Seal suit

Myuna Kickett

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Myuna had been at the school for a week and already she was starting to settle in an look for new things to enjoy herself. she had explored many areas of the castles already though she hadn't bothered to clime to the towers as she had been told they were just the other houses common rooms and some classrooms. but today she was sick of being indoors and wanted a little fresh air.
she left the slytherin common room in the dungeons. she really liked it in there, cool and looking out into the lake and headed into the grounds. It was a rather mild day for this time of year in new zeealand, though it was still rather cold. looking round she saw a large lawn, a garden full of plants that she was sure in a few weeks would start flowering and the forrest. she was going to have to explore in there but not today. today she wanted to swim. she couldn't remember a week when she hadn't swam. back home it had been in the sea most days surfing mainly, or in the river, then when she had been shipped off to perth she had often sneaked off the the beach when she was meant to be at school, and often swam in her grandmas pool at night. now the only place she saw that she could swim in was the lake. she headed over there. it was september. and that meant that they were hardly out of winter but that didn't worry here. at least it wasn't windy. but that meant no waves. she reached the waters edge and slipped of her thongs (flip-flops) before stepping into the water. when it was half way up her calfs she had gooseflesh but that didn't matter, it felt nice against her skin. she stood there a moment before leaving the water. quickly she slipped off her shirt and shorts leaving her in just her bikini something that she always had on under her clothes. she then rather inelegantly though it is near impossible to do so elegantly even though she had years of practice slipped into her wetsuit.
then stepped on the edge of the land before running into the water as quick as she could until she tripped over and fell into it. she shock of the coldness paralysed her muscles for a moment. then her body warmth started to heat up the water trapped by the suit and she felt a little better a few strokes later an it was just her hands and feet that could feel the waters icy bite. she dived under that was, well, refreshing to say the least. as she surfaced she gasped for air. before swimming a way out and then back to the edge. she did this a few times before she stopped near the edge and treaded water a little feeling wide awake she looked over the lawns to see who if anyone was around.
Winter was almost over yet there were still several times with freezing temperatures. Some days were icy indeed but not sufficient enough to kill Artemis with the cold. The hallways still appeared to be the same even in the winter except for the atmosphere it presented. Students were wearing garments that held their body warmth stably as the winter days passed. It would be foolish to walk around the grounds with footwear that could grant the snow entrance to your feet thus soaking someone wet with the shivers. One last time, Artemis took a look at her simple choice of attire on the mirror that her whole dormitory usually shared, and tied her hair to form a firm ponytail. The outline of her pale face could be evidently seen afterwards. The countable strands of soft blonde baby hair still stayed on the upper sides of her head. Moving past the mirror, the four poster beds of each and every Slytherin fifth year ladies were lying peacefully. Silently walking towards her own four poster bed with the covers still draped, she opened it and snatched the robes that lay there carelessly. The Slytherin robes were charmed earlier with Impervius, making it water repellent. Artemis just hoped that by water it also meant very frozen water...

As she Slytherin left the common room she noticed that the walls near their common room were getting damp at some times. Perhaps it was the fact that they resided under the lake that was why they never really had any real windows. She placed a hand on the rocky surface of its walls and let her skin absorb whatever temperature it had. It was cold, almost like ice and perhaps the lake caused it to be so. They were under the very grounds after all. Her walk from the deep part of the dungeons to the exit of it was lengthy. It was only the pure dimness that held Artemis' eyes steady for her to see if there was anything in front of her. With a slow pace, she finally reached the staircase that would lead her upwards. She climbed it with a calm pace since she was in no hurry after all. There were a few students who she had to dodge since they needed to attend their Potions class but that soon ended. Artemis saw the Great Hall just a walk away and there was still the constant giggles that she heard inside that particular room. Although Artemis wanted to grab a snack first, her legs dragged her outside of the castle. She was not really an outdoor or indoor person - her preference was steadily neutral at all times. This time however she wanted to get a feel of how it was to be isolated just beside the lake.

Then she wished for her book. How marvelous it would have been if Artemis had the liberty all to herself. Reading novels and Quidditch were her only hobbies. Besides from that, she entertained herself by practicing some spells and interacting with the crowd out there. Artemis jogged a little as she approached the lakefront. She wanted to witness the lake's serenity and what its state was already. Winter would soon be over! Give or a take a week! Gradually whilst jogging Artemis made out a shape of a human beside the lake's edge. Interested, she hastened her pace to see more of its movements. Her eyes widened in realization that it certainly was a student and a familiar one at that. The brunette near the edge had taken a dip in the cold waters it seemed. "Freezing?" asked the prefect with minimal emotion. Yes, she knew this young lady. Artemis was in her year as well and they shared a dormitory! The other Slytherin was a new student and perhaps she had no idea who Artemis was - save for the possibility that she may have remembered her name in the Quidditch tryouts which Artemis recalled vividly that both of them were there. Shuffling towards the girl, Artemis laced her hands behind her black and stared at the girl pointedly.
Una had done a few laps as far out as she wanted to and then back to the edge. she was starting to get maybe a little cold. winter here was colder than winter at home. even is it wasn't winter quite. soon she got a cramp in her foot. the cold water was to blame for that. she stopped tried to stretch it before swimming to the edge with just her arms her legs trailing behind her. she was almost back when she saw that there was someone on the grass by the edge. she caught one word she said and smiled. "it ain't too bad once you are in." she said though her face betrayed her grimacing a little. "I've just got a bit of foot cramp." she said pulling herself up. shuffling back a little so she has space to stretch her foot.
she looked at the girl she was familiar, wasn't she the girl who was in her dorm, and had tried out for quidditch. she was pretty sure she was. Una tried not to spent too much time in the dorm it was odd to be sharing it with different people. at home she had her own room and the only person who she shared it with is her little brother if he had had a nightmare. "good to meet you at least." she said offering her hand to the girl. liked someone she would act nice, if she didn't then she wouldn't seeing as she was going to share a room with this girl for a few years she may as well leave a good impression. he had was still wet and likely ice cold so she wouldnt mind if the girl didn't take it but st least she could say she had made the effort, her grandma would have been proud. "I'm Una. you are artemis right?" she said introducing herself to the girl.
A single bronze brow rose up as she heard the other Slytherin's words. Artemis perceived them as half truthful words because of the expression her features held for a moment or two. There was a grimace of pain but it quickly altered when she tried to relieve herself of the feeling of those nasty cramps. Artemis held her posture immobile and to acknowledge Kickett, she cocked her head to the side. It was certainly odd for a student to be swimming in the lake however Artemis knew that it had happened numerous of times. If memory served her loyally, the rules never really mentioned "not to swim in the lake," unless there were other sentences that did the cut. As she let her gaze roam around the way she tried to relieve herself from the cramp, she could not help but wonder why her roommate wanted to swim in a body of water that had a squid (or if rumors were real, a shark). It was quiet between the two of them for several seconds and Artemis made no move to interrupt the tranquil silence. It was not always that Artemis had this kinds of moments and she savored it. The favoring session halted before it could even get to a full minute.

"Yeah, true." Even with the droplets trickling down from her roommate's hand, Artemis took it without any hesitation. She grasped it softly then shook it, afterwards released it casually. The cold water of the lake was now on the whole of her palm and fingers which caused her to wipe it on her body's midsection - the cloth at the back of her hip. The wetness did not stick to her garments however. That did the trick to remove the initial icy feeling from her hand and she looked at the brunette. She was just so wet; her hair was dripping and droplets of water coated her tanned skin. Artemis noticed how different her skin was from hers regarding complexion. Sometimes the prefect disliked her skin tone - it was too pale for her liking, as if her body never took in vitamins and minerals. Although she knew that it just ran in the family, her sister got luckier. At least she had a decent number of freckles that indicated she was human. Instead of having freckles, Artemis had some nasty scars running down her leg because of some childhood flying accident she could not vividly recall.

She thanked that not really much of a lengthy silence stretched. Artemis surveyed the transfer student and somewhat tried to perceive what her attitude really was like. Maybe a little mischievous because of the swimming in the lake thing, but shouldn't she be in Gryffindor if ever she had the adventurous vibe? Artemis wondered if ever Kickett had enough of the cold air and her left hand searched for her Fir wand that was inside the left pocket of her warm school robes. As she lazily got her wand she heard the lonesome echo of the brunette's words - knowing that they were the only ones uttered around the area. "Artemis Jackson it is," affirmed Hunter (a silly nickname Alliyah provided). She knew the name of the transfer student and hoped that it would not be hard to befriend her unlike some of the other Slytherins she came across in the common room and several other outdoorsy places. "Una... That comes with Kickett doesn't it?" Artemis now had her wand in her dominant hand and twirled it once around her fingers. The practice only came out when she felt a little awkward which was obviously... the thing going on. To avoid being socially awkward she advanced forward mentally, making an attempt for a time consuming conversation. "Would you like me to dry you up? Using magic of course," asked Artemis with a small embarrassed smile on her lips. This perhaps would prove to be an interesting moment with her new roommate - except that it wasn't in their dormitory.
Myuna chuckled at Artemis's expression to her comment. she dived under briefly before getting out. she really did need to stretch her foot. there were a few moments of calm quiet between them. she seemed nice. and friendly, she had only met a one other person properly, another transfer though he was the same age as her he was a third year. my now the cramp in her foot was easing slightly and the cool wind was starting to dry her off.
She was gad she remembered the name of the girl she was doing good. "Artemus Jackson." she said to remind herself of the girls full name. she undid the zip at the back f the wetsuit (something that her youngest brother called her seal suit as he must have thought it made he look like a seal, and bulled it down to waist height. before heading to where she had left her things. and picking up a towl "yeah, Myuna kickett, though I use una for short" she said clad that the girl remembered her.
She smiled as the girl offered to use magic to dry her. she hadn't used magic much at home for that as it was usually pretty hot and she didn't know if muggles were watching. "I'm all good with a towel thanks anyway" she said wrapping it around her as she pulled the rest of the wetsuit off, this was something she did on a fairly regular basis, and she had no insecurities about it. she was pretty sure the girl wasn't really wanting to dry her with magic anyway. "so you bin at hogwarts long?" she asked, as she was pretty sure she was a prefect she would have thought she had but that wasn't guaranteed.
Expressing a nod briefly, the words still echoed around the chambers of the blonde head. They bounced off repetitively like a tennis ball whacked back and forth from either side. An interesting kind of a name that was for a seemingly mischievous kind of girl. Artemis perceived her newest roommate in that kind of a way. It was not typically just said that Artemis' personality was to judge in a sense that deeply affected her point of view regarding other people. Thinking that she should spend some of her precious time with them was an interesting idea - she really needed a lively social life. The people she conversed with were obviously handpicked mentally and that fact, she kept a secret. Those indifferent azure orbs slowly got its initial state which was a odd blend of confusion and excitement. Confusion was mainly present because of the doubt as she recalled certain rules of Hogwarts about the lake. Recalling any rule regarding something about playing games around or IN the water proved to be useless. Nothing really came to mind, but Artemis was sure that that would not stop her from telling her about the precautions she should have took.

"Since I was eleven, yeah." Hogwarts was home to the young prefect and the school did her good anyways. It shaped her into someone who would probably handle pressure in the future excellently unlike now. The bombarding of tension grasped her shoulders and shook it violently. The OWLs did require a lot of her attention. Artemis wanted to query back but her knowledge of Myuna's years in Hogwarts was obviously not as lengthy as hers. However, there were other conversation starters to pick from the basket anyways. "You liking Hogwarts so far?" It was not awful to study in this school. Artemis thought that she could not bear to transfer and lurk around the corridors of Durmstrang Institute. Beauxbatons Academy appeared to be a school for those who were prim and proper which was very unlikely for the Keeper of the Slytherin team. Artemis rubbed the hilt of her wand and felt it warm her finger's skin. Magic, to her, was extremely unpredictable in so many forms.

The lake was serene from where Artemis Jackson was standing. Occasional ripples appeared out of nowhere and she thought that maybe the creatures who had a home in there... were the ones bloody causing it. Creepy was not a word for those kind of creatures. Artemis thought they it was certainly better to call them extraordinary things that resided in the depths. She glanced again at the lake and recalled what she was just about to say a few moments ago. "From here, I find it weird that several students swim in the lake. With all the creatures living there... Just -- just no." The direction of her gaze swayed to those eyes that Myuna had and deeply stared into it. Artemis breathed in and exhaled softly whilst she tilted her head very subtly, looking forward to what Myuna had to say - if ever she decided to speak about anything anyways.
Myuna could feel the girl quietly judging her. she was used to that. people never seemed to look at her normal. she was used to distain, intrigue, and many things in the middle, but this girl was different, sort of nderstanding, almost. Artemus did seem like a nice girl and although in many ways she seemed a lot different to her. they must have several things in common. they were both on the quidditch team and in the same house and if what she heard was right being in the same house meant similar personality. Slytherin were those who looked out for themselves and knew what they needed to do to succeed. when the girl said she had been at the school sine she was eleven she raised an eyebrow. "since you were eleven. that's a fair while" she said grinning a reckless spark in her eye.
when she asked if she was enjoying it she snorted in a reply. "well it's better than her ladies catholic college or whatever that place was called" she said pulling a face that said exactly what she thought of her last school. she had hated it, wagging a lot only attending enough to keep her grandma off her back. a the sound of creatures she looked back at the water expecting to see an otter or something, unfortunately there was just a shag or as her grandma called it a Cormorant. "what animals are in the lake. I saw a couple of fish and a few shags" she said her australian accent strong. she died herself off with the towel as she spoke before putting her t-shirt over her head.
OOCOut of Character:
it is actually the name of a bird a kind of cormorant. and something Una would say
Hmm, a fair whilst? In all honesty, Artemis did not think her stay in the school was a fair whilst already. There were still countless of secrets and magic that the castle had, and the prefect never dared to explore those places. She had a friend though, who she knew could examine those places with enthusiasm. That kind of enthusiasm was never really present in the heart of the Slytherin. It did not just ignite so suddenly, causing the fire of adventurousness to blaze forth. Artemis always needed a motivator for this and she never really had the right one so far. Moving on, she listened attentively to her roommate who had a disgusted twist to her features. She frowned microscopically, a string of sympathy from herself bursting to reach Myuna. "Sounds awful. Is it so strict there?" Forgive her for not knowing anything about Muggle schools but that was just how Artemis' world was like. Her sister was so fascinated about muggle culture; maybe it was her who was knowledgeable of this kind of topic. A random bubble emerged from the lake, but that did not stop Artemis from giving most of her attention to Myuna Kickett.

Hearing the sound of a shag, Artemis wanted to blush strongly but she held the embarrassment. The Aussie accent of Myuna however indicated that it did not mean what she thought of and she was grateful of that. Being of English descent made her use words that were unfamiliar to New Zealand people. She tried sticking to American terms, if ever she had the time to recall it anyway. Artemis followed the eyes of Myuna and spotted what her roommate was also seeing. She shrugged with an air of nonchalance, her eyes back on the brunette Slytherin. "Some say there is a giant squid whilst others say there's a shark. Anyway, not just animals are there. Merpeople also reside somewhere deep down. I haven't met one but I know one who has." It still had not sunk in her mind that her very Gryffindor sibling had witnessed one, alive and had the ability to even talk to her! Before, Artemis felt immature jealousy gently prod her chest repeatedly. It was a huge bug to her before, that her sister got to know more things than her. Now however, that bug just faded. Maturity settled in instead, waiting for itself to be enhanced as the Slytherin grew older each day.

The lake contained deep secrets. Literally. There were also rumours of giant things in there, that snatched anyone who dared to swim deeply. Artemis did not want to find out if that was something true and she preferred it to remain as a gentle secret to her. Thinking about it made her unnaturally curious to explore the depths of the waters and see if the village of merpeople was still present. Those creatures already had a variation in them. Artemis remembered hearing Alliyah's words that some really looked like humans. Imagining merpeople breeding with humans disgusted the living daylights out of her and she shuddered mentally. The English Slytherin quirked her lips in mere curiosity, the lake of becoming more of a mental topic to herself. She voiced her thoughts now, shuffling casually on the ground. Her eyes glanced at the cold earth briefly whilst her mind came up with the rights words to utter. "I don't think it's entirely safe there. Gives me the chills." The blue eyed witch tucked her wand in the coat securely, and put her still chilled hands inside the pocket of either side. She thought that giving a lecture to her roommate was not the safest route for two people who had just met officially. Inside the warm cloth of her coat, Artemis rubbed her fingers together as she decided to shift the topic to something else more...time consuming. "So you swim and play Quidditch. That's so... interesting," truthfully murmured by the blonde as she payed most of her attention to the other witch, whilst a quarter was given to the lake. Merlin, that body of water just made her feel uneasy in the nerves.
Myuna shrugged when artimus said that th school was strict "you could say that. they gave me detention once for having my socks too short like" she said. rolling her eyes. like seriously socks. maybe she was trying to stretch the rules. some of them were stupid though like socks had to be a cirtain length, and earrings within a cirtain range. (she usually wore large hoops just because she shouldnt)
she slipped on her t shirt and hoody s she was now pretty much dry. then put on her pants. and picked up her shoes as the girl said there may be a giant squid and a shark. "just think of how man squid rings you can make from a giant squid. and there isn't that much wrong with sharks, there are quite a few seen near where i live" she said there were lots of shark sightings and quite a few attacks in the past near her home but that had never stopped her surfing so one small rumour of a shark wasn't going to stop her swimming "mermaids, really, that is cool. I will have to bring my snorkel next time to see i can see any" she said thinking it would be insteresing to see a mermaid.
Una saw that the girl was looking a little cold. Maybe we should head into the castle for some hot milo or something"[/b] she said. picking up her bag and stuffing the wetsuit inside it before slinging it over her shoulder and her towel around her neck. "yeah, back home i do a lot of ater sports. and quidditch is the only sport they have her so i thought i would give it a try." she said it looked like the two were team mates as well as dorm mates. if she remembered right Artemus was keeper. "you're keeper right, what else do you like doing?" she asked making the start of the way up to the castle. it was a good idea to get to know your dorm mates, they were the ones who put up with you most.

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