Selwin Snape

Selwin Snape

Well-Known Member

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- !need to know! -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

[ul][li]full name; Selwin Snape</SIZE></COLOR></LI>
[li]nicknames; don't have any, and don't make any...
[li]sex; male
[li]name meaning; companion of the palace
[li]age; 19
[li]date of birth; may 22, 2006
[li]blood status; pure blood
[li]occupation; doctor assistant in hospital
[li]sexual orientation; straight
[li]relationship status; single (looking!)
[li]language(s) spoken; english, french, spanish
edinburgh, scotland
[li]current residence; wellington, new zealand
[li]wand; walnut wand 14 1/2" essence of vampire blood
[li]school attended; Hogwarts Scotland
[li]house; slytherin
[li]his friends a hogwarts; mostly pure bloods, very few mixed bloods
[li]graduation marks; one of the graduates to have the highest marks
[li]currently studying at; harvard medical school to become a doctor

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- !want to hear! -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

[ul][li]four words to describe selwin; brutal, rude, loyal, proud
[li]personality; selwin is the type of guy who can be nice, only to certain people, but then be just as rude to other people. he sometimes has the habit of having multiple personalities where he is nice one moment, and then rude the next, so he has very bad mood swings if you do something to him. selwin doesn't care about anyone other than himself and the ones he is close to. he doesn't let many people get close to him because he believes that the more soft you are, the more weak you are. selwin can be very caring to those he is loyal to and will put his life on the line to protect hose he cares for, but for those he hates, he will show the cold shoulder with blood shot eyes.
[li]his beliefs; show me respect and I may show you some. you don't show me respect, and I'll make you regret talking/seeing me.
[li]likes; power, darkness, money, women
[li]dislikes; muggles, lower class individuals, traitors, aurors, ministry, people with less power.
[li]favorite colors; black, red, and blue.
[li]positive habits; ambitious, thinks on his feet, never lets anyone down he's made a promise to, good grammar, tolerant to a certain extent.
[li]negative habits; quick to judge, moody at times, will attack instantly if he feels uncomfortable, gives instant cold shoulder to those he doesn't like.
[li]strenghts; fast, excellent combat skills, has a lot of knowledge of spells, is tall in height.
[li]weaknesses; low endurance
[li]loyal to; death eaters, people he is close to and himself.
[li]zodiac sign;
[click to read more]
[li]element; [click here to read more]


-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- !look at me! -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

[ul][li]hair; medium cut, black hair, most of the time has gel in his hair.
[li]facial; half of the time will have small sized hair, other half of the time will be clean shaven.
[li]eyes; black colored, when he get's pushed to the limit, his eyes will turn a red color temporarily.
[li]height; average height, being 6 foot 1 inch.
[li]writing; can write with both hands, left and right.
[li]clothes; black coat, white shirt, black pants/jeans are his usual style, but often you'll see him wearing dress suites.
-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- !I am alone! -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

[ul][li]history before hogwarts; at the age of two, selwin's parent's dropped him in a foster home. growing up in a foster home, beginning at the age of 4, selwin started to develop dislikes towards muggles, becasue they were annoying, too talkative, had no understanding of anything and so on. being at the age of 4, selwin spent a lot of time by himself just sitting at the swings by himself, eating his food by himself, sleeping with no cuddly stuffed animal like most of foster kids did. he was was treated badly by the foster home owner, she always made him clean everything, gave him leftover food, sleeping by himself in a room until his 5th birthday. on his 5th birthday, while he was cleaning the floor of some spilled juice when a couple walked in. first thing they saw entering the house was selwin cleaning the floor and with his innocent face and his charm, he convinced the couple to adopt him, without even saying a word to couple.

selwin reached his new home, his new bedroom, his new bed that was full of stuffed animals, a very black, blue'ish and white'ish decorated room. as selwin never got the liking to having stuffed animals, he always ripped his stuffed animals open, throwing them out the window, and what not. this continued on for several years, and as he grew, his thoughts changed, his hate for muggles continued to grow, he even had no respect for his parent's that adopted him. he always threw stuff at them, abused his step-brother if he didn't listen to him, just plain out rude boy to the family. of course the family were muggles, so he had no respect for them, even more hated the fact that he was adopted by muggles. at the age, selwin didn't have any idea about pure bloods, half bloods or mixed bloods or anything, but deep down in his heart, his heart told him that he was apart from the muggles, like he wasn't a part of them, he was someone different, someone pure.

at the age of 9, selwin made two friends who were close to him, and they had close ties with the magical world. selwin would go to his friend's house often and see their parent's performing magic. reason why they were not hesitant to show magic was because their parent's asked selwin if he was pure or not, and to his belief, he was pure, and so answered that he was pure. at the age of 10, during his birthday party, he got a letter handed to him from his parents that adopted him. they told selwin that he was to read the letter on his 10th birthday and no one else was to open the letter. selwin opened the letter and started to read it. selwin kept reading the letter only to find that it was from his birth parents. tears full of happiness and sadness started to come down his face as he read the letter. tears of sadness were coming down from his face was because his parent's had abandoned him, but tears of happiness were coming down because his parent's never stopped thinking about him, they did what they did was because of his own protection.

[li]history during/after hogwarts; not long after reaching the age of 11, selwin received a letter that invited him to join hogwarts scotland, a wizardry school of magic. selwin hated muggles so much that he instantly packed up all of his belongings and started to make his way towards hogwarts. he caught the train on time and was now at hogwarts. the first thinking on the agenda was what house would he be sorted in. he went under the sorting had and it placed him in slytherin. after the sorting feast, he went on to go to the common room, and as he got settled, he felt more relaxed like he had never been before. classes had started, and he was one to take his studies very seriously. he had a habit of being a little book worm, but his grades were important to him if he were to get a decent job after he got out of hogwarts. growing up in a foster home and then living with muggles gave selwin the thoughts to make something for himself because he never wanted to go back to what he went through in his child hood.

selwin's first duel was during his third year when he was pushed around by another slytherin student. reason why selwin was pushed around was because selwin never really did anything for himself, he was always a quite person, unlike other slytherins, he was a little different, but if someone who didn't know selwin, he would be the rudest person alive. selwin beat the other boy in the duel as well as physically damaging his body after the duel. the boy was taken to the nurse and selwin was given a one week worth of detention. this was the first and last time selwin had gotten detention and he never let anyone push him around again.

during his sixth year, selwin had found his first girlfriend. it was an unsual match for selwin since the girl was from gryffindor. slytherin and gryffindor had a lot of differences and the most competition between them, but he managed to pull a girl out and dated her until his late 7th year when he broke up with her. reason why he broke up with her was because he joined the death eater's group and wanted no sort of person attachment that might cause him to be soft.

after graduating from hogwarts, he decided to get admission into harvard's medical school to become a doctor and got a job at the local hospital as a doctor assistant, which paid pretty good and more than enough to pay for his tuition. currently, selwin is studying there and is working hard to become a doctor. For the sake of his career/studies, selwin is willing to put up with muggles until the completion of his studies.


-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- !rp's! -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

[ul][li]By being my friend...
[li]It's time Again
[li]It All Starts Here
[li]Collision of Darkness
[li]First To Enter, Last To Exit
[li]We Met Here
[li]Love Deserves A Second Chance
[li]Cannot Forget The Future

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- !say what! -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

[ul][li]your star; gemini
[li]your element; air </COLOR>
[li]your ruling planets; mercury
[li]your stone; aquamarine
[li]life pursuit; to explore a bit of everything.
[li]vibration; intense mental energy
[li]secret desire; to be ahead of the crowd
<LI>[li]thanks to; [phychic guilt for this information]

<COLOR color="#3D59AB"><COLOR color="#3D59AB"><SIZE size="50">[Above layout made by Hamza (me). Please do not use without my permission. Thanks!]​

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