Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy
Darling, I forgive you after all.
Anything is better than to be alone.
And in the end I guess I had to fall.
Always find my place among the ashes.
___________t h e r o l e p l a y e r
Come to bed, don't make me sleep alone.
name Kirsti, Xephia
age 17
years of experience 5
contact info (email) (MSN)
___________b a s i c a l l y . . .
Couldn't hide the emptiness, you let it show.
full name Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy
nicknames Scorp, MalfoyScorpy, Hyperion
age 14-15
date of birth
gender Male
sexual orientation Straight, possibly bi
year 4th
house Slytherin
blood halfblood/pureblood (JKR won't give us a definite answer D=)
patronus a fox
boggart humiliation
pets none
quidditch N/A
commonly seen as flirtatious, proud, dominating, controlling
but really forgiving, independent, confident, cheeky
___________a p p e a r a n c e
Never wanted it to be so cold.
Scorpius is tall for his young age and has inherited most of his looks from his infamous father, Draco Malfoy. However, unlike his father, he wears his platinum blond hair loose and product-free. While he had always had it cut short by his parents, he let it grow out during his time at Hogwarts, and now it reaches just below his jawline in a styled and windswept fashion.
Silver eyes and pale skin accompany his hair as traits from Draco, although many would say that his eyes are bigger, and his smile sweeter. Scorpius' genuine smile isn't as uncommon, which came perhaps from being born in a happier time. His face is also a slight more beautiful, although it's difficult to point out what trait makes it such.
A couple of cute, but unfortunately pale, freckles are scattered like stars across his nose. They are his least favorite feature, while his elegant pianist fingers are his favorite.
Scorpius is also a lot more comfortable in Muggle clothes than his father - as most of the new generation are. He can usually, when not in school robes, be found wearing thigh hugging jeans, flashy, tight shirts and designer jackets. He likes to keep his appearance 'fresh' and his clothes in fashion - becomes nothing is more important to him than impressing people.
model Max Thieriot
___________p e r s o n a l i t y
Just didn't drink enough to say you love me.
Scorpius finds popularity easily among the girls. Already doted on for his charm and his looks, he loves the effect that his flirting has on them. Not nasty in his teasing, and (seemingly) not house-selective in his preferences, prejudices against him regarding his father died quickly.
The boys found him more difficult to accept, but eventually many began to find his daring admirable, and his smile friendly. But, there are just as many who think him as no more than 'a nasty Slytherin.' While his smile is sweet around Gryffindor girls, he has little interest in befriending the boys of houses other than Slytherin, and so some boys, of Gryffindor especially, think him to be as stuck up as his father. However, they treat him as poorly as he treats them, so those outside of the fights tend to keep their opinions to themselves, never sure who is in the right. Usually it's neither.
Scorpius can be sarcastic and rude, but mostly tries to keep up his 'cool guy' appearance. Quite vain, he knows that he looks good and does his best to keep his appearance as perfect as possible. He was spoiled as he was raised, and so has grown up to be quite selfish.
He wants to grow up to be rich and powerful, and won't let anyone get in his way.
likes flirting, girls, teasing, popularity, his sister, attention, Quidditch.
dislikes shame, the Potters, loosing
quirks/habits loves to be barefoot, sleeptalks, paints.
fears people discovering that he's halfblood ( if he IS halfblood?) failing, being poor, being despised.
goals To be the most famous wizard of his generation, and have the name Malfoy outshine the name Potter.
___________h i s t o r y
I can't hold on to me,
Coming soon
siblings None
significant others N/A
good friends Chace Harker
___________c r e d i t
Wonder what's wrong with me.
this application was made by d a d o e of rc&r and caution! 2.0
please do not remove the credits or she will eat you O:
the lyrics are from the song Lithium by Evanesence.
Darling, I forgive you after all.
Anything is better than to be alone.
And in the end I guess I had to fall.
Always find my place among the ashes.
___________t h e r o l e p l a y e r
Come to bed, don't make me sleep alone.
name Kirsti, Xephia
age 17
years of experience 5
contact info (email) (MSN)
___________b a s i c a l l y . . .
Couldn't hide the emptiness, you let it show.
full name Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy
nicknames Scorp, Malfoy
age 14-15
date of birth
gender Male
sexual orientation Straight, possibly bi
year 4th
house Slytherin
blood halfblood/pureblood (JKR won't give us a definite answer D=)
patronus a fox
boggart humiliation
pets none
quidditch N/A
commonly seen as flirtatious, proud, dominating, controlling
but really forgiving, independent, confident, cheeky
___________a p p e a r a n c e
Never wanted it to be so cold.
Scorpius is tall for his young age and has inherited most of his looks from his infamous father, Draco Malfoy. However, unlike his father, he wears his platinum blond hair loose and product-free. While he had always had it cut short by his parents, he let it grow out during his time at Hogwarts, and now it reaches just below his jawline in a styled and windswept fashion.
Silver eyes and pale skin accompany his hair as traits from Draco, although many would say that his eyes are bigger, and his smile sweeter. Scorpius' genuine smile isn't as uncommon, which came perhaps from being born in a happier time. His face is also a slight more beautiful, although it's difficult to point out what trait makes it such.
A couple of cute, but unfortunately pale, freckles are scattered like stars across his nose. They are his least favorite feature, while his elegant pianist fingers are his favorite.
Scorpius is also a lot more comfortable in Muggle clothes than his father - as most of the new generation are. He can usually, when not in school robes, be found wearing thigh hugging jeans, flashy, tight shirts and designer jackets. He likes to keep his appearance 'fresh' and his clothes in fashion - becomes nothing is more important to him than impressing people.
model Max Thieriot
___________p e r s o n a l i t y
Just didn't drink enough to say you love me.
Scorpius finds popularity easily among the girls. Already doted on for his charm and his looks, he loves the effect that his flirting has on them. Not nasty in his teasing, and (seemingly) not house-selective in his preferences, prejudices against him regarding his father died quickly.
The boys found him more difficult to accept, but eventually many began to find his daring admirable, and his smile friendly. But, there are just as many who think him as no more than 'a nasty Slytherin.' While his smile is sweet around Gryffindor girls, he has little interest in befriending the boys of houses other than Slytherin, and so some boys, of Gryffindor especially, think him to be as stuck up as his father. However, they treat him as poorly as he treats them, so those outside of the fights tend to keep their opinions to themselves, never sure who is in the right. Usually it's neither.
Scorpius can be sarcastic and rude, but mostly tries to keep up his 'cool guy' appearance. Quite vain, he knows that he looks good and does his best to keep his appearance as perfect as possible. He was spoiled as he was raised, and so has grown up to be quite selfish.
He wants to grow up to be rich and powerful, and won't let anyone get in his way.
likes flirting, girls, teasing, popularity, his sister, attention, Quidditch.
dislikes shame, the Potters, loosing
quirks/habits loves to be barefoot, sleeptalks, paints.
fears people discovering that he's halfblood ( if he IS halfblood?) failing, being poor, being despised.
goals To be the most famous wizard of his generation, and have the name Malfoy outshine the name Potter.
___________h i s t o r y
I can't hold on to me,
Coming soon
siblings None
significant others N/A
good friends Chace Harker
___________c r e d i t
Wonder what's wrong with me.
this application was made by d a d o e of rc&r and caution! 2.0
please do not remove the credits or she will eat you O:
the lyrics are from the song Lithium by Evanesence.