Seth Lynx

Seth Lynx

OOC First Name
Sir Dylaaaaan!
Birch Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Dragonstone

Riddle me this, I gotta figure it out, are they laughing at me,
Because I'm prone to fear and doubt, am I messed up, am I loud,
Well eat my dust that's all I am a speck out in the crowd, i'm trying to clean up the mess I made,


Full Name: Seth Ezekial Lynx
Pronunciation: Ss - Eth / Lin - nks
Nicknames: --
Date of Birth: 4th March, 2024
Current Age: 13


But the towel I used to soak up my worry it just went up in flames, you see I got a conscience like gasoline,
I could siphon it out, stuff it and leave, but, I fuel the fire with everything they said it's stuck in my mind,
You're better off dead, if you got the keys then start the car and drive as far as you can.

Basic Appearance: Well dressed, usually wearing button up shirts with tight skinny jeans and black vans or dress shoes. Light blonde messy hair with a jelled spike flick to the right.
Personality: Seth is generally a polite and charming boy, though he tends to be quiet and withdrawn most of the time. He is well mannered and kind, however he doesn't have much social grace and struggles to keep his attention over long durations.
Wand: Birch Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Dragonstone
Broom: Firebolt
Animal Familiar: Persian Cat
Relationship Status: Single

<COLOR color="darkgoldenrod">If you got the blood then you got the heart to, give yourself a chance,
Seems like we've been so scarred, some people call it art,
I hope you make peace with your pain, and never lose your flames.

Father - Unknown
Roughly 28 when killed / Blood Status Unknown

Mother - Unknown
Roughly 26 when killed / Blood Status Unknown

Misunderstood, I'm misunderstood, i will live to my fullest because I owned my name the best I could,
How much does it hurt, to live like we live for everybody else, or am I better off dead,
Feeling like I'm nothing's something that I'm getting used to, wanting to fit in,
I always wanted to be perfect to you, i gotta get up out this bed.

Pets: Persian Cat named Francis (Frankie) and a Eurasian Eagle Owl named Thomas (Tommy).
School: Hufflepuff, Hogwarts
Blood Status: Unknown
Heritage: --
Interests or Hobbies: Quiddiitch, Student Defence Association, The Duelling Club.
Strengths: His confidence and self assurance.
Weaknesses: He can sometimes be wreckless.

If you could see inside my head, you'd understand I got to give up, feeling like I'm nothing's something that I'm getting used to,
Trying to devise a plan that's positively fool proof, nobody can see me past these walls that I've been building,
Now it's starting to cave in but I won't give up, if you got the keys then start the car and drive as far as you can.

Describe your character in five words: Withdrawn, Stressful, Pragmatic, Torn, Persistent.
Best school subjects: Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, Transfiguration
Worst school subjects: Herbology, Divination, Muggle Studies
Current Job: Not employed
Plans for the future: Hopeful Care of Magical Creatures Professor
Patronus: --
Patronus Memory: --
Boggart: --
Animagus: --

If you got the blood then you got the heart to, give yourself a chance,
Seems like we've been so scarred, some people call it art,
I hope you make peace with your pain, and never lose your flames.
Hi there! I've got a few questions about Seth, to help me and hopefully others understand him a little better. There's a good start here but there's a lot left to the imagination.

1. Why does Seth dress the way he does? (This may seem an odd question, but oftentimes the way a person dresses reflects something of their character and personality)
2. Why is Seth quiet, withdrawn, and lack social grace? As an orphan was he not taught this? You mention further down that his strengths are his confidence and self assurance, so where does this dichotomy between solitude and confidence come from?
3. What causes Seth to be reckless? Is it his lack of a parental figure? Is it a desire to be noticed? I'm curious!
4. Seeing as Seth has both a cat and an owl, as well as being prone to Care of Magical Creatures and hoping for a future professorship, why does he have this affinity for them? What is the source of his connection with animals?

That's all I have for now, and quite possibly you have much of this planned in your mind and not written yet, but I thought I'd let you know I as a reader and wondering about.


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