Selfie Chung

Selfie Chung

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name

Selfie Jessalyn Chung


{ Everybody's Watching Everybody's waiting }

Even when you're sleeping Keep your eyes open Tonight
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basics. basics. basics. basics. basics

& name;

Selfie Jessalyn Chung

& nicknames;

Fie - She hates the nickname, but allows her older sisters to call her as such

Jess - More common throughout her childhood, and will only be called this by childhood friends

& birthday;

March 18th, 2019

& house;

She attended Durmstrang so she didn't have a house

& sexuality;


& martial status;

Selfie has only ever been in one relationship, which lasted until the month before she turned 18, since then she has been single.

& wand;

Curly 14 Inch Swishy Blackthorn Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core: This wand is on the longer side of lengths, making it a bit more unusual. It's curly appearance is obviously well maintained and took time to craft, and it's swishy flexibility means that while it quickly casts spells, more than one may be needed to really get the job done. Blackthorn wood is suited for the strong warrior type - and bonds with the caster after an adverse trial. Belladonna is perfect for potions, which was Selfie's best class at Durmstrang.

& blood;



{ The tricky thing is Yesterday we were just children

Playing Soldiers Just Pretending
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features. features. features. features.

[color=l#571B7E]&[/color] hair;

Selfie has gone through a multitude of hair colors since she was thirteen, though her natural color is a dark brown shade, with faint blonde highlights. She is currently wearing her hair blonde, though has decided to keep growing it until it becomes a necessity to cut it off.Selfie has curly locks, and at times has straightened them, but more often than not they are just tied back so she sees no point in straightening them.

& eyes;

Selfie's eyes are not particularly beautiful or fascinating, being that they are grey in color. However, she often wears makeup that frames them, such as cat-eye eyeliner and heavy mascara. She only sees the point in make-up when being professional, and prefers to only wear it on her eyes, and the occasional gloss on her lips. Selfie's eyes are relatively large, and slightly upturned at the outer edges. While they are not perfetly symetrical they are nearly so, which makes them a pretty attribute for her face.

& face;

Selfie has round cheeks, and an often times worried expression. She has lovely teeth, and a rather small - almost timid - smile. Her face is trypically framed by two strands of bangs that hang down.

& build;

Selfie is built rather small, and is seen as fragile or weak. She is a potions master, which means she doesn't need any heavy lifting or anything of the such in her career. While Selfie wants to start working out, she often finds herself too tired at the end of the time, leaving her with little to no muscle mass at the end of the day.

&[color=#571B7E [b]distinguishing features[/b];[/color]

There are only a few distinguishing features, and they are relatively hidden. On Selfie's stomach she has a burn mark from a game of chicked she played with a fire pit. A stray log poked her leaving a rather nice-sized burn on her stomach. On her hand she dawns a small buttefly, and around her wrist is a small purple line meaning love and nobility. Attached to that line are three charms, the ox, the horse and the pig, for each of hers, her real mother's, and her real father's Zodiacs. It's how she remembers her family that never really was.

& play by;

Ashley Benson

{Dreaming dreams with happy endings In our backyards, winning battles with our wood swords}

But now we've stepped into a cruel world Where everybody stands and keeps score
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personality.personality. personality

& likes;

Quiet time, bubble baths, reading, writing, potions, tutoring, the way yellow and grey look together, the way bare feet in the sand feel, and the way rain on a smooth surface sounds.

& dislikes;

Belly shirts, being demeaned, her ex boyfriend, being treated like she's weak, when someone can't understand a simple concept, being interrupted, and saying how she truly feels

& strengths;

Quick learner, potions master, great (but strict) educator

& weaknesses;

Is physically weak, emotionally stunted, and can't cast charms for the life of her.

& fears;

Fire, someone leaving her after she's begun to care for them, being unable to brew potions anymore

& boggart;

A large fire enggulfing everything she holds dear, including herself.

& mirror of erised;

The mirror of Erised is odd for Selfie, as she would see her biological family. However, they did not raise her, and so she would only visit them - her parents that adopted her would still be her parents. If they could be one big, happy, family, then she would be truly happy.

& amortenia;

Honey combs fresh picked and the smell of a book that has been read a thousand times

& turn ons;

Spotinuity, intelligence, and heroism

& turn offs;

Too much cologne, being treated as a child, and men without purpose

& personality;

Selfie is a mixed signal operator. She is confident, loves to smile, but is also strict in her teaching. She loves potions, and in that effect is very creative, but prefers to spend that creativity in her alchemy lab or reading a book. As a bit of a book worm it is obvious that she enjoys staying inside, and would enjoy the company of someone who does so as well. However, that doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy going out every once in a while. Typically Selfie enjoys going out once a month on a Saturday to have a few drinks an talk a little bit with a new face. It keeps her social skills up to standards for her job as a professional potions tutor. Selfie likes to keep a tight schedule, and typically travels a lot, meaning she is rather worldly. She is knowledgeable in a lot of things, but she knows most about potions and Herbology.

Selfie is a strict tutor, and is serious about her work. She wants her students to do their best, and often times comes out as very motherly and strict when teaching them. She carries the same personality throughout her friendships and is often the mother of the group. Her sisters view er as someone to look up to as she is someone who knows what she wants and gets it through noble means. While she has the capability of lying, she chooses to remain dignified with what she does. Behind all of her confidence there is a rather emotional woman, whom was in a long term relationship with a young man who did not take the off and on so well. She fears that he might never leave her alone, as he often calls her or shows up at her apartment trying to woo her back. Though he hasn't posed a threat yet, Selfie worries it might hinder future relationships when she decides that she is ready for one. However strong she seems to be she does feel lonely as she moves around constantly, and like any other person she searches for the second heart to beat with hers - though she is far from romantic.


{ Everybody's Waiting For you to break down

Everybody's watching To see the fallout
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history. history. history. history. history

& nationality;

English, German, and Irish - As far as she's been told. She wishes that she knew for sure though.

& parents;


Name: Maria Chung (nee Sanchez)
Age: 38
Occupation: Runs a small magical alteration service that hires house elves whom have yet to have an actual paying job.
Blood Status: Muggle-born
Relationship: Selfie, like all of her sisters, has a great relationship with her mom. Maria of course ins't her blood mother, but Selfie doesn't care about that, it was the woman who raised her from a young age, and she loves her dearly. They have mutual respect, and her mother wishes Selfie would be home more often so that she could look after her better.


Name: Marcus Chung
Age: 40
Occupation: Dragon feeder
Blood Status: Mixed blood
Relationship: Much like her relationship with her mom. Her father is protective of her, and loves her dearly. She is the eldest so he tries to hold onto her pretty tightly. Selfie doens't mind, but she has made it clear she'll do what she wants regardless.

& siblings;


Name: Alessandra Chung
Age: 13
Occupation: In school at Durmstrang
Blood Status: Mixed blood
Relationship: The only blood child of Selfie's adoptive parents, and one of the closer of her sisters. Selfie would do anything to protect her sister, as they have a very close bond. Though they fight occasionally, they do love each other.


Name: Regina Tennit
Age: 15
Occupation: In school at Durmstrang
Blood Status: Mixed blood
Relationship: Selfie and Regina butt heads pretty often, and most of their problems stem from their opposite personalities. However, they both love each other, and when Selfie began having boy troubles is when they really connected as sisters.

& history;

Selfie has always been a relatively independent person, losing both of her parents when she was just three years old. She was lucky enough to gain guardians, and be adopted by those people soon after - her god father and god mother. She was a very happy child, However she was also very focused and rather bossy. From a young age it was obvious that she enjoyed having control over cetrtain situations, and sometimes threw tantrums if she wasn't able to be in control. Her parents of course did their best to keep it under control, and as she grew older she became better at letting others take the lead. At eleven she entered school at Durmstrangs, and fell in love. The minute she entered her potions classroom she knew it was what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. Her parents were glad she'd found her niche and often times provided her with everything she'd need to try potions she knew at home. She excelled in potions and Herbology at NEWT levels, and only got A's and E's in the rest of her classes

When she turned 15 she began her on and off relationship with a fellow student, the didn't end well. Between their breakups and make ups he would often call her at all odd hours, or show up at her house. This posed problems, and eventually her parents leveled with her that she needed to talk to him about this. In the end Selfie decided it would be best for her to break it off, and this happened a few months before she turned 18. It's been months now since, and the boy still calls and shows up at odd hours, prompting Selfie to move around a lot. Her job of course helps for an excuse, as she is a private tutor for wizards and witches who do not attend a regular school. Now Selfie tries to live a rather quiet life, but often times is living it from multiple apartments, motels, and inns. As long as she can enjoy a good book every night as per her schedule, she is fine.

& role playing sample;


{Even when you're sleeping, sleeping Keep your eyes, open
Keep your heartbeat steady; Keep your eys, open
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favorite. favorites. favorites. favorites. favorites.

& Hobby;

Selfie loves to make potions in her spare time, as well as read or take relaxing bubble baths.

& Number;

Selfie likes the number three, or six - really any multiple of three. She isn't sure why though.

& Drink;

Selfie enjoys fruity drinks - alcoholic or non - to wind down with. She doens't drink a lot of caffeine often.

& Food;

Any sort of fruits that don't have the little seeds in them.

& Animal;
Selfie likes dogs, as they make her feel safe.
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credits. credits. credits. credits
Goosey at CAUTION 2.0 made this and she would REALLY
like it if you didn't remove the credit. She worked her butt off and she just so happens
to know a pack of ravenous penguins that she will unleash on you if she finds out you
stole it. And all lyrics go to the band CAGE THE ELEPHANT, and their brilliant song

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