Selene Morgause Le Fey

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
Full Name:
- Selene Morgause Le Fey
Selene is the Greek goddess of the moon
Morgause: a character from Arthurian mythology believed to be one of the half-sisters of King Arthur.
Le Fey: a family name meaning of the fey or of the fairies. it is a family of strong witches that whilst they tend to keep to themselves date back a long way.

Date of Birth:
- 31st December at seven minutes to midnight.

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
- Selene is small for her age, quite pale with black hair. people say that she was named right being named after the moon, as compared to her twin she looks like the moon to Helena's sunshine. but the most noticeable thing about Selene is her eyes, her left one is grey and her right one is violet, this is a family characteristic, her mum and grandma also have odd eyes theough theiy have green and violet which makes selene wonder who their dad is and if he has grey eyes.

- Selene is quiet, Helena her twin often talks on her behalf and Selene is happy to follow along with that. In her free time, she likes to read and write and play make believe with her sister.
selene is also the more pragmatic twin. if the two have a scheme or plan heli comes up with the ideas but Selene is the one who makes it practical to do.

-Heliana Elaine Le Fey - The sunshine twin

Elvera Le Fey - seer and former divination professor at Hogwarts New Zealand. she now works making lotions and skincare products with a muggle range and a magical range.

Morgan Le Fey- Seer, the previous owner of the inner eye. now retired, though she looks after Selene and her sister quite often.

- Asteria.
a grey tabby kitten that keeps an eye out for selene and sleeps next to her.

Area of Residence: she spends most of the year living in Cornwall and somerset in the united kingdom. but also spends time with her grandma in Picton New Zealand.

Blood Status:
- Technically she would be classed as a pureblood. but as she doesn't know who her dad is, and her mum refuses to say if she even knows. she would be unknown or half-blood.

Heritage: on her mums side english. on her dads side unknown.

Special Abilities:
- nothing yet, but she is hoping she inherits the family trait of being a seer.

Interests or Hobbies:
- reading, writing in her journal. playing with her sister.

Additional Skills:


- she is quite shy and doesn't like being around people. She also hates sleeping at night as she gets nightmares. instead she takes naps in the day and spends then nights reading or writing.

Describe your character in three words:
-scared, shy, wise.

Favourite place to be:
- with her twin, playing outside in the meadow.

- Who needs friends when you have a heliana.

Hogwarts House:
- Ravenclaw.
The large oak doors creaked open to reveal the great hall. Selene looked around as she, along with the other first years filtered in and made her way to the front. She had read about the place during her long nights awake but nothing in her imagination could prepare her for the sight of the actual hall, it was larger than she expected, the ceiling was higher, the stars more realistic, and there were far more people than she had expected. She was relieved that she was walking down with her sister. "wow" she breathed looking around. she looked at her sister and saw a similar expression plastered on her face as to what she felt. she was glad to have heliana with her to share this experience with her. she tried to imagine what the other students would be thinking experiencing this on their own.
They reached the front of the hall and they could see the sorting hat on his stool. the headmistress stood and introduced the ceremony and what to do when your name was called, and then attention turned to the sorting hat. she knew how improtant an wise the hat was but she had a sudden thought to if someone was looking in from the outside, be it as a muggleborn firstyear, or some outside observer she realised how odd it would look, everyone in the hall waiting for a, in helianas words, shabbby, hat to do something.
the song was good, introducing the houses and giving a bit of information about them. Selene didn't need information about the houses. she knew where she wanted to be. Ravenclaw. like her mum. though she wouldn't be too disappointed if she was elsewhere she couldn't see herself in any house except the blue one. Heliana was harder to place, she knew they probably wouldn't be in the same house which would be a shame. Heliana wasn't aiming for an particular house though selene could see her sister in red robes. it would be weird not being her her sister. they had never spent a night apart and had always shared a room. Selene needed heli. her the knowledge of her presence was something that was always there like a warm hug. she took her sisters hand and gave it a squeeze not letting it go afterwards. "Good luck" she whispered.
Being Le Fey's meant that they were somewhere in the middle of the group. as the list moved on slowly and soon "Le Fey, Heliana" selene watched as her sister made her way up too the stool and had the hat placed on her head. She smiled when she heard the house and clapped as her sister went to join her new table. there would be no prizes for guessing what name would be next. "Le Fey, Selene came the headmistresses voice. Selene made her way up to the stage and sat down. she was hardly breathing she was so nervous. she closed her eyes as the hat was placed over her head "thank you for putting my sister in her house. now please don't put me with her. as much as I would love to be with herald depend on having her around she needs to have the chance to experience school in her own way and she won't be able to do that with me hanging on to her" she thought. she remembered hearing that the house listened to your thoughts "and if you would be very kind Mr Sorting hat sir I would love to follow my mum and be a Ravenclaw" she thought waiting for the hat to make his decision.

"You'd do well in Gryffindor, you know. But if you're sure... Ravenclaw!"

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- to be in ravenclaw, but also to be in the same house as heli, though she knows it is unlikelly that she can do both.

Best school subjects:
- Divination, herbology, and potions.

Worst school subjects:
-defence against he dark arts, and transfiguration.

Extracurricular Activities:
- Wild patch club.

- a long time away.

Current Job:
- hogwarts student

Plans for your future:
-study and get the best grades that i can.

Your Patronus:
- that is too complex magic.

Your Patronus memory:

Your Boggart:
- being trapped in a burning building, or having members of her family burning to death.

Your Animagus:
- an owl.

Mirror of Erised:
- to be with her family, both on her mum's side and dads side.

A page from your diary:
23rd April 2:40 am
It has happened again. It was a normal evening. we spent it playing gobstones whilst mum was bundling up herbs to dry. I had a cup of chamomile tea and went to bed. I slept okay at first, I was wandering through a garden full of beautiful plants and flowers, and there were imps and fairies there. but then the mansion appeared like it sp often does and no matter how good the dream is a cant not go into it. it is so grand and then the fire started people were screaming and shouting something I didn't understand and I was trapped. until heli woke me up. I must have been tossing and turning in my sleep. as the sheets were everywhere. I was all tangled up.
that was three hours ago. Heli is asleep again now. but I can't go back and face the flames. so I am here reading by the moonlight. and waiting for sunrise where I might be able to get a few hours sleep before everyone else wakes up.
I don't know what I will do next year, at the school we have to share a room with other people. what if I have nightmares then and shout in my sleep like I often do. what if heli isn't there to wake me up. What if we are in different houses. maybe she is a Slytherin like Auntie Eden and Lilith. and i am a ravenclaw like mum. or what if she goes to beaux like Padme. what is going to happen then?
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