S I R - K A I T L Y N [C]

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Axelle Lefevre

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Aspen Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
I would like Kaitlyn to fill my request.

Banner Request Form
Character's Name: Axelle Lefevre
Banner Type: One Image
Banner Size: Up To You
Celebrity you're using: -----
Images on banner: Here
Background Image: n/a
House Crest/Dark Mark: n/a
Text on banner: Axelle Lefevre
Fonts on banner: Something cursive looking
Colour Scheme: n/a
Border colour/size: No border thanks!
Other: This doesn't need to be colorized just text and anything else you think would fit well on there.

Avatar Request Form
Character Name: Axelle Lefevre
Image(s): The Image I sent you on skype that won't let me copy and paste it here and stuff.
Other: I dunno if you could make her eyes blue with the color the image is, but if that's possible could you do that. If not just a regular avatar is fine.
Here you are! ^_^ Aww, no more Zhefarovich Axelle. :cry: :p

Well thats what happens when the husband dies and leaves her alone. :r
I love them both, thank you so much. :hug:
Dang. xD You win. :p For now. :shifty:
You are welcome! ^_^
Request Completed & Archived

Your Graphics Request has been successfully completed and as such has been archived.
Feel free to place more graphics requests as you find need. ;)
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