School Christmas Lunch?

Audrey Beauchamp

I have a cunning plan...
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Curly 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
16 (17/11/2047)
"Camilla are you going to do the plots you said you'd do or anything of your backlog" "no, but consider..."

I'm hoping to start using this forum for more specific plot developments rather than trying to sort out things for characters as that might be slightly more successful for me, so: was wondering if anyone had characters who were going to be stuck at the school over the holiday break? Professors, students, staff etc. If so, would anyone be down to do a wacky Christmas lunch? Telling the worst jokes you've ever heard, fighting over the last of the potatoes, someone getting a little too emotional over dessert. All with an unconventional assortment of characters who would probably have very little reason to hang out at any other time of the year!

(I was thinking Audrey was going to get in too much trouble for sending a howler to her parents so she was being 'punished' by being left at the school over the break for my part, though nobody has to go into reasons in depth. Could throw Gabrielle in as a designated adult to supervise as well.)

Would probably just be OSW style to keep it moving, just thought it might be a fun idea and could go anywhere if anyone's interested!
I think this sounds like a really interesting idea! I can picture Kyousuke staying for the Christmas break just to keep studying. His family doesn't really celebrate Christmas the same way my other characters' families do, and he'd probably find it interesting to have a Christmas lunch for the first time. So I'm game for that idea!
Ooh yes, I'd love to see culture clashes too, like arguments over traditions (I'm not starting anything about the ham bag) or characters who just don't celebrate it for various reasons. I say this like I'm fixating on the negatives but I think it could just be a cute and surprisingly wholesome idea to RP.
Great idea Camilla and sounds fun! Christmas day also happens to be Teddy's 13th birthday and he'd want the whole thing to be about him. He would normally be at home for Christmas but for the benefit of a roleplay, I'd keep him at Hogwarts.
Okay, I'm in. Evangeline would hang out... I could also throw in Zion, Marcus, and Zaros. So sixth, fourth, second and first year.

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