- Messages
- 32
- OOC First Name
- Brandon
- Sexual Orientation
- Heterosexual
- Wand
- 10" Cherry wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
- Age
- 12/2018

Zaria was dressed in a simple sundress and a pair of comfortable pair of flats. In one hand she had a few bags from the day's shopping and in the other was iced coffee drink. Her slightly oversized hat offered her mild protection from the sun which was a bit warmer this time of the year as the weather was slightly above average. A pair of oversized shades completed the overall aesthetic which embodied a cool confidence which was a bit out of character. Normally she was not so composed, running her families jewelry business was a frantic and fast pace world that often left her completely exhausted at the end of the day. Her father was no longer capable of running the business and her mother had little to no work experience as she grew up as an heiress who never worked a day in her life. Now in her defense, she did raise Zaria as a stay home mom without the help and aid of a nanny which was an accomplishment in itself as most women of her pedigree did not have a single motherly bone in their body. However, Zaria's mother was an extremely compassionate woman but also firm in her lessons and love. Zaria was better for it so she could not complain.
Finding a bench the young Asian woman sat down, placing her bags at her feet having decided to take a small break to soak up one of the rare beautiful days of the season. Her life in the last couple of weeks had been a whirlwind of excitement. She had decided to open up a new branch of the company in New Zealand give the booming population growth that the area had seen since the schools opening. Hailing originally from Japan, it was a bit strange to be outside of her comfort zone but also very exciting. New Zealand had a fantastic magical community with plenty of things to see and do which was a bit of a change from Japan. Of course, there were plenty of things to do in Japan but growing up there meant that she had done and seen most of what the country had to offer. Though most people found that the grass was always greener on the other side, so it made sense that she found New Zealand intoxicating and exotic. Sipping her drink she watched as a few younglings chase each other and weave through the trees. She could not help but laugh a little as the squealed with pure delight and a child-like innocence. She was a bit jealous of the freedom that came with youth. She wished that she could run away to neverland and be one of the lost boys. Peter pan was bae so that would only be the icing on the cake.
She was lost in thought, a treat for a woman who was otherwise focused on something 24/7 365. But with her head in the cloud, she was not aware that of her surroundings. Her father would have scolded her for her aloof nature as a daughter of the Love Family should be an individual who demanded respect. She found that to be an exhausting burden that would lead to a premature grave. So while she respected her father she wanted to break out and find her own footing in the world. The first step in that journey was through care to the wind and taking another sip of her coffee.