Second Years Lesson Four


Just outside the classroom, the second year students arriving for their Astronomy lesson could hear the professor shouting and cursing through the closed door. Inside the classroom, Professor Zephyrmoon was having a nightmare trying to get the projector for the lesson to work. He heard a few voices waiting outside, forgetting that he had locked the door. Grumbling to himself, he waved his wand to let the students in while he continued to struggle with the projector while they sat down. “Ah-ha! Success!” He exclaimed, getting the projector sorted and turning to the class to start the lesson, looking red in the face and more exasperated that usual, “Right, let's get on with this then, I suppose. This week we'll be studying the outer planets. That includes the gas giants and tiny Pluto!” He knew the muggle world had demoted Pluto, but the magical world still valued the celestial body. Percival tapped the projector just before notes about Jupiter appeared at the front, similar to last week. He started to read out the information at a nice pace so the students had time to take notes.


This is the largest planet in our solar system. It is visible in our night sky with the naked eye, appearing to shine like a star in our Sun’s light. It is the fifth planet from the sun and about 318 times larger than Earth. It is two times larger than ALL the other planets combined. It has an equator that is 11 times wider than the Earth. Jupiter has the most circular orbit out of all the planets. However, because it is so far away, it takes 12 years to complete one rotation around the sun.

Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun. It is smaller than Jupiter but its rings are a vision to witness. It is the second-largest in our solar system and another gas giant. The rings are a mix of rocks and ice debris left over from the formation of the planet and its moons.


The seventh planet from the sun is a lovely blue color. It is the 3rd largest planet in our solar system. It takes 84 years to orbit our sun. The planet itself orbits on a tilt far greater than any of the other planets, in comparison to us. It rotates as if it might have been knocked over. The rings around the planet reflect this rotation as you can see in the picture. The rings are much fewer and less brilliant than Saturn’s rings.


Named after the God of the Sea, one can see why it has a wonderful deep blue coloring. Neptune has a fairly fast rotation, and days are much shorter there - only about 18 hours, as Neptune is just made of gaseous material. Very faintly, you can see bands in the atmosphere similar to how Jupiter has bands. For Neptune however, the bands are all a similar blue coloring. Neptune does have a very faint collection of rings as well.

Pluto was discovered by accident in 1930 by Clyde William Tombaugh. Pluto is named after the Greek god of the underworld. The name was suggested by an 11-year-old witch from Oxfordshire, England. Pluto has five known moons. Pluto is one-third water, all frozen of course. The orbit of Pluto is different from the other planets as it is on an angle differing from the flat plane the other planets follow.

Professor Zephyrmoon finished the lecture with a sigh of relief. Hopefully, the following week wouldn’t be so difficult. He waited as the students finished their notes before continuing for the week. “Alright, that is going to conclude our discussion of planets, if you ever have any questions, I'd suggest reading your textbook. Homework is on the board. Turn it in by the next lesson. Class dismissed.” He said dismissing the class.

For full credit, RP the lesson.
For extra credit, write a short essay (up to 6 sentences; you'll receive a point for each sentence up to 6) about any planet with information not provided in class. (Please make sure to have your source listed once again and by this, I mean the website you(ooc) are using for your character!)
Kyousuke was a bit startled by the cursing coming from inside the classroom. He waited for it to abate before entering, feeling a little uncomfortable that a professor would be that unprofessional. He didn't show his opinion, taking his seat and getting out his supplies to take notes. The planets were moderately interesting, Kyousuke thought. The lesson was over once he got the notes down, though there was homework as well which Kyousuke made a mental note of.

At least 146 moons orbit Saturn. Titan is the largest of the moons. Despite being nearly the same size as Jupiter, Saturn has a third of its mass. It take 29 and a half years for Saturn to complete an orbit around the sun. Saturn is named after the Roman god of agriculture and wealth.

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