Sharina Rousseau

Sharina Rousseau

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Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
Get to know the Clever and Sweet Girl, Sharina Rousseau!
The Basics


Character's Name: Sharina Antoinette Russell Rousseau
Name Meaning: Sharina ---> means desert plain
Antoinette ---> beyond praise or highly praise-worthy
Character's Birthdate: April 4, 2019
Character's Birthplace: Auvillar, France
Age: 12 years old.
Hometown: Liverpool, United Kingdom
Blood Status: Half-Blood. (Sharina's mother was a Muggle while her father was a Pureblood Wizard)
Wand:(All the information on it you can provide)
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw</FONT></COLOR>
What does she looks like?
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Hair: Long, curly, brown hair. Turns blonde when she's under the sun.
Eyes: Chestnut Brown. She got it from her dearest mother.
Height: 5'0. She's too small for her age from being 12 years old.
Width: Thin. She doesn't eat too much.
Style: Wears long sleeves top and skirts. Ties her hair in to half-moon.




Other Distinguishing Features: Sharina has a charming smile and face.

Get out of from the dark! Wake up and go to the Bright Side!
A Little Deeper

Personality: Actually, young Sharina was known for, The Shy Girl or "The Girl Behind The Shadows". She was very introvert even though she has a course of intellect from being such a clever girl. For some reason, her shyness started to flow in her nerves when her classmates in the Muggle World began to bully her using some harsh words and bullying her physically such as knocking her books and tripping her to stumble.

But then on, when she transferred at Hogwarts New Zealand, she met Laura Bridge who helped her to go out from her dark life. And because of her help, Sharina woke up and found herself now in the bright side. She have her self-confidence and saw her true attitudes: Sweet, Loving, and Kind girl

History: One warm, spring, morning, Sharina was born in the Wizarding Hospital at the exact time, 3pm. She was the only child in the family and her parents had raised her well. No one knows that this child was gifted an intelligence at the age of four. And many of the teachers told her that her brain was like a big library.

Sharina wasn't a pure British girl. Her father was a French while her mother was only a British woman. She lives in France in about two years since she was born and transferred to United Kingdom. And every vacation, she always visit France to learn French and it's cultures as a half-French girl.

Being such a clever girl doesn't mean to Sharina that she's lucky. She was being bullied because of her classmates' insecurities and because they think Sharina was different in the Muggle World and because of it, her parents decided to take her in a home study instead of attending school where she could get bullied. But then on, as Sharina received a letter from Hogwarts and here she is, her parents accepted it and were happy for her.

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