Ryker Henrick

Ryker Henrick

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name

Ryker Henrick

Full Name:
Ryker Kieran Esin Ryker

Name Meaning:
Ryker: The name Ryker comes from the Danish origin. In Danish the meaning of the name Ryker is: Strength.
Kieran: The name Kieran comes from the Gaelic origin. In Gaelic The meaning of the name Kieran is: Black.
Esin: The name Esin comes from Turkish origin. In Turkish the meaning of Esin is: Inspiration.
Henrick: The name Henrick comes from the Dutch origin. In Dutch The meaning of the name Henrick is: Rules the home

Character's Birthdate:
22nd April


Current residence:
New Zealand

Blood Status:
Half Blood

Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood

~This wand is just the perfect wand for hexes, jinxes and curses and it works a treat for doing defensive magic. It's a good wand also for simple and easy tasks, however you will find it's weakness in controlling it's power - Vampiric Blood is known to become very powerful and spells may become to strong, and you won't expect what will come out of it's tip.

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