set fire to the rain

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I set fire to the rain And I threw us into the flames

Oh, you've heard of her. That new girl right? The one that everyone has an opinion on? The one that everyone thinks should've gotten into Slytherin? Well, you're all wrong. Ezra grew up as a lonely child. Her father and mother, both being doctors, left her at her house while they were at work. In her old Victorian-Styled house she learned about books, writing, and fashion. It was there that the young girl inside her grew up as a lonely child, and is now an adult.

You see, little Ezra wants that plush life. She wants to be the "it" girl, and she will knock down anything in her way. She may seem like one of those stuck-up snobs, and she is, but she has something they don't; logic. Yes indeed, Ezra Catchlove knows her stuff. Wanting to be the editor of Witch Weekly Magazine when she grows older, she knows she has to do good in school to become what she wants to be. So, now she needs some friends, enemies, and hopefully, lovers.

Although some people may call you their best friend, they might not actually mean it. Ezra is an up-front kind of person, and very cautious as well. Ezra will tell you if you are her best friend. If you are, you're one of the few she actually likes. These girls or maybe boys will most likely be from Ravenclaw, but a few best friends from other houses will be okay as well. Under best friends, in a usual person scale, are just friends. Ezra does not understand this. These people are called her "acquaintances." They may talk once and awhile, work on a project in class, but they would never spill secrets, and hang around each other 24/7. Two choices under people she likes "best friends (very few) or acquaintances (same number as her dislikes.)

The other half of the Hogwarts population will most likely file under this category. Call it whatever you like, but these are the people that 1. dislike Ezra, or 2. Ezra dislikes them. Both rules usually apply, but sometimes you get the occasional number 2, and maybe even number 1. It may be because they don't like her, and it may be because she doesn't like them. Sometimes personalities don't match, and that's fine. Don't judge her instantly though. Although she puts up a very "mean girl" attitude, she is a very intellectual and cultured person; and can sometimes show a bit of a caring attitude.

What's left, you ask? Well, there is this small thing. Prince charming. Yes. Ezra Catchlove wants the perfect fairytale. The hansom prince, the love letters, the engagement. Of course, people have to be willing. They will have to put up with the socialite that she is, but will also get the down-to-earth girl, that ponders everything and just lets her emotions flow like a river. Men only, and probably not for a year or so. Eleven-year-olds do not look good with boyfriends.

So that's it. I would love to have some topics going, just so I can develop her some more. She's an odd character, a blend of a lot of things in one; but I think she will be very fun. So, lets plot?
<COLOR color="#000">e z r a e v e
Hi! So my character Eve is pretty different to yours. She's definitely more compulsive, whereas I take it Ezra is quite calculating. She's a dreamer too, but more in a youthful, imaginative way than a "planning out my life" way. Eve is pretty astute when it comes to things/people she's familiar with, but most of the time she just dives in head first and can be quite stubborn and careless. While she's not as intelligent or cultured as Ezra seems, Evelyn has a great love of Broadway musicials, classic movies, stuff like that. Judy Garland is her Spirit Animal. :p These two could quite easily be enemies, as Eve wouldn't appreciate any snobbiness. However, I think they'd actually work better as unlikely friends. Eve would see her strength of character, and Ezra may trust her knowing that she isn't the type to backstab or betray, or get "in her way". But it's really up to you. I have a master post of my active characters here, if you want to check some others out. :D And I generally post 600-800 words, in case you were curious.
I can offer you Lynette for a friend. She's very clever, but has a unique clumsiness about her which stops her from socializing with many people. When people get to know her, she's a great friend, and will stand up for herself and other if need be. She comes from a troubled background, and so knows how to live on her own. She's not mean, particularily, but she could be if she was pushed to her limit, and she has those days where she's grumpy and wouldn't mind giving someone a good slap.
I think that at first, Ezra would probably ignore Lynette, however I think if they got to know each other a little better, they could end up being quite good friends, as Lynette is very smart too. Just let me know what you think!
Eve ::
I definitely agree with all terms stated above. I think Eve would probably be one of the only Gryffindor's Ezra can stand. She hate's Gryffindor's because of their pride and obnoxiousness, but Eve doesn't really seem like that to me. Ezra would probably be drawn towards Eve because of her broadway/musical backgrounds. I'm sure Ezra would've heard of the place in New York in one of her magazines, and would probably be fascinated by Eve telling her about it. I don't think they'll be the type to get along like best friends at first sight; it might take some time for Ezra to get over the fact that she is indeed a Gryffindor. So, I'm game for a thread if you are, just tell me where to start it/go to it. Oh, and about the word count - that's my range as well, give or take a few words sometimes.

Lynnette ::
Although I love Lyn's personality, I don't think they will be best friends. I think they could definitely be the type to study together, or maybe discuss books. Nothing to over-the-top though. Ezra's a bit more dramatic that Lynette is, and I want most of Ezra's very-close friends to be in the same area of personality that she is in. I think Ezra will at first be confused by her background, but then be enticed, and probably ask a bunch of questions. So, yah! Thread?

Just a note ; I'm in the eastern timezone, so that could be the reason why I'm not on at certain times.
<COLOR color="#000">e z r a • e v e
Yay, I agree with everything you said. Eve isn't familiar with the house divides, so that will be a bit of an education for her in itself. Would you mind starting a thread? I would, but I'm about to go to bed (dang New Zealand time zone), and I'm quite busy tomorrow. Anywhere around the school is fine. :)
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