- Full Name: Sharada Rebecca Tara
- Birth Date: May 15, 2012
- Current Age: 10 years old
- Basic Appearance: Sharada has light brown hair that is naturally straight. Normally her hair is in braid pig tails but sometimes she will have it in curls or even just straight down. Her eyes are a nice hazel colour. She also has plenty of light freckles that come out more in the sunlight and mostly in the summer time.
- Parents: Rebecca Tara- Mother. Rebecca works at St. Mungos as a healer. Since she works with injuries all the time, Rebecca is very protective over her children. Rebecca is a mixed blood witch. Daniel Tara- Father. Daniel is a muggleborn wizard. He works in the Ministry of magic as well as a muggle news caster. His face is rather well known in the muggle world but not so much in the wizarding world. Daniel is more free going than Rebecca yet still has that protective nature over his daughters.
- Siblings, if any: Sheena- Sister Age 9
Stella- Sister Age 7
Allison- Sister Age 4 (Foster Child/Adopted)
Otto- Brother Age 8 (Adopted)
Lenny- Brother Age 10 (Foster Child/Adopted)
Scott- Brother Age 6
- Pets, if any: None but for Sharada's eleventh birthday Rebecca promised her an animal of choice.
- Area of Residence: New Zealand
- Blood status: Mixed Blood
- What would their Patronus be? A sloth
- What would their Boggart be? The loss of any member of her family.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A Mouse
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? She would see all her siblings being adopted. (Alison and Lenny are still only foster children)
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The memory of learning how to swim with her mother and brother Lenny at the local pool.
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Journal,
We all went to the park today. I pushed Stella on the swing for what seemed like forever. My arms are so sore. After Allison and Scott started to yell for me to push them on the swing too I had to stop and give the job over to mom. I was too tired. Not too tired to not play tag though. Lenny and I started a game of freeze tag with dad. I'm not so great at that game but it was fun anyway. Lenny left me frozen for about ten minutes on purpose. He is such a pain sometimes. Though I got him back.
Mom even made ziti for dinner. It seemed to take forever to make. Dad and I cut up the cheese into tiny pieces. I wasn't allowed to use the sharp knife though or the cheese grater. Basically I just stood there, but mom said I was helping. That's really all for today. Tomorrow I hope I can talk dad into taking me to work at the news office. I've tried this for about a week and he won't take me again. I haven't been there in almost a month.
- Birth Date: May 15, 2012
- Current Age: 10 years old
- Basic Appearance: Sharada has light brown hair that is naturally straight. Normally her hair is in braid pig tails but sometimes she will have it in curls or even just straight down. Her eyes are a nice hazel colour. She also has plenty of light freckles that come out more in the sunlight and mostly in the summer time.
- Parents: Rebecca Tara- Mother. Rebecca works at St. Mungos as a healer. Since she works with injuries all the time, Rebecca is very protective over her children. Rebecca is a mixed blood witch. Daniel Tara- Father. Daniel is a muggleborn wizard. He works in the Ministry of magic as well as a muggle news caster. His face is rather well known in the muggle world but not so much in the wizarding world. Daniel is more free going than Rebecca yet still has that protective nature over his daughters.
- Siblings, if any: Sheena- Sister Age 9
Stella- Sister Age 7
Allison- Sister Age 4 (Foster Child/Adopted)
Otto- Brother Age 8 (Adopted)
Lenny- Brother Age 10 (Foster Child/Adopted)
Scott- Brother Age 6
- Pets, if any: None but for Sharada's eleventh birthday Rebecca promised her an animal of choice.
- Area of Residence: New Zealand
- Blood status: Mixed Blood
- What would their Patronus be? A sloth
- What would their Boggart be? The loss of any member of her family.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A Mouse
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? She would see all her siblings being adopted. (Alison and Lenny are still only foster children)
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The memory of learning how to swim with her mother and brother Lenny at the local pool.
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Journal,
We all went to the park today. I pushed Stella on the swing for what seemed like forever. My arms are so sore. After Allison and Scott started to yell for me to push them on the swing too I had to stop and give the job over to mom. I was too tired. Not too tired to not play tag though. Lenny and I started a game of freeze tag with dad. I'm not so great at that game but it was fun anyway. Lenny left me frozen for about ten minutes on purpose. He is such a pain sometimes. Though I got him back.
Mom even made ziti for dinner. It seemed to take forever to make. Dad and I cut up the cheese into tiny pieces. I wasn't allowed to use the sharp knife though or the cheese grater. Basically I just stood there, but mom said I was helping. That's really all for today. Tomorrow I hope I can talk dad into taking me to work at the news office. I've tried this for about a week and he won't take me again. I haven't been there in almost a month.