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- OOC First Name
- sapphire Sveinn
- Wand
- My wand is made of mapple and it's core is a phoniex feather. It is 8.5 inches.
Full Name:
sapphire (Saph) Sveinn
Date of Birth:
-July 7th 2019
Current Age:
- 11 years old
Basic Appearance:
- sapphire Sveinn has long brown curly hair and is worn down in a simple style. She had bright blue eyes that sparkle and is always seen with a smile on her face.Saph is average height and fits in well with her friends heights. She dresses well but not over the top liking to stand out a bit. Jeans are often what she is seen in but on weekends can be found in dresses and skirts.
- Sapphire is very smart for her age and is quick to catch onto new things. She works very hard and loves to learn new things. She is shy when she is getting to know people but when she knows them she is talkative and really friendly. She is quick to give things ago and thanks to supportive parents is quick to take up opportunities. Saph cares about all living things and wants to make a difference in the wizarding world. She is pretty easy going most of the time but cannot stand bullys or people miss treating others and will get angry very quickly. Saph does not believe in violence and will rather have 'stern' talks with people. Overall she is a sweet caring person.
- Sapphire has 2 supportive parents. Her mum Amelia is a muggle born from New Zealand, she was rejected from her family when they saw her levitate things in her crib so Saph doesnt know any family from her mums side. Her dad Michael is from a well known pure blood family but he does not believe in the pureblood 'values'. Sapphire has 2 little siblings- a girl and a boy, they are 3 years of age and showing accidental magic already. The family is very close and have a few close friends. They do not have many family relations as Mike's parents died when she was 3.
- Sapphire has a owl so she is able to contact home called sabrina. Her family also own an owl (Fredric) and a little knezal kitten called lucy. On the yard behind there house they have 2 zebras a mum and her calf. These 2 animals use to live in a zoo but when the zoo couldnt keep them anymore Saph saved them. Their padock is under a muggle repellent charm.
Area of Residence:
- Sapphire lives in Blenheim New Zealand. Blenheim is located in the top of the South Island.
Blood Status:
- Sapphire is a half blood
- New Zealand/European
Special Abilities:
- She is to young to have really developed any talents but seems to be able to transfigure things using accidental magic. Time will tell
Interests or Hobbies:
- Saphloves to read read and read. She loves how it expands her mind. She also loves looking after her little siblings and being able to teach them things. Animals are an important part of her life. On nice days Sapp loves swimming out in the family pool and paying with their very own mermaids and dolphins. Sapp enjoys flying and is a great seeker ( taking after her father).
Additional Skills:
- She has a great memory and can remember all sorts of facts
- Flying espically in the seeker role.
- She gets on well with everyone despite being very shy. She has lots of courage and will do what ever is right. She is brave and stands up to bullies.
Describe your character in three words:
-; Brave; Kind; Caring
Favourite place to be:
- The quiditch pitch or a library so she can learn new things. She also loves the local orphanage where she spends most of her spare time showing the kids someone loves them
- Sapphire has two very close friends Jessica and Madeleine. They are both witches. She has many other friends both Animal and Human as well but is closer to these two.
Hogwarts House:
- Even though Sapphire has lots of traits and could fit into any house except slytherin, Gyriffindor is where she truely belongs as she is such a brave hearted girl who would do anything to help others even risking her own life.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To totally stop all the bullying that is happening at Hogwarts! She also wants all the houses to get on and is determined to make that happen!
-She would love to be able to get the role of Seeker in the Gyriffindor house team.
Plans for your future:
- Saph hasnt got that far yet but wants to do well at school.
Your Patronus:
- A lioness, showing her bravery.
Your Patronus memory:
- Saphs best memory currently is when her younger siblings first said her name. She has never been prouder.
Your Boggart:
- A murder, she once witness a lady being killed outside the leaky cauldron.
Your Animagus:
-All though she has not become an animagus as of yet she has discovered that she will become a zebra as she has always felt a very strong connection to them.
Mirror of Erised:
- Saph sees everyone in the wizarding and muggle world holding hands felled with pure joy. All the evil has gone from the world.... She also sees her zebras

sapphire (Saph) Sveinn
Date of Birth:
-July 7th 2019
Current Age:
- 11 years old
Basic Appearance:
- sapphire Sveinn has long brown curly hair and is worn down in a simple style. She had bright blue eyes that sparkle and is always seen with a smile on her face.Saph is average height and fits in well with her friends heights. She dresses well but not over the top liking to stand out a bit. Jeans are often what she is seen in but on weekends can be found in dresses and skirts.
- Sapphire is very smart for her age and is quick to catch onto new things. She works very hard and loves to learn new things. She is shy when she is getting to know people but when she knows them she is talkative and really friendly. She is quick to give things ago and thanks to supportive parents is quick to take up opportunities. Saph cares about all living things and wants to make a difference in the wizarding world. She is pretty easy going most of the time but cannot stand bullys or people miss treating others and will get angry very quickly. Saph does not believe in violence and will rather have 'stern' talks with people. Overall she is a sweet caring person.
- Sapphire has 2 supportive parents. Her mum Amelia is a muggle born from New Zealand, she was rejected from her family when they saw her levitate things in her crib so Saph doesnt know any family from her mums side. Her dad Michael is from a well known pure blood family but he does not believe in the pureblood 'values'. Sapphire has 2 little siblings- a girl and a boy, they are 3 years of age and showing accidental magic already. The family is very close and have a few close friends. They do not have many family relations as Mike's parents died when she was 3.
- Sapphire has a owl so she is able to contact home called sabrina. Her family also own an owl (Fredric) and a little knezal kitten called lucy. On the yard behind there house they have 2 zebras a mum and her calf. These 2 animals use to live in a zoo but when the zoo couldnt keep them anymore Saph saved them. Their padock is under a muggle repellent charm.
Area of Residence:
- Sapphire lives in Blenheim New Zealand. Blenheim is located in the top of the South Island.
Blood Status:
- Sapphire is a half blood
- New Zealand/European
Special Abilities:
- She is to young to have really developed any talents but seems to be able to transfigure things using accidental magic. Time will tell
Interests or Hobbies:
- Saphloves to read read and read. She loves how it expands her mind. She also loves looking after her little siblings and being able to teach them things. Animals are an important part of her life. On nice days Sapp loves swimming out in the family pool and paying with their very own mermaids and dolphins. Sapp enjoys flying and is a great seeker ( taking after her father).
Additional Skills:
- She has a great memory and can remember all sorts of facts
- Flying espically in the seeker role.
- She gets on well with everyone despite being very shy. She has lots of courage and will do what ever is right. She is brave and stands up to bullies.
Describe your character in three words:
-; Brave; Kind; Caring
Favourite place to be:
- The quiditch pitch or a library so she can learn new things. She also loves the local orphanage where she spends most of her spare time showing the kids someone loves them
- Sapphire has two very close friends Jessica and Madeleine. They are both witches. She has many other friends both Animal and Human as well but is closer to these two.
Hogwarts House:
- Even though Sapphire has lots of traits and could fit into any house except slytherin, Gyriffindor is where she truely belongs as she is such a brave hearted girl who would do anything to help others even risking her own life.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To totally stop all the bullying that is happening at Hogwarts! She also wants all the houses to get on and is determined to make that happen!
-She would love to be able to get the role of Seeker in the Gyriffindor house team.
Plans for your future:
- Saph hasnt got that far yet but wants to do well at school.
Your Patronus:
- A lioness, showing her bravery.
Your Patronus memory:
- Saphs best memory currently is when her younger siblings first said her name. She has never been prouder.
Your Boggart:
- A murder, she once witness a lady being killed outside the leaky cauldron.
Your Animagus:
-All though she has not become an animagus as of yet she has discovered that she will become a zebra as she has always felt a very strong connection to them.
Mirror of Erised:
- Saph sees everyone in the wizarding and muggle world holding hands felled with pure joy. All the evil has gone from the world.... She also sees her zebras