🌹 Rose Giving Scored a Rose

Hazel Ashworth

🧵Quirky | Try-Hard | Fashion Designer| ACCIO 📸
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 Inch Flexible Birch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
6/2049 (13)
Yellow rose for @Dominic Owens-Lee

Hazel knew Dominic was a Quidditch player, so the name was familiar to her. She had heard other Slytherins talk about the Hufflepuff lineup enough times for it to stick. She headed over to the fourth floor and waited outside the Hufflepuff common room until she noticed him. She beamed and stepped forward. "Hey, Dominic right?"
Dominic felt a little guilty that he had forgotten to give out roses. With Quidditch recently becoming the only thing on his mind, it had completely slipped away from him. Part of him hoped to not receive a rose as he headed out of the common room that morning. But almost instantly as he stepped out, he was stopped by a younger Slytherin. "Oh, yes, that's me" he said, wondering what she was after.
Hazel smiled brightly, glad she had found the right guy. She took the yellow rose out of her basket and handed it over to him. "Here you go, Happy Valentine's Day!"

Happy Valentine’s day! You’re such a cool friend.


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