Rylee Madison

Rylee Madison

New Member
Character's Name: Rylee Madison
Character's Birthdate: December 12, 2010
Blood Status: N/A, is Muggle
Educated At: Public schooling since she was fourteen, is currently homed schooled
Occupation: N/A
Appearance: 5'4", brown hair, blue eyes, average build
Personality: Rylee is laid back sort of person and is usually in a very good mood. She rarely ever takes things seriously and believes life is too short for that. She's always looking for a way to make life more interesting. She's often found at parties she wasn't invited to or she's is too young to attend. She's one to rush into things without thinking it through, sometimes making a fool of herself. But she isn't one to turn down attention no matter how she gets it.

She does at times have a temper. She doesn't get offended easily, but when she does she can hold a grudge, she won't forgive people easily. She's also not one to allow others to walk over her. She has always stood up for what she believes in, even when she knows she's wrong.

Rylee is much smarter than people would first think. She usually keeps an open mind to others and will usually hear other people out. However, she's likely to ask questions and jump to conclusions before a person can make their point.

Family: David Madison, age 41, doctor, father; Teresa Madison, age 40, doctor, mother
History: For the most part Rylee's life was rather uneventful. Her parents were sweet hearts long before they finally decided to settle down. For some time they lived in California, where they had Rylee. Life was just as they wanted it to be... boring. Or at least that was how Rylee always saw it. By the age of eleven she had taken to sneaking out of her parents house to hang out with older kids. The day was boring, she work up, went to school (was usually late), came back home.

After entering middle school Rylee found that she was never really entertained for long. She would join the drama club and participate in everything from acting to set design to helping direct, but it all lost it's appeal fast. She would try her hands at the cooking club, or the student government, the latter being something she would never understand, the first being something she just wasn't good at. The only thing that kept her interest was the art club, and she couldn't even stand half the people there. She took to making friends with the "trouble makers" and of course the older students. Things would start off small, they would pull the fire alarm. Or they'd glue a teacher's coffee cup to their desk. Once they had entered high school they had moved to bigger things. Sneaking into school at night, and vandalizing the place. Or they would party all night, and she would end up sleeping in. During the day they would taunt other students, and when they did something inappropriate, they would blame it on others.

Rylee never thought she was being mean, she was just having fun. However they could go on the way they were and not get into trouble. After an accident, just before school let out her freshman year, and they had "accidentally" set the school on fire, Rylee had been suspended for a week and detention for the rest of the year. She had been able to get off more lightly since she had proved that she wasn't at fault, and with the new cameras in the school showed that she had been in a different room.

After being escorted back home handcuffed, David and Teresa kept their eyes on her. She was never allowed to do anything as long as she lived with them. Her parents decided that they need to fix this problem that had became their daughter. The first thing they had did was take her out of school, she would be homed school until she proved to them that she had grown up. The second thing they had done was move out of California, away from any of her friends. Her parents both being doctors decided to relocate to New Zealand, they wer sure they could find a job there. And maybe Rylee would actually meet good people.

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