Savouring the Sweet

Abel Smith

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 Inch Rigid Ebony Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Abel was not yet used to Hogwarts New Zealand. It was strange, for such a small island (or couple) it had a very prominent Wizarding school, it was so well thought of, that even Abel's family had allowed him to attend, as apposed to Hogwarts Scotland, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, Orion, Salem or all the other various schools he could have. It was a relief that he didn't have to be home schooled, he couldn't stand being with his family for extended periods of time. He feared them, and he wasn't embarrassed about it, because they were a bunch of frightening people, for an eleven year old. Making his way out of the castle slowly, the young Slytherin looked around te outdoors, it wasn't like Scotland, it was warmer here, and Abel was feeling it. Pulling on his collar, Abel sighed, he should have anticipated this, ofcourse it would be warmer in New Zealand than it was in Scotland, and even though he'd stayed here for a few weeks before actually going to the school, he hadn't gotten used to the weather, and he wasn't sure he ever would. Being in the Slytherin house wasn't as boring, annoying, exciting or interesting as Abel had first thought, in fact, it just seemed rather normal for him, everyone in the house seemed to do their own thing and not really interfer much with everyone else's lives, it was comforting to know that he had not been put in a house full of nosey, loud, annoying people, because he wasn't sure how he would handle it.

Spinning around quickly, Abel stopped himself and looked at where he had ended up. Seeing what could be considered a sign of some sort, Abel quickly read over it, and then shrugged. This rosebush was dedicated to a young Ravenclaw, Merlin knew how long it had been here, but by what Abel could see, it must have been here for a considerable amount of time, since the flowers, bushes and trees were quite aged and large. Abel liked the outdoors, and he was a fan of plants, since they were rather interesting and fun to be around, since most of his family couldn't care less for nature, it was a little getaway for the boy. Abel walked amounst the flowers, which were mostly roses, quietly, savouring every step because he knew that once things got hectic, he'd be spending his time studying, rather than having any sort of relaxation.
Delancey hadn't been able to stand being cooped up in the castle. Big and airy as it was, there was still something oppressive about all that stone. It was hard and confining and she longed to run free. She had heard about some creatures who lived in the lake and she wanted to see some of them, so she ran outside at the first opportunity and knelt by the lakeside, trying to peer into the deep water, moving around the edge of the lake for different vantage points. Once, she thought she caught a glimpse of long hair, but she couldn't see much from the shore, so she stripped off her black robe. Under it, she was wearing colorful knit stockings, a short, dark pink skirt, and a yellow short-sleeved shirt layered over a long-sleeved teal shirt. It was one of those outfits her grandma would've looked at and asked if she was colorblind, but Delancey adored color, and if she had to wear that boring robe all day, she was gonna wear whatever she wanted underneath it. Robe discarded on the grass, Delancey jumped into the lake, the rainbow of her clothing distorted under the water. She came up for air, took a deep breath, then dived back down, eyes wide and searching. She swam deeper, looking for what she thought was a mermaid. It was hard to see, and she wished she had brought some goggles with her. Delancey wondered briefly what her grandma would think about her asking to have goggles sent to her at school. She would know something was up, that was for sure. Her grandma had an unusually good understanding of Delancey, but then she'd always been more like her grandma than like her own parents. Though it did make it harder to get away with stuff. Delancey just supposed she'd have to get more creative. She always liked a challenge.

She came up for air and dove back down multiple times, increasingly frustrated at not being able to find anything interesting. She was shivering like mad, though she had been trying to ignore it. It was a warmer day than it might've been, but it was still too cold to be swimming in an even colder lake. Deciding to get out before she did any permanent damage, she made for the lakeside. But Delancey was shivering so violently that she was having trouble gripping anything to get herself out of the water. Adrenaline had kept the cold at bay before, but now she was too aware of it and she knew she would be in a lot of trouble if she didn't get out soon. Scrabbling desperately and futilely at the grass, she started to panic, bobbing up and down in the water, sputtering as some of it went down her throat. Something from the depths suddenly lifted her out of the water and plopped her down onto the grass. Shocked, Delancey looked back at the lake and saw a massive tentacle disappear into the water. She didn't know what to think, but she was grateful that whatever it was had saved her.

The creature had deposited her quite a ways from her robe and she was too weak to get up. She rolled over onto her back and shivered violently, wondering if anyone would be able to see her and come and help her. When the wind blew she caught the sweet scent of roses on the air and was reminded vividly of her grandma's garden where all sorts of flowers bloomed. She loved talking to the bees in the garden and watching them buzz from flower to flower, wishing she were tiny enough to use flowers like stepping stones. She giggled to herself imagining being a tiny little fairy bouncing around the garden, twirling amongst the petals and being carried away by a gust of wind. A violent shiver racked her body and she hugged her arms tightly around herself, calling out a weak "Help!" As much as she hated asking anyone for help, she knew she needed it right now. "Help!" she croaked a bit louder, her bluish lips trembling. She started singing to herself to distract from the cold, "P-Puff, the magic dragon, l-lived by the s-sea, and frolicked in the a-autumn mist in a l-land c-called Honah Lee...."
Abel happened to looked up at one point and saw someone running towards the lake, discarding their robe. Abel couldn't blame them, it was very hot, to him anyway, to others that were from around here, it could possibly be very chilly to them. Unfortuately, all plans of rest and relaxation were momentarily stopped when Abel observed that someone, a very brightly coloured someone, enter the water that the Slytherin knew was supposed to be rather chilly, probably far colder than the outside world apparently was, and the breeze. But to the Scotish born boy, it wouldn't be very chilly at all. Summer in Scotland would be colder than that lake, but he didn't feel like swimming because he honestly didn't appriciate water as much as he could. Loosing interest in the colourful someone, Abel returned to trying to relax, because he was already starting to get over-excited about the classes he would be doing. What would his cousin say? She'd skin him alive and laugh whilst doing it. There was no way Abel could allow himself to have distractions, he'd need to focus so he could do his family proud, since Parker was such a failure to everyone, Abel didn't want to end up like his older brother. Exiled. Abel once again looked up and eyed off the lake curiously. What was the colourful person doing? Abel wasn't entirely sure, but they seemed that they might need some help of some sort and Abel shrugged, and ran off to help them. Why wouldn't he? It was the rught thing to do, he couldn't just let the person freeze to death, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to live with himself.

Abel dashed quickly over to the person, whom he quickly discovered was a young girl, possibly in his year, maybe one of two higher, he was never good at telling peoples ages, he seemed to always guess incorrectly. Maybe that was his problem, guessing. He became increasingly worried when she started called out for help, was she seriously injured? Prehaps a trip to the infirmary is called for. Touching the girl on the shoulder, Abel quickly retracted his fingers, she was quite cold indeed, but she was possibly overreacting to the situation. She was cold, but she wasn't going to die any time soon. Looking back at the Great Lawn, Abel's eyes spotted her robes, and he once again stood up and ran off the fetch it, it would help in keeping her warm, since she seemed to think that she was going to die. Abel had to admit, the girl was probably freezing, but he'd been far colder, and at the temperature she was now, she wouldn't die, or lose any toes, she probably needed some warmer clothes, like her robe. Plucking the robe from the ground, Abel went back to the girl, and laid it across her frame quietly and settled down beside her. She would live, but her singing was a little confusing, he'd never heard of the song before, but he was not very muscially talented, or interested, so it could be the most popular song in the Wizarding community, and chances were he wouldn't know it. "You're okay now." Abel's voice was quiet, with a little bit of concern, he always worried when people were worried, their emtions rubbed off on him. Looking at the lake Abel smiled slightly. Lakes were beautiful, but then he looked back at the girl. "You won't die, just try to stay still." He advised. "I'm Abel, by the way." He added, holding out his pale hand quietly and wearing a happy smile.
Delancey looked up at the boy who was laying her cloak over her shivering little body and smiled. She thought his eyes looked kind and that he had a really warm smile. Perking up at the sight of positivity she grinned and shot a cold hand straight up into the air and said, "Pleased to meet ya Abel McBagel! I'm Delancey!" She shook his hand vigorously, liking the look of it moving like a snake, undulating up and down. Despite his warning to stay still she sat bolt upright, wet rainbow locks hitting her face like ropes and now decorated with blades of grass and tiny twigs, some of which fell into her soaking wet lap. She shook her head like a puppy, sending some grass flying. "I know I won't die," she told him, "I was just so stiff and sore and I could barely move. Still not comfy, but I wanna run and jump and not be stuck here on the ground all day."

Delancey looked at the boy to see if he seemed like the kind of kid who had as much energy as she did. Well, she guessed that was probably impossible, but he looked like he might like to have fun, at least. She found herself wanting to know more about him and couldn't keep herself from blurting out a stream of questions: "How old are you?You look older than me, but maybe you're just taller, and I'm just a first year anyway so I don't really know anyone yet.What house are you in?I'm in Gryffindor and it's perfect for me.Do you like it here?What's your favorite color?What's your favorite thing to do?Are you always this quiet?". As her questions burst forth, she simultaneously looked around to see exactly where she'd ended up and spied the rosebush she'd smelled before. Without even taking a breath she added, "Race ya to the rosebushes!" and she jumped up like a rabbit addicted to espresso and started bouncing in place waiting for his response, ready to bolt for the roses at the first sign of agreement.
Abel smiled down at the girl, and noticed quickly that her hair had several different shades of colours all through it. Now why would someone go and do that to their hair? It was quite interesting indeed, and it looked fun, but his family would behead him if he even considered streaking his hair like that. Abel laughed slightly at what the girl he soon discovered to be Delancey, called him. Never had he been called that, but he didn't really want to be called that, it was funny, but not his true name. "Please, just call me Abel." He said politely, making sure that he didn;t sound annoyed with the girl in fear that she'd worry abotu what she'd said. As soon as he gave his hand for a shake, it started moving like a crazed snake, it even caused his shoulder to move up and down. Cringing at the grass molecules that flew towards him, Abel shook his head to remove the grass from his hair. "Maybe you should have thought twice about the water temperature. I'm from a colder area, and even I wouldn't go diving in there without testing it first."

Abel was used to being asked questions, but usually they would have some sort of break, and he'd have some sort of warning. His grandmother would usually ask half a million questions, why are you here? Where is your sister? Have you combed your hair correctly? Have you wahsed up? Questions like that, serious questions, not these seemingly random questions, so in the end Abel was quite confused, but decided to answer them anyway. Though it did take him awhile, and he waited until she seemed to run out of questions. "Emm, I'm eleven since July, and since I come from a family of tall people, I am most likely taller than you, and I'm a boy so it stands to reason. I'm in the house of Slytherin, and I suppose it's nice. The school is okay, I suppose, it's not what I'm used to. My favourite colour is Aubergine. My favourite thing to do is gardening." That was quite a block of information he had to give out, and it was rare for him to do so, but why not? There wasn't anything threatening about the information given out, and he had learned very early that you give to get, so if he wanted to learn about this extremely odd girl, he had to allow her to learn about him. Once again, Delancey jumped up with seemingly amazing amounts of energy, and seemed to want to race to the rosebushes. Abel thought about it, he wasn't much of a runner at all, but he might as well humor the girl in her quest to exert as much energy as possible. "Sure!" As soon as he answered, Abel began running towards the bushes, they weren't too far, but they would far enough to make a decent run.
Delancey noticed Abel's eyes on her hair and giggled, wondering what he was thinking since she got all sorts of responses to it. "It's sorta natural, ya know," she told him, "my colors. I started out doing it myself, but then one day I got really mad at some old women who didn't like it and said bad things about my grandma that my hair flew out all over the place and the colors decided to stick and now I never have to dye it again, I think." She studied this boy who seemed very friendly and polite, though maybe a little confused by her, if she was reading him right. "Don't worry, it's not a forever name," she said, rolling her eyes and smiling to show that she was teasing him, "I just say stuff like that sometimes, Abel-BettyGrable-who-prefers-to-be-just-Abel." Her tongue slid out between her teeth in a playful smile. She liked watching him respond to her. He was so different than what she was used to and she decided she liked different because different was always interesting. "'You should have thought twice,'" she mimicked him and giggled, "you remind me of my grandma. She's always telling me to think twice and look before I leap and blah blah. But I think people think too much and spend all their time thinking and never do anything 'cause they scare themselves right outta it."

She picked little pieces of grass off him as he answered her flurry of questions since he seemed to be uncomfortable with the way her puppy shake got them all over him. Deciding she was too itchy to race before responding, she was on her feet and as soon as she heard his 'sure' she was off and running like a bolt of electricity. Delancey ran as fast as she could to the rosebush and was jumping up and down getting out extra energy as he ran up behind her. She stopped bouncing once he was there and impulsively hugged him then plopped down indian style on the ground. "Ooo I like aubergine a lot. My grandma likes to mix it when she paints night stuff. So whatcha used to, Abel?" she asked, curious about where he came from and wanting to show him that she was capable of saying his name the way he wanted it said. She picked up a few fallen rose petals and ran her fingers over the silky texture and rubbed them against her face loving how soft they were, perfuming herself with roses. Then she tossed them into the air above her and smiled as they floated down, one landing on her head, one on her shoulder, and another still in her lap in the small folds of her short skirt. She collected them from her body and tore them into tiny pieces, holding the rose confetti in her hand. Once they were all miniaturized she tossed her flowerfetti into the air over her head and grinned as it landed in her hair all over her head, planning to leave it in all day.

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