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- 408
- OOC First Name
- Emzies
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- Mixed Blood
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- Single (Looking)
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- Anyone Alive
- Wand
- Curly 9 1/2" Flexible Yew Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
- Age
- 9/2020

FULL NAME: Sage Rosa Ottavi
AGE: eleven
HOMETOWN: Buenos Aires, Argentina
SCHOOL: Hogwarts
HOUSE: Slytherin
YEAR: 1st Year
ACTIVITIES: Quidditch, Writing, gossip, Hogwarts Monthly.
FACE CLAIM: Alexandra Chandro
Baby I will rule the world before you | |
LET'S START WITH YOUR NAME. WHAT IS IT, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY NICKNAMES? "No thank you, really. I knew it was only a matter of time till you decided I was worth your time. My name is Sage Rosa Ottavi. I know, my parents were horrible in naming me after two flowers, not just the one. How terrible is that. I've threatened to change my name at the first chance I get, but I'd never go through with it. I love my name. Despite the double flower thing. It's mine. I don't know many others named Sage, with the second name Ottavi much less. It's a nice simple name. Nothing too long wind, nothing that's a mouth full no one actually wants to deal with. It's simple, to the point and effective. I got my name from my mother. Her name being Rosa-Sage. Which is an entire first name or something. God, I'm glad my name isn't in that order, how awful. But, I am named after her. Sage space Rosa with my father's last name, since when I was born they were still together. So, I'm glad I got to keep his name, my mother's second name is something I'd rather forget. It's long and dull. Ottavi is better. It's uncommon and it starts with an O. Very few last names start with an O as far as I know. But, really, Sage Ottavi is a great name. I can't imagine being called anything else. I don't really go out of my way to tell people my middle name, so that doesn't count soo much, so, really it's just Sage Ottavi. A nice short name. Which then leads to me address the second part of what you asked, nicknames, now I've never liked nicknames, not unless I'm giving them and they are in part insulting. I can't imagine not having a nickname given to me if I don't approve of it first. Which is why I have a very simple nickname, S, since it's the first letter of my name, and only my closest friends are allowed to call me that. If I hear anyone called me S who hasn't been given permission to do so, will be targeted with a force they won't see coming. I'm serious, you can smile and pretend I'm being over dramatic but, I'm really not. However, I can't stop my dad giving me nicknames, he's the kind of guy who gives you a nickname and then you are never rid of it. He calls me Avi. Which would be fine, if he didn't make it sound like he was trying to Havi, and just can't say the H. It's in part annoying and part funny. Which is why I like it. And why I'll always let him call me it. Plus, that and he's my dad, and I love my dad. My mother on the other hand is less imaginative. She always wanted to call me Rosa, but in the end they went with Sage, and she wasn't happy, so she'll call me Rosa, like all the time, but since I don't respond to that name, she could try to get my attention for hours and I wouldn't respond until she called me Sage. Which frustrates her and is very fun for me. I like annoying my mother, it sounds a little mean, but she sort of deserves it, so that's okay. All in all, that's about all I have to say about names. I'm not sure what any of them besides the fact that they are flowers. So, there isn't much more I can say on the matter of names. And don't expect me to be inspired to find out more, because I'm really not. In fact I'd rather do revision for that silly Astronomy subject than look much more into my name. How dull. Let's move on. " | ALL RIGHT, NOW HOW OLD ARE YOU? WHEN WERE YOU BORN? "Well, I am eleven years old. So I am young. Very near being a teenager will be great. Though still fairly far. I was in October, October 10th to be exact. My mother likes telling me the story of how I was born. Reluctant is what she calls me. Seems to blame me for that. Which I really don't get because I was a baby, so that is hardly my fault. It's clearly her fault for not trying hard enough. I was born in New Zealand. My father was working in New Zealand at the time, and my mother wanted to spend the final months of the pregnancy with him in New Zealand. That was when they got along. Not so much any more. It was in Auckland general hospital. We thought about going to saint Mungo's but there was no time for that. I say that my birth like a muggle helps me be a kinder person when I want to be. Which you may not believe, but, trust me on that. I don't mind having been born in such a place. Such a horrid place. I've never been back. Have no interest in going back. It's a muggle hospital, and I have no need to visit those incompetent muggle doctors. So, yeah. I was born in the early hours of the morning, around six amish. Around that time. I'm not sure, my parents don't quite remember. Which is funny, because you'd think they'd remember at what time I, their only daughter was born. But I guess they had more on their mind than me. Which actually sounds like them. Now, I know you didn't really ask, but I want to talk about it anyway, so, I had a great birthday. I have a great birthday every year. Like the best birthday. I'm the kind of person who has a massive party. Invites just about everyone I know, and we have a great time. Though, I really only spend time with my friends on my birthday, the others are just to make me look popular, because I might be a b!tch, but people know my parties are the best. So they come. For instance, for my eleventh birthday, which was also the day I got into Hogwarts making it the best kind of day, well, I was just new in New Zealand. Brand new school, all of that. And well, I threw a huge party, Invited just about everyone and it was amazing. People were falling over themselves to tell me so the following Monday. Those that didn't get invites suddenly knew there place. The very bottom of the school food chain. Which was exactly what I wanted. I know Hogwarts is different. I don't exactly get a choice about the party. I can't have it. Which will be sad. I'm pretty upset about it. Because I'm sure that Hogwarts could let me have a huge party if my dad just gave them some money, but I guess not, So I'm pretty annoyed about that. But, I'm sure I'll get over it. Well, my dad hopes I will." |
HAVE YOU ALWAYS LIVED IN NEW ZEALAND? "Now, what gave you that impression? Is that my lightly accented voice. No, I haven't. I've spent a total of maybe three years in this cold country. I was born here, and lived here for two years before my father moved his job to Argentina. Where my mother is from. Which is the only thing she is good for, really. She is a useless person. Anyway, I've always lived in Buenos Aires in Argentina. Lived in the same large house for the past 10 years of my life. My dad's job pays really well, so he afford it. I much prefer Argentina to New Zealand. For one thing, there is so much more sun back where I am from. So much more. Like I'm surprised that all New Zealand people manage to stay in such a cold place. It gets cold in Argentina, well where I stay, but not enough that I'm freezing, and never for very long. It warms up again pretty quickly. I'm not used to this all year kind of wet and slight coldness. How am I meant to go swimming if it's cold, and the lake even colder? I had wanted to go to school in Argentina, but my dad was planning to move back to New Zealand, and I don't want to live with my mum and her horrid, disgusting muggle boyfriend, so I applied for Hogwarts New Zealand, and of course I got in. Still having to live in New Zealand is not fun. My dad is from New Zealand. He was born and raised here, but he much prefers the wonders of the country we lived in for ten years. It is so much nicer. The beaches have better sand. The water is a much better blue. It had a nicer feel. Everyone is so much nicer. The carnival is my favourite time of year. And our football team is so much better than New Zealand. Have you seen that Argentinian football team? They are some gorgeous looking men. Not all of them, most of them. Which is more than I can say for the New Zealand football and Rugby team. I also think that the Argentinian national Quidditch team is so much better than New Zealand team. Try and disagree with me?" | DESCRIBE YOURSELF FOR ME THE BEST YOU CAN. "Describe myself, oh what a perfect question. Well, I'm perfect. Of course. I have gorgeous hair, gorgeous everything. I'm strong and I like being in complete control of everything around me. I don't like when things aren't. If I lost control I would be devastated. I'm trying to get control of Hogwarts, but for now, just being in control of my life will be enough for me. I like being in charge of things, which is why I sort of dislike being a first year. No one will take me seriously. Which is what I really hate. I like looking perfect, but it's fairly easy for me. I mean this is me with little make up and I look amazing. With lots of make-up I can look like the image of perfection. I have also state that I don't take sh1t from anyone. I just can't be bother with people like that. People who are out to try to ruin whatever I have. People who are stupid. I'm just like, why are you even alive? It's harsh, but god, I don't have the time for that kind of person. When people ask me a stupid question, I promise you I will be a b1tch to them. So, I guess that makes me a pretty big B1tch. Which you know what, I'm okay with that. I don't mind being a b1tch. It's easier than being falsely honest. These people who lie about who they are, pretend to be nice and all that. I have no time for them. Seriously. I would rather they just get the f##k out my life. I'm pretty smart, I work hard for everything, and I read quite a lot. So I'm smart. I'm good at school and all that. Even though I don't look like I'm trying, I do try very hard. It's probably the only part of me that isn't very Slytherin. Since I'm fairly Slytherin like. I have few close friends, mostly just people I hope will help me reach my goal, which is the best way of thinking about things. So that's me, and like I said I'm perfect, so I have no bad traits. Unless you count the whole b1tch thing as being bad. Which you shouldn't that's silly." |
WHAT'S YOUR FAMILY LIKE? DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? "My family? Well, it's small, since I'm an only child. It's just me and my dad right now. He's also an only child and his grandparents are dead. They were hugely rich so we are able to live easily off the inheritance and the money that my dad makes. Of course I have a mum and she has a huge family. Like not even kidding, I don't know how she does it. She's my mum, but I don't live with her, we don't get along. She thinks that I'm horrible person, and well, I don't need someone like that in my life. My dad loves me, and that's all I need. My mother has four brothers and three sisters. Her parents had clearly never heard of being careful. The funny thing is, that my mother's parents are great and still alive. My grandmother is gorgeous, seriously, if I looked like her at the age of like 78 I will pleased. My mother is the middle child. Sort of. But, she means nothing to me, she lives in Peru with her new boyfriend, who is half her age. So, she can go die in a ditch for all I care. The rest of her family is so much better. For instance her three sisters all have kids, and all of them look up to me. A lot. I have about 20 cousins. Which is a lot. And I always get the number wrong, but of all of them, only a about 5 are older than me. Which is nice. I don't spend much time with these people. The odd holiday, the odd wedding, funeral, other general family occasions, but I'm not interested in spending much more time. They are nice. Like, I have nothing against them, but I'd rather not spend too much time with them. You get me? It's silly, good for nothing extended family. Like, I'd be better off hanging out with a bunch of animals than them for long periods of time. Which is all I have to say on the matter. Which is why we should move on." | TELL ME ABOUT YOUR LIFE THUS FAR, A LITTLE BACKGROUND INFORMATION. "My life thus far. Well, I'm only eleven, so this may be short. Well, like I said I was born in October, in New Zealand, and that was great. My parents like most were happy to have a little baby girl. I was an adorable child too. Always smiling, but my parents hadn't really ever gotten along. I always got the impression growing up that my dad just put up with her because he loved me. Which I appreciate, because I would hate him if he'd left me with that woman I have to call my mother. When I was two we moved to Argentina, and that was when the relationship began to fall apart. I mean I was young at the time so, I can't tell you much about it. But, my parents were always arguing. My mother was such a horrid b1tch to my dad. She was just always storming out and breaking stuff. I was glad when they got divorced when I was eight. It was good. I could sleep the entire night in the house because she wasn't there destroying all our stuff. I mean I like shopping for new things, but it became a monthly thing. And no one wants to spend that much time in the same stores being the same things month after month. She was always used to being the center of attention and suddenly I was. So, you know we were better off without her. Which is still very true. She sends me the odd letter but, I'm just happy knowing I don't need to deal with any of her sh1t anymore. In school, because I had to go to muggle school, I was always smart, got put at the top table for everything. But I began to get the name as the nerd. Which I never liked, so I changed it. When I was about 6 I punched this kid in the face. Like he called me a name from half way across the classroom, and I just got up and walked over, punched him across the face and went back to my seat. I was no longer the nerd after that. And eventually I just became popular and smart. Which is an unbeatable combination. I learned to play quidditch, and I learned to surf in the years when I was back home, then things changed. My dad wanted a change of scenery which I can understand but it meant we ended up back in New Zealand. And this was just before I got my letter. I didn't like moving, but It's okay. And as much as I will complain about the lack of good weather in this country. I still like it. It's nice. That's about all the history I have right now. I mean, I'm only eleven, the next years ahead of me will be so much more interesting" |
WHAT'S YOUR LOVE LIFE LIKE? ARE YOU SEEING ANYONE AT THE MOMENT? "Okay, so if my history isn't too long, what makes you think this would be? Seriously are you thick or something? I guess I'll just answer it anyway. I'm not seeing anyone currently, not dating, no nothing. My love life is currently empty, and that's okay, because I'm only eleven and boys are stupid. Seriously, they are immature, and empty-headed. Nothing in there but air. Which is definitely not what I need in my seven year plan. Come back in a few years when some of them look like the guys in the high school surf team at the muggle high school I would've gone if I was a muggle, then we can come back to this." | WHAT'S YOUR FONDEST MEMORY YOU CAN THINK BACK TO? "My fondest memory, oh this is simple. It was the first Christmas after my mum left. It was just me and my dad. We were sitting in the garden, in the silence of the morning, watching the sun rise high into the sky, we had Chinese food and just enjoyed each others company. We didn't exchange gifts, we just enjoyed the fact that we didn't have to deal with my bat sh1t crazy mother. To most it would be a sad occasion, but for me it was fantastic. Seriously. I loved it. I can't think of another memory that I smile at more. " |
WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO? ANY GOALS YOU WANT TO REACH? "Well, I'd like to be a reporter. I think I'd make a great gossiper. I mean I love gossip. It would be great fun. I'd really just like to be a reporter. I've really always enjoyed writing. It's different, it's good fun. And I really enjoy writing about other people. That and another goal I kind of have is to be head girl, now I know that would be the most fun. That and I'd just like to be prefect. You know just something. Oh, and since I'm on the Hogwarts Monthly I'd like to be able to editor of that. That would be fun. " | DO YOU HAVE ANY SECRETS? I PROMISE NOT TO TELL! "I do, I have plenty. But funnily enough I'm not about to tell you. I mean I have told you a lot already, I think I should be able to hold onto a few little things, don't you think? if you want some more secrets go talk to some low life from Hufflepuff, I'm sure they are very interesting. I'm sure their life is the most interesting thing ever. God I hate those people." |
WELL, THAT'S ALL THE TIME WE HAVE. THANK YOU FOR TALKING TO US! "You are very welcome, I'm just glad you saw sense for talking to me. Since I am just about perfect. |