Second Years, Lesson Two

'' Goodmorning everyone.'' Noel than greeted his students with an friendly smile. ''You may recall that I told you to bring your wands with you to class this week,'' Noel started once everyone was seated. '' We will be practicing our first jinx this week. Before we start, I want to remind everyone that there will be no fooling around while your wands are drawn. Ignore that rule and you will find yourself dusting off old books in the library for the entire semester. Good, now that that's out of the way, we can begin! I need a volunteer for a demonstration.'' He smiled as a few hands went up in the air. ''I'll be casting a jinx on you.'' As he thought, some lowered their hands while others seemed more excited. '' You are in good hands. I'll reverse it afterwards, so there is nothing to worry about.'' He picked one of the students who still had their hands raised and called them forward. ''If you could stand facing the class, please, thank you.'' He rolled up his sleeves and continued. ''The Jelly-Legs Jinx does what you would expect it to do. It causes your target's legs to wobble like jelly.'' With a reassuring smile aimed at the student volunteer, Noel raised his wand, waved it and said the incantation. ''Locomotor Wibbly!'' He watched as the volunteer found themselves fighting to keep their balance. Once the class had a moment to take in the effects of the jinx, Noel lifted his wand again to cast the counter-charm. ''Thank you. Five extra points for your house,'' he said, sending the student back to their seat. ''There will be similar opportunities during the semester, so now would be the time to tell me whether you would be comfortable with volunteering or not. Come see me after class if you want to talk about it.''

Prank-jinxes like the Jelly-Legs Jinx and others were almost inevitable at a magic school. Some in this class would likely practice them on others outside of this classroom, so he thought it best to have them practice these kinds of spells in a safe environment instead. Though it would be fun to have a student dust off an entire section of the library. They would without a doubt learn their lesson after two dozen or so books. ''For the rest of the time, I want you to pair up with someone else and practice the Jelly-Legs Jinx. Again, the incantation is Locomotor Wibbly.'' Noel then shared the counter-charm with them so that they could reverse the jinx themselves. ''You may also practice Stupefy and Protego once you've done the Jelly-Legs Jinx a couple of times. Good luck.'' He than walked around the classroom to make sure everything was going safe.

Roleplay the lesson. If you choose to roleplay with each other be sure to include tags! You can also tag @Professor Noel Waldgrave if you like some interaction. I try my best to respond. Extra credit to the first student who volunteers for the demonstration!
Sunday was settling back into the routine of school- it hadn't become any easier, but she was certain that she was becoming stronger. It was taking less tries to get her spells going, and she wasn't so upset or flustered this year about it. She was humming under her breath as she walked to class. She sat down near the front, looking up to the Professor with her things out and ready to take notes.

She was nervous for this class- she didn't know how to factor the jinxs into her image. She had decided that- if given the chance- she'd volunteer for the demonstration. She was in luck, thankfully, and knew she'd get the best power from it by appearing as the model student. She stood in front of the class, keeping her head high and her best, shy smile on, watching the Professor. She managed not to flinch as he cast the spell.

Her arms waving, she barely managed to keep her balance until the counter was cast. She took a breath and returned on shaky legs to her seat. Worth it, She thought to herself. She wasn't sure she wanted to practice these charms in class, but she was sure it would look worse not to. She paired up with someone else, giving a split second look of shock when she managed to catch her partner with a jinx on the first try. She wasn't able to duplicate it, but she felt encouraged. Grabbing her things as they were dismissed, Sunday hurried out, eager to go practice in the SDA room.

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