Second Years Lesson Six


Percival stood at the front of the classroom, a tangible air of transition lingering around him, exemplified by an open suitcase and stacked belongings in the corner of the room. It was an unmistakable sign of his impending departure from Hogwarts. His preparations paused while he addressed his students for the final time. "This week is our last lesson together and we are meeting earlier in the day because it's the review lesson. Review your notes going all the way back to lesson one, quiz each other if you want. All being well, Professor Zumwalt will return next semester to teach you." Percival returned to the corner of the classroom and packed for the remainder of the lesson while the students studied. As the bell rang, he dismissed them knowing that he'd probably never see any of them again.

For full credit, RP the lesson.
If any student would like to ask a review question, please tag @Professor Percival Zephyrmoon
Kyousuke wondered idly if Professor Zephyrmoon would miss Hogwarts. It was a stray thought, not one he paid much mind to. He had exams coming up, after all. But he had appreciated the professor on some level, despite his eccentricities. Someone with a stronger sense of community would probably want to send him off with a gift or two, but Kyousuke wasn't that sort of person. Kyousuke spent the lesson going over his notes and flashcards he had made for the subject. He didn't have anything he wanted to ask the professor, or anyone else for that matter, so he stuck to his work and when it was time to leave, simply left without a second glance, though part of him wondered what would have happened if he'd wished the professor a farewell.
Makaria Styx entered Professor Percival's classroom, noticing immediately the somber atmosphere that hung around the usually lively space. The sight of the open suitcase and packed belongings in the corner signaled the inevitable end of an era—the departure of Professor Percival from Hogwarts. Professor Percival stood at the front, his expression a mix of nostalgia and resolve. Makaria listened, her mind flickering through memories of Professor Percival's lessons—from Astronomy's intricate details to his unique perspectives on magical history. She did as she was told though, reviewed her notes until the end of the lesson. And that was it. She heard the dismissal, and left the astronomy tower to head to the Ravenclaw tower.
Jean Lancaster-Snow entered the Astronomy classroom with a mix of emotions. It was unusual to see Professor Zephyrmoon packing his belongings, a stark reminder that change was imminent. Jean took his usual seat near the front, feeling a sense of nostalgia for the lessons they had shared throughout the year. As Professor Zephyrmoon addressed the class, Jean listened to his words. The announcement that this would be their final lesson together and that they were meeting earlier for a review session caught Jean off guard. He quickly retrieved his notes from his bag, flipping through them to refresh his memory on the topics they had covered since the beginning of the term. He finished his review and left when the hour was up. They would have Professor Zumwalt next year, once more. Silver linings.
Osiris Vale entered Professor Zephyrmoon's Astronomy classroomy. The sight of the professor's half-packed belongings served as a stark reminder that this would be their last lesson together. Finding a seat near the window, Ozzy took out his meticulously organized notes from the entire semester. He flipped through his notes, occasionally muttering to himself as he reviewed the details of celestial movements, planetary orbits, and the magical interpretations of astronomical events. He studied the notes for the remainder of the period, and then left. He did not really care whether or not they would like the next professor. This one was odd, and Ozzy liked him - sort of. He got up and left.
It was finally the last week of classes and Violet was very excited. She heard that the last week was just full of the professors running out of things to teach them and simply just letting them go over old material. She hoped that this was true as she was unsure how far her patience could go. She packed her belongings into her backpack and headed to her next class. As she entered the Astronomy classroom, she smirked as the professor was simply giving them time to study. Violet admittedly didn’t do much of this, but made it look like she was at least. She doodled some pictures in her notes before leaving the classroom when dismissed.

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