🌹 Rose Giving sanctioned one-time yell

Angelo Dela Cruz

gamer • i need my internet • competitive
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 14 Inch Whippy Poplar Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Of all the places. Why the library? It wasn't necessarily bad, Angelo was sure Kuya William was a studious person, but couldn't he have been somewhere that allowed for shouting? Maybe he could shout just the one time? He'd probably need to ask for permission for that though, so he asked the nice librarian - wow he looked really young for a librarian, his school just had an old lady - if he could shout 'William Potter-Cade' just once so he could find who he was supposed to be delivering to? He probably should have been suspicious about the big grin that the librarian had as he looked at a pair of students studying nearby - a Hufflepuff girl he was sure was in the year above him, and a Gryffindor boy. But then the librarian agreed and even cast a spell on him to amplify his voice he said. Angelo grinned back and nodded before yelling, "WILLIAM POTTER-CADE!!!" the loudest he could and with the addition of the spell, it had been very loud.
William sat at the library table with Eury going over his homework for defence against the dark when he heard a deafening yell of his own name. He whipped his head up and saw a first year standing over them, "Dude why?"
Angelo did not expect that the dude closest to him was William Potter-Cade and he felt himself blush to the tip of his ears and stammered out an apology, "HO MY GAD! SORI SORI SORI!" while the librarian was howling in laughter, slapping his knees even. "UHHH delivery!" he said as he thrust the red rose and note out to the other boy before he could embarrass himself further.

If loyalty and bravery were a sport, you'd have won the house cup by now. Happy V day to my favourite Gryffindor that is not my girlfriend or my sister <3 - Fe

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