Saphire Nimph

Saphire Mintkin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Saphire Nimph

Born: October 18th 2004 - In her mothers garden, where her mother had an abrupt and early labour with numerous complications, leading to the death of her mother, and the near death of herself.
Current age: 23
Blood status: Unknown
Relationship status: In a relationship with Sam Mintkin
Area of Residence: Not far from Obsidian harbour, about half a kilometre away.

Patronus: A Prairie dog, because she is good at communicating
Animagus: (If she ever were to become one) a mouse, because they’re small, quick and cute.
Bogart: Something to restrict her from doing what she wants. She always wishes to be a ‘free spirit’ and doesn’t like doing as she is told.

Parental Situation: She was raised by her Aunts, as her father left when he found out that Saphire’s mother was pregnant. She was told that her mother died in child birth because of an underlying health condition that was never specified.
Appearance: She is quite small, only 5ft 1 and a half. Saphire has bright blonde hair which has tight ringlet curls. She’s got piercing blue eyes. She has a petite appearance and resembles a Pixie because of the look of her face and because she is very short. She is told that she is the spitting image of her mother.

Siblings: She has no brothers or sisters on her mother’s side of the family, but she does not know if she has any on her father’s side.
Primary school: She was home schooled by her aunt, because her aunt believes that school is corrupting, and that Saphire would be ‘just another number, kept down the lowest denominator,” and would not achieve.
What she would see if she looked in the Mirror of Erised? On one side, her parents having never left her, but on the other, a happy life with the Mintkin family.
The memory she would use to create a Patronus: The day she moved in with her boyfriend, Sam Mintkin.
Best Muggle school subjects: She has always been very good at French, German, Mandarin and Spanish, (Her aunt taught all four to her). She likes to be able to communicate with people, she is very sociable.

Worst Muggle school subjects: She not very good at science or maths, they bore her a lot much and she never really listened to what her aunt was trying to teach to her because of this.​
Hi Sapphire,

just a few questions...

Is everyone in your family small?
How do you get along with your aunt?
Do you have cousins?
If so what is your relationship with them like?
Have you ever wanted to live anywhere but New Zealand?
What was your favorite subject at magic school?
What was your worst subject and why?
Which Hogwarts did you attend?
Do you like flying?
If so did you ever tried out for the quidditch team?
What house did you get sorted to?
What grades did you get when you graduated?
What career position are you hoping for now?
What hobbies and interests do you have?
No not everyone in my family is small, I seem to be the only one. To my knowledge.
I can tolerate my Aunt on a 'good day', but most of the time, I try to stay out of her way. As a child, a got into some rather full flung fights with her, but now I've realised that what ever I do, she is not going to change. So I try to not engage in convosation with her if atall possible. This was a little tricky however when I lived with her.
My Aunt is a 'Maiden Aunt', sje never got married or had any children.
I would very much like to go and live in france, it has a beautiful language, and scenery looks devine.
At Magic school, when I went (I stopped going because my aunt was giving me a hard time about it) was divination, it interested me a great deal.
My worst magic subject was potions, I got very confused over what every thing did, and was not great at judging whether something looked/smelt/acted in the way it should. I swear I nearly set myself on fire many a time.
I attended Hogwarts New Zealand, untill I left after year five.
I have never liked flying, I don't have a head for heights at all.
I didn't graduate, so I didn't get grades.
At the moment I work among muggles, in a sweet shop for children, but I wish to become a dragon tamer. That would be a dream come true for me.
I've never really had the oppertunity to have a hobby, but would like to adopt an animal to look after, but at the moment, I don't think it would be fair, because I am working so much, and living in someone else's house.

Thank you for your questions.

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