Saria Kuang

Saria Kuang

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Is it that wooden thing the teachers always take?

•Name: Saria MeiLi Kuang
Saria: Hebrew, meaning princess or queen
MeiLi: Chinese, meaning beautiful, or graceful
Kuang: Chinese, family name, meaning a high ranking official.
•Current Age: 18
•Birth date: April 17th
•Appearance: Saria is on the short side compared to some of her family, standing only about 5’4”. She is small in form, weighing only about 120 lbs. Saria’s hair is long, smooth, and on the dry side. She uses very little gel in it, and washes it every two days to keep it from drying out too much. Saria’s most distinguishing features are her eyes. The black that is all the way through them seems to open up a world of wonder and innocence. Rather than looking dark and evil, they look innocent. Being as fashion oriented as she is, Saria chooses well-coordinated styles, mainly from the Harajuku line in china. She enjoys dressing colorfully, in shorts and skirts. Saria is all around small, her feet are only about a size 6, and she has bony arms and bony legs. Most of what is on her legs is muscle, from the light training she received in martial arts, something her parents forced her to do.
Saria has only one tattoo, and she got it recently. It is a cross with her sister’s name on it, and a rose beneath it. She also has both of her ears pierced once.

•Five words to describe your character:
1. Ditzy: The condition that Saria has causes her to be forgetful and all around ditzy. She can come off as unintelligent, but, when given the chance to learn, it is obvious that she gives her all. This trait is mostly considered a flaw.
2. Hard Working: Saria may not be the brightest person in the world, but there isn’t another person in her family as hard working as she is. If she hasn’t lost her attention span, she will work with something until it is perfect. This gives her the opportunity to learn on her own. This trait is mostly considered a skill.
3. Trusting: Saria has a child-like innocence to her, making everyone her friend. She is very gullible and tends to believe whatever anyone tells her. She believes that people are inherently good, no matter what they have done or haven’t done. This trait is a neutral trait.
4. Caring: Because Saria believes that everything is inherently good, she cares for everyone and everything wholeheartedly. She is a lover, not a fighter. She cares for all things from small to big, and tends to care so much that it hurts. This gives her the ability to be comforting without saying anything. This trait is considered a skill.
5. Goofy; Saria’s disorder and childish innocence gives her a very goofy disposition. She can laugh at inappropriate times and make others laugh at inappropriate times. Because she is considered so, though, some people don’t want to be around her. This trait is considered neutral.

•Pets if any:
Saria has none

•Area of residence: Her family home in New Zealand (sometimes the home in China)

•Short life story: Saria is a member of a very powerful and business oriented Chinese family. She was born at 7:56, almost an hour after her sister Genevieve. She looked like a normal Asian baby, with some discoloring in places, which the doctors said would wear off. As Saria got older, though, her parents noticed the changes. About a month after bringing her home, she was rushed back to the hospital with completely black eyes. After the muggle doctors could do no more, they took her to a magical hospital. They did tests and nothing serious came up. One specialist was finally able to see her and told them that a buildup of the melanin that caused dark skin was located in her eyes. She would be fine, and be able to see as she would if they were normal. They gave her parents some medication to take home so that it wouldn’t spread anywhere else in the skin, but other than that, nothing could be done.

Other than her unnaturally colored eyes, Saria grew up pretty normally. Something seemed a bit wrong with her though. By the age of six, she didn’t seem to be progressing much in the way of intelligence. She was book smart, and did fine in her muggle school, but she didn’t seem to remember too much. As a few more years passed, it seemed increasingly obvious that something was wrong with the ditzy, trusting, memory-confused girl. Once again, she was taken to a specialist. They gave her cat scans and sent her to a fancy psychologist. They found out, about the time that Saria was eight, that she had dissociative amnesia. The medicine that the doctors had given her, had caused the part of the brain that reserves short term memories to function at ¾ capacity. If she kept taking it, her short term memory would eventually fail. That was the year she switched medications.

When Saria’s 11th birthday came around, she was sent to Beauxbatons to study. It was obvious she was different from the other students. She was more hyperactive, and more apt to doodle on her paper work, when she should be studying. Her parents sat her down one day, over her vacation, and tried to talk to her about this all. Saria, feeling that she was in trouble, burst into uncontrollable tears. She wasn’t good at being talked too by authority figures. She was sent back to teat school for her first three years of schooling.

Saria’s teachers worried about her socially. She didn’t seem to talk to anyone but her sister Genevieve. At this point, it was like they were inseparable. Gen was protecting Saria constantly. Her parents pulled the two of them out of school at this time and sent them to Hogwarts Scotland, hoping the two might branch off. However, this change caused Gen to get into more trpouble, picking fights with the boys who tried to kiss or even date Saria. Gen’s protectiveness became a problem. By their sixth year, they were once again sent to another school. This time Durmstrang.

Saria and her sister were closer than two peas in a pod. As Saria’s last year came to an end, tragedy struck. A love potion, and a user later, and Saria had lost her virtue and couldn’t even remember it. Gen was too angry to listen as Saria cried and tried to explain. Gen went after the wrong man. The fight happened before Saria’s eyes. It’s something that she can’t forget, no matter what. Something she wished the disease would block out. She watched her sister die before her eyes.
Saria hasn’t changed a bit on the outside, but her mind has warped slightly. She has been sent to see a therapist twice a month, to see if she could change at all.[/color]

•What would her Patronus be: Her Patronus is a horse, most specifically a Chincoteague Pony. They are wild and free, nothing holding them back. Just like Saria dreams of being.

•What would her Boggart be: Her boggart is losing her memory completely, to the point that she can’t remember her own name.

•What would their Animagus be?: Saria’s animagus would be a clouded leopard cub. She will probably never have a full grown animagus; this is because of her playful personality. She is like the cub because she doesn’t like to go to far from home, and is immature and innocent.

•What memory does she use to create her Patronus: Saria’s Patronus memory was of Gen, her twin, giving her a stuffed puppy for Christmas. It had ben Genevieve’s favorite toy for a few years, and she gave it to Saria as a memento.

•Saria is a very talented juggler. Though her walking coordination isn’t the best, she has quick hands, and can juggle up to four big items, or six small items at a time.
•Saria has an innocent wonder about her. While this can be a flaw at times, she is blessed with the ability to imagine things that are impossible. Her parents believe that this will take her to great new heights.
•Saria is a very talented artist. She is good with designing cloths and is very color coordinated.

•Saria has dissociative Amnesia, meaning that she has some short term memory loss, and is usually disoriented. Episodes of shock or depression can cause this to worsen.
•Saria is extremely trusting, and talks to anyone who is willing to talk to her. This can get her into some seriously awful situations.
•Saria is not mature, and is more like a kid at most times. She has a bit of a reality detachment issue, and seems to never believe what is going on until she’s hit in the face with it.

Name: Xiu-Ming Kuang
Relation: Mother
Age: 49
What Part Has She Played In Her Life?: Xiu-Ming is a very supportive, understanding, and caring woman. She has always stuck by Saria's side and has tried to see her as much as possible, even after she and her husband divorced. After Genevieve's death, Xiu moved to New Zealand where her daughter is buried. Saria, deciding she didn't want to be tethered there, moved out. Her and her mother still keep in contact.​


Name: Jay Tse Sakou
Relation: Step-Brother
Age: 22
What Part Has He Played In Her Life?: Jay just came into Saria's life about two years ago. He is the big brother that she needs in her life, especially with Gen gone. There is some forms of tension, not noticeable to Saria, just by them living together and not being blood related. He treats her as family, though, and tries not to think anything more of her.


Name: Genevieve Kuang
Relation: Sister (deceast)
Age: 18, at time of death
What Part Did She Play In Her Life: Gen was protective of Saria, she held Saria up and kept her safe. Gen was her best friend, and made sure that Saria was always smiling. Even from a young age, Gen took to protecting Saria. As they grew older, she was kept away from boys by her sister. It was a bond that was completely unbreakable, and only death could do it. Saria has never felt the same since Gen's death, and will probably never be the same.

Name: Chen Kuang
Relation: Father
Age: 56
What Part Does He Play In Her Life?: Chen isn't the best father figure. He's strict and constantly keeps Saria working. She barely talks to him anymore, only when she works every other weekend in his restaurant.​

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