Scott Pollard

Scott Pollard

The Basics

Name: Scott Pollard
Birthdate: June 6[sup]th[/sup], 1997
Current Age: 25 Years Old
Hogwarts Graduation Year: 2018
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Mixed Blood

Appearance: Scott has short brown hair and brown eyes, he is of Anglo-Saxon decent and his features display the likeness.
He takes greater pride in his appearance than he often ought to, knowing that appearances are often all a person needs for a first impression.
He has no distinguishing marks or scars.

A Little More In Depth

Patronus: Magpie (Intelligent bird, self sacrificing according to legend and fairly social)
Greatest Fear: Failure
Greatest Dream: Unknown, he seems quite contented with life currently.

Family: Both parents, Mary and Evan, live in New Zealand - neither work any longer but Evan used to be employed with the New Zealand Ministry of Magic with no specific assignment to a department. He did whatever was needed
Scott has one younger sister, Seren, who he keeps in touch with fairly often.
Abilities/Talents: Scott is well learned in the theory behind many magical arts and the History of the Magical World itself, however in practically applying his knowledge he falls short.
He has no special aptitude for any wizarding sports but is able to pick up/acquire and retain new knowledge with ease.
In short: Scott is able to walk and chew gum at the same time.
Personality:Scott is often quiet, reserved and calculating but it's usually by choice. His normal state of being is quite social and care free. He values intelligence but he doesn't look down on people who don't match him intellectually.
Scott bases most of his decisions off first impressions, when he faces a new situation he contemplates it logically and then whatever his first decision he comes to is, it's normally his final decision.

(To be continued...)

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