- Messages
- 244
- OOC First Name
- Camilla
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Too Young to Care
- Wand
- Straight 11 Inch Sturdy Hawthorn Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
- Age
- 13
Ignatius would've given anything to go home to his parents. His mother would spoil him rotten, and his father would make grand statements about how all the business and prestige they had would be his one day. He liked that far more than whatever was going on right now. School was horrible, and far from the anticipated glory of Quidditch the training sessions were a nightmare. The captain, in his infinite wisdom, had put four beaters on the team and after a few practice sessions Ignatius was sure his bruises had bruises. It was only the knowledge that crying and throwing a tantrum would not make it stop that prevented him from doing so.
He should have just quit, leave Slytherin without a seeker and make them suffer for it, but the lure of personal glory was far too much. He hoped the bruises would give him the power to catch the snitch, and then, once it was caught, wield the prestige it brought him to get the captain and his hideous twin brother removed from power.
No, he hadn't thought about what came next. After all, Ignatius had never had to. Not when everything was handed to him and even poor grades were meaningless in the grand scheme of things. But stumbling into the Hospital Wing after another brutal training session, Ignatius felt uneasy. And it wasn't just the nausea from another round of bludger hits. (That was most of it, though). By now, he basically had his own bed set aside for the aftermath of every practice session. That was not the kind of power he had wanted his name to hold, but that's where it was at this point. He fell onto the bed with a whine, more thoughts jumbling around his brain than he was used to holding at once.
He should have just quit, leave Slytherin without a seeker and make them suffer for it, but the lure of personal glory was far too much. He hoped the bruises would give him the power to catch the snitch, and then, once it was caught, wield the prestige it brought him to get the captain and his hideous twin brother removed from power.
No, he hadn't thought about what came next. After all, Ignatius had never had to. Not when everything was handed to him and even poor grades were meaningless in the grand scheme of things. But stumbling into the Hospital Wing after another brutal training session, Ignatius felt uneasy. And it wasn't just the nausea from another round of bludger hits. (That was most of it, though). By now, he basically had his own bed set aside for the aftermath of every practice session. That was not the kind of power he had wanted his name to hold, but that's where it was at this point. He fell onto the bed with a whine, more thoughts jumbling around his brain than he was used to holding at once.