Sadie Kay Hali

Sadie Hali

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Full Name:
Sadie Kay Hali
Sadie was named by her father because she was supposed to be a boy and all her mother had prepared were boy names. He chose Sadie because it means princess, he has often told her she will always be his little princess.

Nicknames: Princess (by her father only)

Date of Birth:
October 21st

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Sadie has long blondish-brown hair and hazel eyes. She wear's cute but comfortable mainly bohemian style clothing and prefers her long hair pulled back out of the way in a pony tail or braid. She is thin but not to the point of being unhealthy, she manages her weight well even though she isn't in any sports as of right now, although she does enjoy swimming in her free time.

Sadie is very sweet but won't take any crap from anyone. She would never resort to violence and is the definition of a pacifist but will find other ways to diffuse a situation before things get out of hand. Her father always told her to be kind but not to let anyone use her or push her around. Being raised in a two parent family in america she had a very simple and easy life but she learned manners and morals which make her the beautiful person she is today.

When Sadie was little her mom took care of her but once she tuned about 5 and started kindergarten Sadie hardly ever saw her mother or father home. Instead they left her in the care of a teenage babysitter who often left Sadie alone. This is where Sadie's phobia originates from. Her parent's finally realized what was going on and her mother started working at home, but the damage was done. Sadie went through intense therapy from age 7 till now. She is now able to better control her fear and panic attacks as long as she can see people, even from a distance. But the odds of her fear ever vanishing is slim.

Father: Mason Hali
Occupation: Truck Driver
Age: 31
Relationship: Due to his job Sadie's dad wasn't home all the time but he always made the most out of his time at home and was the perfect all american dad.

Mother: Remi Hali
Occupation: Mary Kay consultant
Age: 29
Relationship: Sadie loves her mom, they have always had to hold down the fort while dad was gone so they got to know each other really well in the process. They tell each other everything and are more like friends than mother and daughter.

Hopefully will be getting something soon.

Area of Residence:
When at school New Zealand.

Blood Status:
Muggle Born

American with a little mix of everything.

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
She enjoy's reading and writing for fun.

Additional Skills:
Does magic count?

Great social skills and can make a friend out of virtually anyone. She is also not the slightest bit judgmental.

Sadie needs to be surrounded by other people, she has Isolophobia, or the fear of being alone.

Describe your character in three words:
Loving, Loyal, and Strong

Favourite place to be:
Around people who genuinely care for her.

Only muggle friends from back home.

Hogwarts House:
Being as she hasn't been sorted yet N/A :r

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Mainly making friends, she's not quite sure what to expect yet.

Best school subjects: When I know so will you.

Worst school subjects: Haven't started yet

Extracurricular Activities: Some swimming and Horseback riding

Doesn't know yet.

Current Job:

Plans for your future: For now attending school..

Your Patronus: A doe, graceful and innocent

Your Patronus memory: When she was 8 and broke her leg horseback riding and her father took off a whole month of work to stay and take care of her.

Your Boggart: Being alone

Your Animagus: A dolphin, fun a playful but strong as well.

Mirror of Erised: Herself as an adult and still as good and independent as she is now.

A page from your diary:

Dear Journal,
So I know this is crazy but it turns out I'm a witch! I know I can hardly believe it myself but all the letters can't be jokes. It explains some of the weird things that I have written about in previous pages but it is still so much to take in. It is also cause for something big, a move. I am going to a school in New Zealand for other kids with magical abilities. It is a bit scary to think about right now but I have a feeling it is what's best for me and will turn out amazing in the long run. Mother's calling me but when I learn more I will write it down.


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