Sending Letters Home

Aaron McClusky

Well-Known Member
Aaron took the steps two at a time until he reached the owlery, a quill, ink bottle, and piece of parchment in his hands. He had decided to write to his grandparents, but he wasn't sure whether they would know how to reply, they were muggles after all. He had really been missing them though, and hoped they would figure out.
Leaning against one of the owl shelves, he began to write quickly, he had already thought out everything he was going to say, it wasn't a lot but he just wanted to let his granny and granda know he was thinking of and missing them!

Dear Granny and Granda,
Well i got here okay! It's brilliant and everyone's really nice, but I've been missing you's!
How have you's been, been doing anything interesting?
write back please, all you have to do is attach the letter to the owl, he'll know were to come,
Love you's, Aaron.

Calling a owl over, Aaron petted it and attached the letter, "Take this to my Granny and Granda, 'kay, the address is on the front, Ill give you a treat when you return" He said, watching the owl fly off, in a way he wished he ws going with it, just for a few hours, he was getting a little homesick. This embarrased him, he was a boy for goodness sake, but he was sure it would soon pass.
That morning Aurora had written a letter for Anastasia which she had decided to send after breakfast.She was sending home her first letter ever since she arrived.She read the letter over again as she climed the stairs to the owlery.
Dear Ana,
Hi,how are you?How is Mother and Father and Josh.I had been sorted into Rawenclaw.I know Father wont be proud.School is just how you described Hogwarts Scotland.I have made two new friends.I really like it here.I had my first flying lesson and my practice showed it's results!I could get the broom in one call.
When are you coming to New Zealand?I think it should be during christmas so we could spend it together.I really miss you.Studies dont seem very hard.In all the first lessons we only had introductions.It was very boring.The library is so fantastic!Its huge!The only downside is that you can only borrow two books at a time.I have read the tropic about Merlin that you recomended.It was very interesting.I have Charms,Herbeology,History of Magic,Flying and Astronomy this term.Could you send me a new broom by owl?I think I'll want to be in the quidduitch team.See you soon.

Love From

She reached the top of the tower and came to an abrupt stop.She saw someone else,a boy.She slowly aproached Topaz where she rested.She patted her slowly as she pecked her affectionately.She went to the window where the boy stood to say hi.
"Hi,My name is Aurora."she said folding her letter and keeping it in its envelop.She sealed it with the rawenclaw seal and tied ti to Topaz's leg."You are a first year ,right?"she asked him.
Aurora finished tying and set Topaz off.She realised that the boy hadnt noticed so she left.

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