Scarlett Thompson

Scarlett Thompson

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OOC First Name
Willow Wand 14" Unicorn Tail Hair
The Basics
Character's Name: Scarlett Genevieve Thompson
Character's Birthdate:June 26, 2015
Hometown:Nashville Tennessee
Blood Status:Half Blood
Wand: Willow Wand 14" Unicorn Tail Hair~Willow is know as the tree of enchantment. It is famous for its unique healing properties and is used to generate great psychic energy as an aid in divination.
Hogwarts House:Hufflepuff
Hair: Long, wavy, black hair
Eyes:Smokey grey eyes that she inherited from her father. They hide what she is feeling very well so only people who really understand her can decipher her inner thoughts and feelings.
Height:fairly tall for her age. She is 5 ft 5 inches at 11
Style:Scarlett loves to wear sun dresses and cow boy boots. It is her natural southern style. However she does love wearing shorts and t-shirts around her house. Plus she is very athletic so she wears athleic shorts a lot. She has two very important pieces of jewelry that she is never seen without. A ring that is a emerald shaped crescent moon surrounded by sapphire stars. The ring is inscripted with Un coeur d'amour est le plus vrai bon sens in french, meaning "A loving heart is the truest wisdom." It belonged to her great-grandmother. She also always has her mother's locket containing a picture of family.
Other Distinguishing Features: Scarlett has a scar on the bottom of her right foot where she stepped on a shard of glass at age 7 in her kitchen when her mother broke a plate. They got the glass out but a scar was left in it's place.
A Little Deeper
Personality: Scarlett is very outgoing and brave. She rarely crys but when she does all she needs is a hug and she feels so much better. She isn't scared of anything except snakes. Scarlett is very loyal and honest. She will always be there for a friend in need and will keep a secret if needed. She is very smart but sometimes she slacks off in her school work because she loves to play prankster. She is very humorous. Scarlett is also very musical and she is always singing. Scarlett is very headstrong and stubborn. If she doesn't think it's right she will refuse to do it. She also has a hefty temper so you don't want to push her too hard.
History: Scarlett grew up in Nashville Tennessee, the home of country music, where she developed a strong passion for music. It was also where her father, a muggle grew up. She has a very strong southern accent but she loves it. She had a very simple, but wonderful childhood. She grew up on a farm right outside of Nashville where she developed a huge love for animals, especially horses. She attended a public elemenary school and had many friends but never found a best friend but that didn't really bother her much. Scarlett was always doing something whether it be a sport or music. She started paying basketball when she was 4 and she was pronounced a piano prodigy when she was 5. She loves to sing and write as well.

She first found out about magic when she was 5 when she had levitated herself to the ceiling and her parents couldn't get her down for several hours. When she was 7, her brother, Charlie, was born. She was always very taken with him and loved helping her parents take care of him.

Even though Scarlett knew she was a witch. She didn't really grow up in a magic household. Her father, though he never admitted it, was uncomfortable around magic. He loved his wife and still loved her after she told him she was a witch but he just didn't like it being used all the time. Of course Scarlett came across magical items from time to time(Her mother used to be afterall, an auror.) she led a pretty much normal muggle life. Her mother never brought her work home with her and so Scarlett watched muggle T.V, played with muggle friends, and listened to muggle music.
The very first time Scarlett was ever introduced to true sadness was when her mother, Airini, was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumer. Even a powerful witch like her could not recover from the disease. Scarlett was 9 at the time and has terribly heart broken when her mother died. She never felt more alone in her entire life. Her mother was her best friend and she lost her at a very young age.

Ever since her mother's death she had to grow up a lot quicker and help out with Charlie but she didn't mind. Scarlett loves to help people. When she received her Hogwarts acceptance letter, she was thrilled. She always wanted to learn magic properly and efficently. However, she was afraid that her dad might not allow her to go. He had become extremely protective over his daughter since his wife's death but eventually agreed due to his daughter's contant begging. He believed it was a wise decision. Scarlett was ecstatic and can't wait to learn everything she can...

Father- Nathan Matthew Thompson

Birthdate- September 16, 1988

Occupation- Optometrist

Blood Status- Muggle

History- Born and raised in Nahville Tennessee but of french decent. He met Scarlett's mother on a mission trip to New Zealand and felt love at first sight. They dated for 2 months before Airini moved up to Nashville. At this point Nathan had found out Airini was a witch but he loved her anyway. They got married 8 months later when Nathan was 26 and led a happy life untill her tragic death. Nathan has not remarried.

Mother- Airini Manaia Ngangi Thompson

Birthdate- July 29, 1990- October 17, 2024

Occupation- Was an Auror, but switched to the muggle occupation of being a chef when she married.

Blood Status- Purblood

History- Airini was born and raised in a Maori reservation in New Zealand but only her father was full blooded Maori (part of the Mâkutu(Pureblood) tribe). Her mother was of English decent but her family had lived in New Zealand for generations (purebloods from England). She was a part of the old magic only the Maori wizards and witches had, Mâkutu. She attended Hogwarts in Scotland and was in the Ravenclaw house. After graduation she became an auror. She met Nathan Thompson in a market back in her native land and was instantly taken with him. They started a long distance relationship when she was 23 but she was miserable without him so she moved to Nashville shortly after he returned home. They were married by the time she was 24 and she was very happy. She had Scarlett a year later and Charlie 7 years after Scarlett. .She loved her family and her job but everything is not what its cracked up to be. When she was diagnosed with the tumor, she was scared for herself and her family. However she knew everything happened for a reason so she put on a brave smile and enjoyed her last months with her family.

Brother- Charles Gabriel Thompson

Birthdate- July 5, 2022

Occupation- He's 4. He just started preschool.

Blood status- Half blood

History- He is the polar opposite of Scarlett but he is a happy kid. He loves to play outside but he is rather shy. He has a wonderful smile and a contagious giggle. He is autistic. He loves his sister and always wants to be held by her. He is very sad that she isn't going to be around this year.

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