Salazar Strayde

Salazar Strayde

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
13" Ebony wand with essence of Crystalised Dragon Fire
Full Name:
- Salazar Thomason Kim Strayde

Date of Birth:
- 4/4/2009

Current Age:
- 15

Basic Appearance:
- Salazar's great grandmother, and also his grandmother was Korean (although the two women were unrelated before meeting the Straydes), and this shows clearly in his appearance. He has straight black hair, dark brown eyes and pale brown skin. He's short and thin for his age. He wears only cloaks and robes. Here's what he might think was normal to wear if he ventured into the muggle world:

- Salazar considers himself to be a normal fifteen year old - though what he considers normal probably isn't everyone's idea of normal! His favourite hobbies are duelling and wand painting - he and his friends take magical photographs of each other performing wand writing, it's a kind of art form in their community. By using multiple wands, they can create complicated pictures. He's somewhat introspective, happy to be alone, but also has a great sense of adventure and is really good at expressing himself.

- Mother: Demelza Emeliana Strayde (nee Wood), Healer.
- Father: Algernon Thomason Strayde, Barkeep

- Brother: Barnabus Francis Strayde, 14, student/aspiring quidditch player.

Maternal Grandparents: Merope (Cadwallader) and Aberforth Wood
Paternal Grandparents: Hyu-eun (Kim) and Bartemius Strayde

- A white rat called Lachlan.

Area of Residence:
- Gwyntogllan, Wales. (fictional - translates (I think) into windy village)

Blood Status:
- Pureblood.

- British and Korean.

Special Abilities:
- none - may apply to be animagus later.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Duelling, wand painting, flying.

Additional Skills:

- Artistic vision, speed, intelligence, communication.

- Lack of exposure to the world outside his community, Fiery temper.

Describe your character in three words:
- Fiery, Adventurous, Creative

Favourite place to be:
- Above the cliffs near his village. He loves windswept places where things seem to happen accidentally.

- He has a close circle of friends in his village in Wales, mostly boys. Lately they've begun to pay attention to the girls in their village, too, although his younger brother seems to have more luck in that department. Being only a year apart, he and his brother are close, too.

Best school subjects:
- Transfiguration.

Worst school subjects:
- Herbology

Extracurricular Activities:
- Flying, quidditch, music and art.

- 2027.

Current Job:
- Home-schooled student

Plans for your future:
- "I'd like to be a famous artist."

Your Patronus:
- "I've never seen it."

Your Patronus memory:
- "I've tried a bunch, but can't find one that's right"

Your Boggart:
- "I've never seen one, but it'd probably be a world without warmth or colour."

Your Animagus:
- "If I ever became one, it'd be something flashy, like a bird of paradise or a parrot."

Mirror of Erised:
- "I've never seen one, but I think the thing I'd most like to see is my artwork on display. Or me as duelling champion."
A page from Salazar's diary said:
There's so much to do every day - someone should make the days longer! After training with Ma and helping Da at the bar, there's hardly any time to hang out with Colin and Gwylim and Lexus. It seems whenever I try to get away with them, Barnabus wants me to practice quidditch with him, or Ma needs my help with a patient, or I have to watch the neighbour's kids. Merlin, they never shut up. Little Quentin almost broke my wand this morning. I was so scared I caused a fire by [magical] accident. It scared him enough that he dropped my wand though, and I got it back. He was really well behaved for the rest of the day! :)
Ah, Da says I can have the evening off. Gonna go work on some new ideas I have for wand painting with Gwyl and Lexus.
Hi Salazar,

just a few questions,

* Is there a reason you were homeschooled?
* Will you be transferring to a magic school at all?
* Is a colourless world really your greatest fear?
* What was it like growing up in Wales?
*Is the magical community you are apart of a large one?
*Do you make friends easily?
*When did you discover your artistic talent?
*For someone who loves colour so much why choose a 'white' rat for a pet?
*What is it about transfiguration that attracts you to it?
*Do you like to read?
*Do you express yourself through other modes of media other than wand artistry?
Franks for the questions!

* Is there a reason you were homeschooled?

My community is a very exclusive one. Only the airy-fairy types send their kids to school - usually making that choice means being excluded from some aspects of the community. That's the culture in our village.

* Will you be transferring to a magic school at all?

I'd really like to, but I daren't tell anyone that. I've told Gwyl and Barny, but they laughed at me, so I pretended I was joking.

* Is a colourless world really your greatest fear?

I don't know. It was just something I came up with. I guess obviously I'd be more scared if my friends or family were in danger. I'm also quite scared of some of our community leaders - I think some of the stuff they do is... ethically questionable (don't tell anyone I said that).

* What was it like growing up in Wales?

It's my life, I don't know any other. It's got its ups and downs. I like Welsh history, and the language. Sometimes I think I'd like to go far, far away, though, just to see what's out there.

*Is the magical community you are apart of a large one?

I think there are around three hundred families of varying sizes.

*Do you make friends easily?

I guess so. I know nearly everyone in the village. Definitely everyone my age, and I'm not one of the outcasts. I like meeting new people, but I guess I'm wary of them too, which makes sense in a way.

*When did you discover your artistic talent?

Apparently I liked drawing pictures on Mum's recipe parchments even as a baby, as soon as I could hold a crayon. And I used to make sculptures out of my food rather than eating it (hehe), but I guess I discovered the beauty of wand pictures when I was about 10, and saw some older kids playing around with their wands one day.

*For someone who loves colour so much why choose a 'white' rat for a pet?

I didn't choose Lachlan, he chose me! :) Our neighbour's rat had kits and I woke up one morning to find Lachlan in my bed. Dad hates animals in the house - our owl's never allowed inside - so I kept him a secret. By the time he found out it was too late, Mum wouldn't let him break my heart by making me get rid of him.

*What is it about transfiguration that attracts you to it?

It's so exciting. Turning something from one thing to another? How is that not cool? My hero is old Nolan - he's a metamorphmagus, and one of our village elders. I think he must be something like a million years old! (Not really, but he's really old!)

*Do you like to read?

It's okay. Sometimes I read a lot, but mostly I just read what I have to (like, what Mum and Dad make me). I like looking at the pictures in books.

*Do you express yourself through other modes of media other than wand artistry?

I guess. Yeah, I mean, I talk a lot and I reckon flying is a kind of self expression, if you do it in a certain way. I kind of always wondered why there are no broomstick dancers - I don't see why quidditch has to be the only sport there is. I do keep a diary, too, and take a lot of photographs.

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