Serenity Dion

Serenity Dion

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OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Holly Wand 11 Essence of Phoenix Feather

The Basics
[Character's Name:]
Serenity Isabelle Dion
[First name:] Serenity: Peaceful Disposition
[Middle name:] Isabelle: Devoted to God
[Surname:] Dion: Spring
[Character's Birthdate:] March 10th 2023
[Hometown:] London, England
[Current location:] Bordeaux, France
[Blood Status:] Half Blood
[Wand:] Holly Wand 11 Essence of Phoenix Feather
[Hogwarts House:] Ravenclaw, HNZ
[Occupation:] N/A (Too Young)
[Martial Status:] Single (Too Young)

Thick wavy long dark brown hair
[Eyes:] Brown
[Height:] 4' 6''
[Style:] Girly with a punky edge

[A Little Deeper
Sweet, Bubbly, Energetic, Kind, Friendly

[History:] Serenity grew up in London, England with her mother and the family that she was the Au Pare for. Sharline was a junior secretary under Eugene Jones in the Experimental Charms Department in the Ministry of Magic in England. Eugene was fond of Sharline and would often babysit for him and his wife, Iris. Sharline was so good with his child, Amelia, that when Eugene and his wife were promoted they approached her about being their full time nanny, which Sharline accepted without hesitation. Sharline was young when she had Serenity but the Jones family never turned their back on Sharline and thought of the two as family and even asked them to join the family when they moved to France for work.

Even though Serenity never had any actual brothers or sisters of her own she thought of Amelia and Nathan as brother and sister and Mr and Mrs Jones like an Aunt and Uncle or something. She was a happy and content young girl, always played with the Jones children. She was upset to leave her home in London but fell in love wit h France very quickly. Her mother always said that she could dance before she could walk and, as such, fell in love with dancing and performing for the family. Her mother took her to ballet and tap dancing lessons from when she was 4 years old and she continued them right trough her childhood, even winning a number of competitions.

When it came time for Serenity to go to school she was accepted into Hogwarts New Zealand and was sorted into Ravenclaw. She took to the school with ease and made friends easily and quickly. She even joined a few clubs to make it easier to meet friends, most notebly Accio, the Yearbook Committee where she helped out by taking photographs for some of the clubs and the big events.

[Mother] Sharline Dion
[DOB] 7th June 1994
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Au Pare for the Jones Family
[Education] Hufflepuff, HS

[Father] Brock Rhodes
[DOB] 3rd May 1992
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Un-Employed
[Education] Slytherin, HS

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