Sergei Vetrov

Sergei Vetrov

Active Member
OOC First Name
Sir Dylaaaan!
12'' Ebony Wand w/ Dragon Blood Essence

Weigh down
Weigh down on the way down
I've lived behind a mask
So long so few know who I am
They know other sides of me
That hide behind a haunted man

Full Name: Sergei Augustus Vetrov
Pronunciation: Sir-gay Vet-rove
Nicknames: --
Date of Birth: 3rd August, 2012
Current Age: 25

Though my hands are made of stone
And I break everything I see
They save me from myself
And they stand by me

Basic Appearance: Shady and ominous, Sergei prefers dark longcoats and trench coats.
Personality: Sergei is extremely withdrawn and ominous. He prefers to stick to himself and can appear as very aggressive to other people. He is particularly over-defensive of his family.
Wand: 12'' Ebony Wand w/ Dragon Blood Essence
Broom: Amethyst Streak
Animal Familiar: Pierre, his Jaguar
Relationship Status: Engaged to Maya Elizabeth Demon Bane

Weighed down on the way down
I need someone to take my hand
It feels like I can't breathe
And I might drown on the way down
I'm sick of all the come downs
Don't tell me that there's nothing wrong
I'm weighed down, weighed down

Fiance: Maya Elizabeth Demon Bane
Writer / Pureblood / Ravenclaw, Hogwarts
Father: Markov Urie Vetrov
Scitorari / Pureblood / Durmstrang Elite
Mother: Natasia Alexis Vetrova
Vetrova Heiress / Pureblood / Durmstrang Elite
Brother: Alexei Ivaan Vetrov
Vetrov Son / Pureblood / Durmstrang Elite
Sister: Alissa Natasia Vetrova
Vetrova Daughter / Pureblood / Durmstrang Elite
Brother: Andrei Markov Vetrov
Vetrov Son / Pureblood / Durmstrang Student
Cousin: Zyke Urie Vetrov
Vetrov Son / Pureblood / Auror
Cousin: Acacia Natasia Vetrova
Vetrova Daughter / Pureblood / Hufflepuff, Hogwarts

I'll fight fatigue, I'll fight for you
For everything that we've been through
I'll take your hand, I'll carry on
I've been weighed down for far too long

Pets: Jaguar, Pierre
School: Durmstrang
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Vetrov/Vetrova, Russia
Interests or Hobbies: Quidditch, Duelling, Potion Making and Travelling.
Strengths: His flying and spell casting.
Weaknesses: Herbology.

Though my hands are made of stone
And I break everything I see
They save me from myself
And they stand by me, stand by me

Describe your character in five words: Ominous, Persistent, Resilient, Aggressive, Withdrawn
Best school subjects: Dark Arts, Dark Arts Defence, Potions, Care of Magical Monsters
Worst school subjects: Herbology, Divination, Muggle Studies
Current Job: Scitorari
Plans for the future: To get married and become the Vetrov heir.
Patronus: A Jaguary
Patronus Memory: His fathers approval at his graduation.
Boggart: His fiancé dying.
Animagus: --

Weighed down on the way down
I need someone to take my hand
It feels like I can't breathe
And I might drown on the way down
I'm sick of all the come downs
Don't tell me that there's nothing wrong
I'm weighed down, weighed down
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