Screw low key!

Hoshi Icchihara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Hoshi Watanuki was hiding behind a bush. She had taken just enough of being quiet for the year. This Sin thing was getting out of hand and Sinclair was not paying attention to her!. It was nearly the end of the year and instead of having her usual end of year party to celebrate making it one more year in Hogwarts Hoshi chose someone out of the crowd to make a point with. Hoshi Watanuki should never be allowed to get bored.

She watched and waited for the Hufflepuff girl that she had picked to come by. The prank had been set earlier in the day when Hoshi 'borrowed' her notes. Again she was going to pay the girl for 'letting' her look at them but that wasn't the point. The girl was kind of slow but with a kind-ish face. The kind of face that had she been another kind of person she would have been all over before this.

Hoshi knew that girl liked to come study out her so this was where she waited. The time was right and there was the Hufflepuff all covered up for winter. Hoshi's eyes shone as she waited. Suddenly a bug, completely out of season, showed up. The girl flicked it away only to be met with more and more. It seemed like the more she tried to dive them away the more came back. A shrill scream came as the girl was nearly engulfed in a swarm. Hoshi fell back laughing as the girl ran by.
Chihiro was a little surprised when her cousin Sakura was sorted into Hufflepuff. But Hufflepuff suit her anyway. Chihiro had enjoy every second of her life in Hogwarts even though she was away from her family but she get to spend a lot of time with her cousins. It was such an honor to be with her cousins and even though she was new, she was thinking about throwing a party later on.

She took her ballet flats as she dance around the abandoned corridor, it was quiet too quiet until the only thing that she could hear was her self, breathing. A scream of a girl then bang her ears it was painful she hated those kind of scream. She followed the voice still in her ballet flats and found another girl rolling on the floor laughing.
"Konnichiwa" Chihiro greeted seeing that the girl MIGHT be Japanese. "What was that?"
There seemed to be a lot more Japanese students in the school as of late but Hoshi doubted that they knew about her. Even amung the pure blood famlies of Japan (of which her father was the most powerful and the most evil) she was little known because of her antics. Her father used to not stand having a daughter so distructive to his reputation. Hoshi was just happy not to have to deal with things like that anymore. She looked at the girl that had come to her and saw the familer Japanese fetures.

Hoshi smiled wide at the first year. "Konnichiwa Imoto-chan" She said in her native Japanese. She had all but gotten rid of her accent in English but she could still speak Japanese as if she had never left her home land. Not that she ever wanted to go back for anything other than the clothes there. When Japan did goth, they did it well.

Hello little sister
(OOC: sorry for the length)

A smile appear on Chihiro's face as she was called imoto chan or in other words, younger sister. It felt good to meet other Japanese student in Hogwarts. Chihiro had always been proud of being Japanese. She bowed, showing a deep respect in the older girl "Konnichiwa Senpai". Her eyes started to wander, the main purpose on her going there was to find out what happen. "I don't mean to be rude but what happen?" She asked her politely, the only thing that made Chihiro act like this was the fact that the girl was Japanese. If not then she wouldn't act too polite like this.
Hoshi looked at where she had layed her trap and laughed. "A little prank to liven up the day. I was bored you see. I don't like being bored much. I makes me think and sometimes the things I think become pranks that make others scream like that. Really it's all in good fun and no one get's hurt." Hoshi said with the brightest smile on her face. It was one of those days where she felt like being completely Japanese. She was speaking it without any consideration to anyone that might not understand her. Not that this girl had anything to worry about.

"What brings you out Lake Imoto-chan?" Hoshi asked as she straightened herself out. Since meeting Clyde-kun she had taken to making most of the Asian students feel at home, even let some of them call her Onee (older sister) when they wanted to. "Name's Hoshi Watanuki by the way. She added with a bow.
Chihiro was and is proud being Japanese, every time she meet one she would give them a deep respect. She eyed her senpai and smiled. "I'm Chihiro Aiko, my father decided not to name me Higuchi instead of Aiko. He thinks that Aiko sounds so much better and he loves the meaning of it" She had been wanted to changed her name into Chihiro Higuchi since she was proud in that surname. All her female cousins were named Aiko and her male cousins were named Higuchi.

"Well I was dancing in the corridor and then I heard something here so I decided to peak"
She giggled. Chihiro loved the name Hoshi, she was going to be named Hoshi but her mother liked Chihiro better. She said it sounded nicer than Hoshi, but Chihiro couldn't care less."Wow there are lots of Japanese students here in Hogwarts, eh?" She giggled as she tried to count them. She had met several and they were all nice to her. Perhaps that was because Chihiro's also Japanese? She wasn't sure but she love them all.
Hoshi could see that Chihiro loved her nation just like Hoshi loved her nation. It had just been her father's family that she hadn't loved. She was also noticing that a fair amount of the Japanese students where ending up in Slytherin. This was a good thing seeing as they tended to be very cunning in deed. I like the way that sounds too and the characters looks pretty together I would assume. I love how my last name is spelled with the character for April first. That was the birthday of the first Watanuki so I was told." She said when Chihiro started talking about her name.

She wondered if the Aiko family was somewhat well known but then Hoshi had been so busy trying to get out of her father's side of the family that she hadn't really take the time to get to know most of the pure and half blood families. "You might have heard my victim. As I said I don't like to be board." She said with a sigh "Not really we just tend to attract them." She said. There where not a lot of Japanese students that she knew of in fact when she had first gotten sorted into Slytherin she had been in the minority of Asian students.
Chihiro stared at her senpai for several minute and then look down to the ground and back to the girl. "Victim?" She asked not knowing either it was physical or verbal fight. Chihiro wasn't a big fan of hitting other people but Koboshi was one of those who would kill other people verbally. None of her cousin love violence, they were all natural in arguing but not physical fighting. But her father and uncles mastered the Jujutsu and Aikido (Japanese martial art), Chihiro wasn't sure if Keitaro and Kotaro or even Koboshi could do that but Chihiro was good at it.

Chihiro continue listening to her senpai as she try to figure out what the girl want.
"I would love to kick those desperate Slytherins during my spare time" She giggle, she had remember some desperate girls who tried to be popular or act popular but they're not. Mostly they were all alright but there were some girls who should be sorted into Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin but they ended in Slytherin instead of Hufflepuff. Chihiro could never understand that.

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