Sergei Vetrov

Sergei Vetrov

Active Member
OOC First Name
Sir Dylaaaan!
12'' Ebony Wand w/ Dragon Blood Essence
The Basics
Character's Name: Sergei Augustus Vetrov
Character's Birthdate: 3rd August, 2012
Blood Status: Pureblood
Wand: 12'' Ebony Wand w/ Dragon Blood Essence
Educated At: Durmstrang
Occupation: Scitorari
Country of Origin: Russia
Currently Located: Outside of St. Petersberg, Russia

Hair: Light blonde, jelled back hair with short shaved sides and back and a longer top.
Eyes: A light blue, with a light shade of grey around the rims.
Height: 6''7
Style: Shady and ominous, Sergei prefers dark longcoats and trench coats.
Other Distinguishing Features: A light scar across his right cheekbone.

A Little Deeper
Personality: Sergei is extremely withdrawn and ominous. He prefers to stick to himself and can appear as very aggressive to other people. He is particularly over-defensive of his family.
Special Talents/Abilities: He can see Thestrals.
Pet: A jaguar, Pierre.
Broom: An Amethyst Streak.
Patronus: A Jaguar.
Patronus Memory: His father showing approval on his graduation day.
Quidditch Team: Falmouth Falcons

Sergei enjoyed his younger years in luxury, and attended Durmstrang at the appropriate age to begin his education of magic. He was a popular boy in school, founding an elite society club of older members who were later scouted by the Scitorari if popular. He now serves his father and family as legacy and as a Scitorari enthusiast. He then met and married Maya Elizabeth Demon Bane and moved out of his parents home into their own manor of seclusion, where he worked in secret for his father away from the prying eyes of Maya's Auror brother Demyx.

Fiance: Maya Elizabeth Demon Bane
Writer / Pureblood / Ravenclaw, Hogwarts

Father: Markov Urie Vetrov
Scitorari / Pureblood / Durmstrang Elite

Mother: Natasia Alexis Vetrova

Vetrova Heiress / Pureblood / Durmstrang Elite

Brother: Alexei Ivaan Vetrov

Vetrov Son / Pureblood / Durmstrang Elite

Sister: Alissa Natasia Vetrova
Vetrova Daughter / Pureblood / Durmstrang Elite

Brother: Andrei Markov Vetrov
Vetrov Son / Pureblood / Durmstrang Student

Cousin: Zyke Urie Vetrov
Vetrov Son / Pureblood / Auror

Cousin: Acacia Natasia Vetrova
Vetrova Daughter / Pureblood / Hufflepuff, Hogwarts

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