Salem Students?

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Hadan Winters

Mother of 2
OOC First Name
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Cypress/Ebony Mix 14" Core of Basilisk Fang; Black Walnut/Maple 12 3/4" Essense of Silver Thistle
October 31, 2007 - November 7, 2039
I'm never good with these things, but figure I kind of need some things for two of my Salem students. Yes, students that go to Salem. So it wouldn't be likely that they'll be in other places besides the United States. Well, one might cause of family. I have one boy and one girl, both seventh years, so here they are:

Severin Matthias
This is my newest account named Severin. He is precious. He is a little conceited though.
He works at a Starbucks, loves fashion, is allergic to peanuts and eggs. He is also a poet.
Sounds lovely, right? Well, he can be a royal pain to be around since he can act like a jerk.
Runs in his family. He is best friends with Miss Amara Austin, and can be seen pouncing on
her for a nice greeting. He can flirt, but he is choosy about people, and won't open himself
up easily. So what am I looking for? Severin doesn't sleep around. He is waiting for 'the one'
to come and sweep him off his feet. He is bi, but I don't know if he is acting it to be like his
older brother or not. But I am looking for friends, maybe enemies, love interests but no final
since he has one, but not at the same time. Someone already claimed him. Sorry but not sorry.


Valera Vyhnal
She is Taralynn's and Jarrett's youngest sister, and a bit of a handful. Don't let this stir you
from her though. She is a badass to say the least, quite the artist with street art. She loves to
spray paint and just paint, as well as sketching and drawing. Her grades are average but that
doesn't mean that she isn't smart. She is intelligence in things she wants to learn. She doesn't
like sports, and she loves to have a good time. She hates alcohol because of Astoria and Jarrett.
She also hates romance, for the same two reasons. She is extremely close with Amara as well
and very protective over her. But she doesn't trust Severin. She hates princess-type girls though.
So for her, I am looking for other friends that would express her interests in like street art and
regular art. I believe she would have enemies too. Love interests? I don't know cause she might
be getting with her final right about now. I need to talk to that person. XD Valera is a great girl
but she can get violent in what she believes in. A little warning out there to enemies I suppose.

So, yeah, there are my two. If you want to RP with any of my other characters, well I do
have a variety here. So, hit me up here or PM system ♥
Oh, and I'm not a fast RPer. I won't forget about our topic, ever, so I am dedicated.
Just slow. Sometimes really slow.​
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