Seventh Years: Lesson One

Professor Nakamura was ready, and a little bit excited. Seventh year was when things got really interesting, in his opinion. He waited for the students to enter before greeting them cordially. “Welcome to seventh year astronomy! My name is Professor Nakamura, and I’ll be teaching you for this semester.” He paused to smile, hoping he was being inviting. “For this evening’s subject, we turn to the sun and stars, and their composition. So please, take out your parchments and quills and get ready to take notes.” Professor Nakamura tapped on the blackboard and writing began to appear in neat print. He read the notes aloud in a clear yet obvious Japanese accent, blended interestingly with a New Zealand one.

Corona: Corona is the outermost layer of the sun. The only time it is visible is during an eclipse. It is very low density because it is a cloud of plasma with high transparency, unlike the inner layers. The corona is the extended atmosphere of the Sun, which has a volume much larger than the volume enclosed by the Sun's photosphere. A flow of plasma outward from the Sun into interplanetary space is the solar wind.

Chromosphere: The next layer of the sun, occasionally seen as a red circle on the outside of the sun. Concentration of hydrogen gives it its red colour. This area is much hotter than the next part of the Sun’s composition.

Photosphere: The visible surface of the Sun, the photosphere, is the layer below which the Sun becomes opaque to visible light. Above the photosphere, visible sunlight is free to propagate into space, and almost all of its energy escapes the Sun entirely. You can find out the composition, temperature, and pressure by analysing the colour spectrum of sunlight. A little side fact, helium was discovered by Norman Lockyer in 1868. He named it helium after the Greek God of the Sun Helio, 25 years later we were able to isolate helium here on Earth.

Convective zone: The Sun's convection zone extends from 0.7 solar radii (500,000 km) to near the surface. The thermal columns of the convection zone form an imprint on the surface of the Sun giving it a granular appearance called solar granulation at the smallest scale and supergranulation at larger scales.

Radiative zone: From the core out to about 0.7 solar radii, thermal radiation is the primary means of energy transfer. The temperature drops from approximately 7 million to 2 million kelvins with increasing distance from the core. This temperature gradient is less than the value needed for convection, which explains why the transfer of energy through this zone is by radiation instead of thermal convection.

The Core: the innermost 20-25% of the Sun's radius, where temperature (energies) and pressure are sufficient for nuclear fusion to occur.

“And that’s that for tonight, next lesson we will continue as we seem to have run out of time.” Professor Nakamura smiled once more as the students began to pack their things up. “Don’t forget to read the required chapters! It’ll help you for your exams,” he called out as everyone started to leave.
Aurora couldn’t believe she was in her final semester of school. So much had happened between when she’d first arrived and now, now it was almost over. That felt too unreal for her. Too unreal. In her mind she did still feel like the 11 year old who’d arrived, but she really wasn’t. The teen was now already considering pre-filling out the job application to be a healer. She knew that she had to manage this semester to get it, but Aurora felt pretty optimistic about her chances with it. The teen was getting herself together, gathering up books and notes, making sure she had everything she would need before she headed out of the room.

Aurora walked into the astronomy classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced at the professor and knew she’d try to remember the man’s name though given this was her last semester she wasn’t sure that she would be able to. The gryffindor prefect nodded and looked to the board as the words appear. She began writing it down, making sure to get down all the parts which seemed important to note. She was focused on getting it down and then nodded as the lesson was wrapped up. She made sure to get down the required reading and then headed out of the classroom, intending to seek out her sister.
The first week of the term was always among the easiest. At least, so it would seem if it were not the NEWT level. Monday Weeks was nervous over the days that would come. He got dressed though, and felt that it would never make sense on how he was chosen to be Head Boy. He might have worked hard, but that was not his goal. Or, maybe it was. Having power allured the Ravenclaw, and honestly, he might want more. He looked at his schedule to see what he would be attending today, and grabbed his belongings to head out. He did not have any time to waste. Not even a minute, as he headed to the classroom.

Monday walked in the Astronomy classroom, and settled in. They had another professor, though he was not sure if they would be permanent or temporary. No matter, it would not count for the seventh years. He took out his notes and started to wrote down the subject, and the contents of it. The notes were not too bad, which he was relieved for. He put his notes away and left the classroom. At least he did not have to think too hard on that one.
Margo felt a little untethered as she went into her last semester at Hogwarts. She had spent a lot of time trying to not think about that fact. It all felt too soon. She didn’t feel ready to be an adult and on her own. Of course she wouldn’t be on her own but it would be different from the regular routine at school. The fact that Michael still had a year left of school didn’t exactly sit well with her either. But despite all the thoughts running through her head she had a whole semester of lessons to get through. She took her seat as Professor Nakamura began the lesson and she fought to catch her breath. Seven years and those stairs never got any easier. He was a new professor to her this year and it was odd not to have Professor Harrington but he seemed nice enough. Magro did as instructed and got out her things to take notes. Part of her was ready for an easy first lesson but they got right to work learning different things about the sun. She made sure her notes were neat and thorough since she would need them later. When the lesson was over she yawned before packing up her things. She was ready to call it a night.

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