Noel sat on the edge of his desk while he waited for the students to enter the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. He welcomed the second years as soon as they entered with an friendly smile. Today they would discuss the last couple of prank-like jinxes. These jinxes were pretty advanced for second-year students, and he did not expect them to master them until they were in their third year. So it was just a little wait for them. Once he was sure that every student was inside, he closed the classroom door with a flick of his wand and turned his attention back to the students. '' Hello everyone.'' Noel greeted them. '' Today we are going to learn about four more prank-like jinxes, so let's get right into it.'' He than watched over to some who already had taken out writing essentials. And gave one an smile. '' I would advice you to take some notes.'' He than told them as his brown friendly eyes went through the room. Noel appreciated students who took the effort in their studies, and he would help out to motivate them. He pointed his wand towards the blackboard and made writing appear on it with a wave of his wand.

Lesson Four
  • Antler Jinx - Grows antlers on the head of the target
  • Leek Jinx - Leeks sprout from the ears of the target
  • Bat-Bogey Hex - Transforms the target's bogeys into bats that fly out of the victim's nose
  • Stinging Jinx - Effects similar to suffering from an allergic reaction

''The first spell on the list is the Antler Jinx. This jinx is an excellent example of what a prank-like jinx is supposed to be. It grows antlers on the head of the target, which makes this a great prank jinx. While it seems and looks innocent, I feel like should mention that it's not that easy to remove the antlers from someone's head. A day of classes may have to be missed to remove them.'' Noel figured not everyone would mind that, but hopefully they wanted to join his class at least and like what they were learning. ''The second spell on the list is the Leek Jinx. Now, this jinx is as innocent as it sounds, as it sprouts leeks from the ears of the target. It can come in handy as a distraction but also as a way to temporarily keep someone from overhearing something. It's quite easily fixed, a simple General Counter-Spell will reverse the effect of the Leek Jinx immediately.'' He paused for a moment, giving his students enough time to write everything down.

He than continued as he saw he could. ''The third spell is the Bat-Bogey Hex, a good hex to overpower your enemies or to simply keep people at a distance. It can be fatal when performed on non-human targets, so think before you cast this particular hex. There have been cases in which the Wizengamot has had to punish witches and wizards for using the Bat-Bogey Hex on non-human targets.'' Noel than told them, he hoped no one would ever be so cruel, so this messenge needed to be clear. '' And lastly, the Stinging Jinx. I'll admit that I'm not quite sure why this one counts as a prank-like jinx, as the effects of the Stinging Jinx are all but funny. When hit with this jinx, your skin will get tight, swollen and puffy, similar to that of someone suffering from an allergic reaction. Welts might also appear on the skin, which seriously makes me question the 'prank-like' nature of this spell.'' He told them. But Noel wasn't the biggest fan of jinxes either way. Once he had discussed all the jinxes on the blackboard behind him, he made sure sure to go over the incantations and hand movements with the students. Most of these jinxes were harmless and could genuinely be seen as prank-like jinxes, but he wasn't so sure about the last one. He could only hope that his students were smart enough to only ever use the Stinging Jinx in dire situations, as the effects of the jinx were quite painful. ''Keep in mind that, while you may attempt to cast these jinxes, I do not expect you to master them this year.'' Noel added to it. Perhaps it might have seen like it had, but that's why they need to keep their notes of this lesson for in the future years. '' I wouldn't be surprised if most of you will have trouble getting the incantations and hand movements right until you're in your third or fourth year...'' He told them, not in a way to demotivate them but just stating realistic facts. He than looked at the time and smiled to them. '' That was it for this week's Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson, though. Feel free to stay if you have a question about any of these jinxes. If not, I bid all of you a great day and I will see you next week!'' And he walked back to his desk and sat behind it in case students needed him.

Roleplay the lesson. If your character is going to attempt these jinxes outside of class, please keep the Acceptable Spells & Potions (By Year) list in mind. Your second-year character shouldn’t be able to cast any of these jinxes, but could possibly master the Antler and Leek jinxes in third year.
Minerva entered the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom with her usual nonchalant demeanour. She took her seat and glanced around as Professor Waldgrave welcomed the students with a friendly smile. Today's lesson, she noted, was about some jinxes—nothing particularly exciting, she thought.

As Professor Waldgrave began to explain the jinxes on the blackboard, Minerva listened with mild interest. The Antler Jinx was mentioned first, and she raised an eyebrow slightly. It seemed like a typical prank spell, nothing she hadn't heard about before. She jotted down a few notes out of habit rather than genuine enthusiasm.

The Leek Jinx amused her briefly, imagining leeks sprouting from someone's ears. She wondered briefly if it would ever come in handy, but quickly dismissed the thought. The professor's explanation of how to reverse it with a simple counter-spell was duly noted.

When the Bat-Bogey Hex was discussed, Minerva leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. She knew it was a popular hex among some students, but she wasn't particularly drawn to its application. Professor Waldgrave's cautionary note about using it on non-human targets made her nod slightly, acknowledging the potential consequences.

The Stinging Jinx caught her attention momentarily. She frowned as Professor Waldgrave described its effects, thinking it sounded more unpleasant than prank-like. She scribbled down the details but made a mental note to avoid using it unless absolutely necessary.

As the lesson wrapped up, Minerva gathered her things, considering her next class. She debated staying behind to ask a question about one of the jinxes but decided against it. Instead, she headed towards the door, nodding slightly in farewell to Professor Waldgrave, feeling no more or less engaged than she did in any other class.
Apolline had turned her attention to her revision, she knew it was important for her to work hard to be able to do well in her exams, so she was doing the work she need to, to ensure that when it came to doing the exam she was able to do it well. That she passed it well, and that she didn’t end up with bad grades. She knew her parents didn’t need her to do well, but she did want to. Not doing well would let them down and the last thing Apolline wanted was to let her parents down. She was working away, until the time came for lessons, at which point she changed into her uniform and then grabbed her books and notes and then headed out of the room and to her first lesson of the day.

Apolline walked into the defence against the dark arts classroom and took her usual spot in the room. Her gaze moved towards the professor at the front of the classroom as the professor got started. She took her quill and wrote down the four curses they were to lern. It was a set of curses that she knew relatively well, give than they had covered them a little. She wrote down what the professor said about each of them, expanding on what had been written on the board. Making sure that she got all the different parts of the spells, sure that elements of it would come up in the upcoming exam. Eventually the lesson was wrapped up and she was able to pack up her things and leave the room.

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