulled off his shirt to wring the water out. Stupidly he realised that now his trainers were soaked through from the cascade that fell onto the synthetic fibers. He shook the red cloth several time, purposely flicking Sephora with a few droplets and grinning, before donning the shirt once more and sitting next to her. "I've missed you," said Sam softly, leaning in to kiss her temple sweetly.

"What are you drawing?" he then asked curiously as he leaned over to take a peek at her sketchbook. He smiled at the tiny scribbled ducks and reached out to trace them with a finger. "I can never get over your talent," he mumbled to himself and smiled at his knees as he looked out over the lake. It was a lovely day so far, and it had only gotten better now that Sephora was around. It was stay that way unless she spoke about his illness. That was the last thing Sam wanted to talk about, and he knew it was the first she'd want to.
Sephora squealed as Sam flicked droplets of water towards her;
"You cheeky little monkey" She exclaimed and she gave Sam a warm hug;
"You missed me? have no idea how much I've missed you!" she spoke, her eyes glitzing in the afternoon sun.

She laughed as Sam complemented on her drawing;
"Here is a little secret, I actually hate ducks. When I was six, I went to the local gardens and they have this duck pond right?, and so there I was just doing what a six year old kid would do y'know? - feeding the ducks, trying to catch a duck to hug it, trying to pet a duck and avoiding falling into the pond it's self. So my brother gave me a bag full of duck food and what happens? A whole swarm of ducks come rushing towards me - probably more than fifty....I mean, their beautiful creatures but that experience...ooohhh." Sephora twitched as she felt a shiver down her spine and her eyes darted towards the ducks, glaring at them before relaxing and started to smile again;
"But you know, I can never get over how beautiful your calligraphy is" She smiled.
Sam laughed when Sephora let out a little shriek, but was soon subdued by her hug that gave him those familiar tingles. Absently he brushed back her hair with his palm and smiled out across the lake. For the first time in weeks, he was just the right temperature. He was not racked with fever, and the scorching sun felt better than he could have imagined it to be. He was startled as a cool drop of lake water fell into his eyes and slid down his nose, and Sam shook it off with a grin to Sephora.

He listened to her story with ever-growing amusement and sympathy. Sam swallowed heavily with his chin pressed into his chest as he fought back kind laughter at Sephora's story as a six year old. It was sweet and ridiculous, and he could not contain a small chuckle and a side hug to her. "Well, you shouldn't worry about ducks when you're around me. Birds like me, don't they?" he addressed the ducks at the end, giving them a surprisingly realistic quack. To his mild astonishment, they began to honk back at him, and a few ducklings began waddling over to them where they sat. "No, no!" he laughed, shooing them away. "It just so happens that my sweetheart doesn't like your feathery kind, so clear off." Sam told them kindly.

He turned his head and blushed when she mentioned his calligraphy. He tried not to be so perfect in his hand-writing in class, but the other boys still gave him cheek for curling his 'R's and 'S's so perfectly. Sam let out a shallow breath and rubbed his chest discreetly as he leaned on her shoulder.
Sephora laughed as Sam shooed away the small ducklings;
"I don't mind the ducklings, their cute! - it's just the adults" she smiled and watched the little ducklings waddling back into the lake to return to their mother.

She tucked a small strand of hair behind her ear and felt Sam leaning on her shoulder, she sighed with content as she gazed at the lake before turning her attention to Sam;
"You okay?" She asked Sam before giving him a kiss on the forehead.
Sam blushed and grinned when she kissed him, but not when she picked up that he was breathing a little lighter. "You're perceptive aren't you, darl?" he smiled, but the corners of his mouth turned downwards and it was apparent that he was none too pleased, and perhaps a bit worried. "I'm alright, though. I just get tired a little easier these days, and the occasional cough." 'Occasional' was a only a bit a of a fib. He mostly had breathing trouble at nighttime and few people noticed at all. He couldn't pull the wool over Sephora's eyes though, who seemed to know him inside out and back to front.

"You've not told me how classes are going," he said, nervously changing the subject. As soon as she started asking questions about his health, she'd soon know how much he had lied about the extent of his illness. He had had to beg not to be sent to St. Mungo's for the blood in his mouth, and with only limited treatment it was no wonder that he had spent two months in the white ward. Sam blinked as he felt something fluffy against his and, and he looked down to see a yellow duckling cuddling against his palm. "Squeak?" it said to him. Smiling, he scooped it carefully into his hand and lifted it up against his broad chest. Its little webbed feet slapped against his skin as it wandered up and down his arm, nipping his shirt playfully.
Sephora blushed; "Yeahh...classes....classes are fantastic...when I don't get bored...or fall asleep" She scratched her head and gave Sam an embarrassed grin; "Mainly, I just draw in History of Magic...I can't help it".

Sephora watched the little duckling hopping onto Sam;
"it likes you! awwww, it's so cuuute! Hold there!" She grabbed her art pad and started sketching the image of sam and the duckling. As she was drawing, she was humming to her self, giving occasional glances towards Sam - sometimes giving him a smile or just flashing her bright blue eyes at him.

Whatever the case, it was a great feeling.

((Sorry for the long awaited reply, I've been busy signing forms for University x_______x))
Sam furrowed his brow in response to Sephora's comment. "Well, I can relate to that much, History of Magic is...not my forte," he said sheepishly. It was actually his worst subject; Sam wasn't the best at remembering facts and he became bored very easily when he wasn't physically working on one thing or another. He was sufficiently distracted by the playful duckling, grinning with red cheeks at Sephora when she became to sketch him. "I don't think this little guy's going to stay still for you, though." he joked, though it was quite true. Sam flopped back onto the grass and watched the duckling roam his chest, snuffling into the corners of his sleeves or suchlike.

Without realising it, Sam had attracted quite a few other ducklings who delighted in climbing on top of him. One particularly adventurous duckling found its way under his shirt and quacked to the others to join his search of the new environment. Sam was writhing and calmly as was possible in his situation. "Oh my gosh," he gasped, breathless with laughter. "Get 'em off, they're so tickly!" What was it about animals and tickling him? One duck decided to poke its bill into his navel and Sam nearly curled in on himself. "Help!" he laughed weakly as another explored his ear. Eventually mother duck tired of her children's games and called them over to it, and Sam was finally released from the bonds of fluffy cuteness. With his hair in disarray and his shirt ruffled, Sam looked quite as though he had either wrestled a hippogryph or had a long and heated make out session. He wrinkled his nose at Sephora, pulling a face to make her laugh.
Sephora sat there in amusement, her pencil stopped sketching the scene that seemed quite so beautiful until now.
"You know, I don't know about you but it seems like ducklings seem to like being underneath your shirt rather than the outside" She giggled as she placed her drawings down and helped Sam to sit up and laughed.

"You look like you have just rolled down a hill or something" She helped smooth down Sam's hair and smiled sweetly before getting her drawing. "Well, this is what I managed to capture before the invasion of yellow fluff balls..." She pointed down at the drawing. The Drawing had a rough sketch of Sam sitting up with his palms out with a small sketch of a duckling with it's beak open as if it was to say 'quack' at any moment.

"I guess I could finish it since I have the rough of sketch of it..." She bit her lip and tilted her head towards the image, her hand making swift movements over the drawing as if she was picturing how she wanted it to look like "Or, I could just...anyway" She diverted her attention to Sam, embarrassed at the fact that she was talking to herself.

"...and thats what happened in the end!" She grinned, speaking as if she was telling a story all along.
He grinned when Sephora was kind enough to help up up again. Sam squeaked involuntarily when one more duckling exited his sleeve and tried to climb up his chest once more. He simply picked it up and cradled it close again, recognising it as the original mischievous duckling. Sam couldn't help but laugh at Sephora comment, and gave her an incredibly theatrical wink. "Who wouldn't!" he replied, but he need not have been chastised teasingly by Sephora when the duckling got here first. "Ouch!" he laughed, having received a sharp nibble to the finger. Sam had the grace to look slightly ashamed of himself but was still grinning. He blushed when he felt Sephora's hand in his hair, trying not to look as pleased as he was with the contact.

Sam loved the way that Sephora would talk to herself. it was incredibly endearing and it made him want to hug her. But because she did it so often he had to refrain lest he look like a creep. The duckling made its way over to the sketchpad and promptly climbed on top of it. 'Quack!' it said, pecking it its own image. He raised his eyebrows. "Smart duck," mumbled Sam. Suddenly a thought occurred to him that he had been meaning to ask Sephora for quite some time. Leaning in with a lowered voice, he whispered to her. "I was wondering if when we get back to school after the hols, you might come to the Forbidden Forest with me?". That wad daring of him.
Sephora watched the duckling; "It's gotten quite fond of you....and my drawing" She laughed as the duckling pecked her image; "It's either that or it's just lonely" She pouted towards the duckling and scooped the duckling into her hands; "It's okay little one" She smiled quite happily.

She leant closer to Sam as he whispered, her eyes widened and a small smirk appeared on her face;
"The Forbidden forest? Are you serious....we could get into trouble....then again..." her smirk widened
"Oh why not, I'm keen for a little adventure." Her eyes twinkled with mischeviousness and walked over to the pond to release the duckling;
"You tell no one of what you head okay?" She placed him carefully in the water and watched him wade through the lake.

She returned to Sam and flicked water droplets towards his face from her hands and laughed;
"Wow. The Forbidden forest." She sighed

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