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-Full Name: Ryan Connor Porter
-Meaning of name:
-Ryan- Little King
-Connor- Lover of hounds; hound nobleman
-Porter- one who carried goods; one who tended a gate; a gatekeeper.
<i></i>-Meaning of name:
-Ryan- Little King
-Connor- Lover of hounds; hound nobleman
-Porter- one who carried goods; one who tended a gate; a gatekeeper.
<COLOR color="grey">Birth Place: Gloucestershire, England
Home town: Old Trafford, Manchester although his parents had a second home in Ireland and Scotland so he went there for holidays
Current living place: Wellington, New Zealand. Londonderry, Ireland. Carlisle, Scotland.
New Zealand home
Ireland home
Scotland home
Birth date: September 22nd 2006
Heritage: Irish on his mothers side and Welsh on his Fathers side. Scottish on grandparents side
Blood Status: Mixed blood however Ryan believes that he is a pure blood as that is what his parents told him his blood status was.

Basic Appearance: Ryan is a tall male who stands at 6ft 1in. He is taller than a lot of other guys an he sometimes uses this to his advantage when he needs to. He has a very muscular build naturally and he works out a lot so that he is stronger and fit enough to keep going. He likes to keep fit and doesnt like the thought of being unhealthy. Ryan has dark hair that can sometimes look dark brown or black. He usually leave his hair to grow but he doesnt like i too long, once it starts to be trouble putting up is when he will have it cute. He also has dark brown eyes to match his hair color. Ryan looks more like his dad than his mum as he has more of his dads traits like hair color and such. Ryan can look very scary and imtimidating sometimes when he wants to be because he was taught how to look heartless and look like he just didnt care.
Hair: Brown/Black. Usually cut short and put up or sometimes he lets it grow long to his ears.
Eyes: Dark Brown eyes but sometimes they can appear black
Height: 6 ft 1 in
Weight: 82.4 kg (181.7 lb)
Body: Bulky and very muscular
Skin Tone: Medium

Hogwarts Scotland starting year: 2016
House: Slytherin
Graduation year: 2023
Graduation: At the end of Ryan's last year in 2023 Ryan graduated. His graduation was important to him because it meant two things for to him. The end of his old life and the start of his new one. He had graduated with the best possible grades in his hand and the world at his feet. Ryan see's his gradation as one of the most important events in his life
Favourite Subjects: Transfiguration, History of magic, Potions, Dark Arts(home schooled)
Transfiguration- Ryan found that he had a gift for this particular and got the highest grade in all the exams he took in this topic. He studied and enjoyed it, shown in his results in his last year.
History Of Magic- Ryan believed that the more he knew abut the past the less chance he could make the same mistakes and he could learn from past events
Potions- Ran was excellent in this subject and he wanted to know all the most complex potions that could have the most powerful effects and benefits.
Dark Arts- This was a subject which he did not learn in school but his parents taught him when he was at home. He was made to practise the dark spells and stratergys when he was on his holidays so that he was skilled when it came to duels.
Least Favourite Subjects: Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Astronomy
Herbology- Ryan hated this subject. He often skipped this class as he didnt know the point of it as it had no real interest to him and he didnt need it for anything he wanted to do when he left school, although he still got excellent grades in this subject.
Care Of Magical Creatures- Ryan did not enjoy this subject. He didnt really like animals, well not the sort that he had to learn about in this subject. Most magical creatures in his mind were just filthy half breeds and shouldnt have the right to be learnt about.
Astronomy- Ryan also despised this subject. He didnt get the point of learning about the stars. It didnt really have any use for anything unless you were the unfortunate person who had to teach it to other students who just didnt care. Again this was a subject that he passed but he didnt put much effort into the test.

When Ryan was a child his parent took him to his first quidditch match between the Montrose Magpies and the Chudley Cannons. As Ryan had never seen Quidditch before he did not support a team and as the Magpies won he began to support them. After that his parents took his to every game they played he even met the players a few times after matches.
When Ryan started Hogwarts he was excited about his first flying lesson. Because he ad been taught flying before he started school so he excelled in the subject. He tried our for the house team and was accepted, he was happy to hear that he would even be the seeker for the team.
Ryan stayed on the team through out his time at Hogwarts. He won more games than he lost. This gave him a good reputation and it also made him popular with the girls in his house. Of course since Sophie Ryan wasn't interested in having relationships as they only brought down his grades and took his eye off what was really important to him, following in his parents footsteps and getting the best grades possible and of course becoming a death eater
When Ryan left school he did not join another team strait away because he wanted to settle in to his new life in New Zealand and he needed to settle in to his new occupation as a death eater. Once he had his new life on track he decided to follow up on his school hobby. Ryan went to try out for the position of Seeker for the Montrose Magpies. After the try outs he was informed that he had gotten the place. He joined his favourite professional Quidditch team i November, 2025
School Team
Position- Seeker
Teamed played for- Ryan was in the Slytherin Quidditch and was very well known for his unbeatable play in matches
Professional team
Position- Seeker
Team- Ryan joined the Montrose Magpies in November 2025
Occupation- Death Eater/Professional Quidditch player
Death Eater- When Ryan left school he had the world at his feet. He knew that with his grades he could be what ever he wanted. Due to how he was brought up and what he was taught to believe Ryan knew that there was only one thing that he had to be. A death eater. Because his parents were both in Azkaban he wanted to follow in their footsteps and be the man that they wanted to be. So with this in mind Ryan moved to New Zealand to get away from his old life from school and his old School friends and joined the death eaters at the age of 18. Since then he has been working to prove himself to all the other death eaters that he is worthy and making sure to honour his family name.

Strengths- Dark Magic and magic in general, Potions, Talking people up/down, reading people, flying, fighting
Dark Magic and magic in general: Ryan was taught from an early age about the use of magic. He was taught the dark stuff first as his parents believed that if he could cast them then he could cast anything.
Potions: Ryan was taught that basic potions before he started school, as his parents did not think them as important as other things he was not pushed as hard to do well in them. He learnt in school and found that he had a talent or them. He was top in his class and received an O an his final exam
Talking people up/down: Ryan found that he had a way with words when he was in Hogwarts. He was able to talk people out of certain things and e was able t talk people up to other things. If he wanted to fight someone and they didnt wan to fight with him h would be able to find their weak spot which would make them turn on him. Ryan developed this skill as he grew older, the skill grew more advance.
Reading people: Ryan found that reading people was simple once he knew the basics. People ave away hits about their ext move or what they were thinking or when they were lying. He learned to read body language and linked it with certain reasons. This became one of his many skills as he again developed it more and more.
Flying: When Ryan had his firs flying lesson he had his own broom that his parents had bought hi,me. He showed exceptional skill in the first lesson. He was told that he was a natural from his professor. When the quidditch team try outs came around Ryan went and participated. He was then accepted into the Slytherin team as their new seeker and he stayed in the team until he left Hogwarts
Fighting: Ryan was trained hand to hand combat from an early age. When he had learned to walk was put into a karate. He trained until the age of five when he began to do kick boxing as well. He took on these two types of fighting, going to every class, every tournament. He practised everyday. Again he was unbeatable in his group and had to take on the older more experienced fighters. This carried on until he was thirteen. He began to teach others and he was transferred to train with the more experienced trainers across the world. He was unbeatable but when h was fifteen he stopped going all together as his parents went to Azkaban. He still got into fights at school though so he did practise his fighting and he is still unbeaten in a hand to hand fight
Weaknesses- Being too detached from people, pretty girls, muggles, can sometimes be overly motivated.
Spell Crucio
Food- T bone steak and chips
Drink- Bushmills, Irish Whiskey
Quidditch Team- Montrose Magpies
Patronus animal- Alligator
Reasoning- Ryan is agressive and very cunning. He would do anything for his own survival and he can be very deceptive when he needed to be. Ryan is extremely Adaptable to anything new around him as he was taught how to adapt to different situations by his parents
Meaning animal Aggression, survival, adaptability. Cunning, deceptive..
Boggart- Ryans Boggart would be getting locked away by an Auror like his parents and failing to make them proud of him.
Personalty: Ryan is really the typical death eater. He has no regard for human life and would soon take with out a second thought. He is heartless mos of the time and unless something benefits him in some way then he will most likely not do it. He likes to think about himself all the time and everyone else comes second in his eyes. Ryan likes pain, he is usually happy when causing someone see pain. He likes to see people hurting because of him. He is also very secretive, he doesnt like to talk about himself to others and he doesnt really like to give his real name out unless he decides the person is worthy. Despite his mostly heartless and evil ways Ryan can sometimes be kind to people but this is a very rare occurrence as he sees it as weak and it will make other think that they can walk al over him.
Friends: Ryan has always been popular, even as a child. He preferred to be surrounded by higher bloods, pure and mixed bloods, many of his friends were in those blood status'. As Ryan believed that he too was a pure blood, his friends believed it too which was a main reason why they were friends with him.
When Ryan began school he lost a few of his friends as they went to different school such as Hogwarts New Zealand and Durmstrang. However Ryan soon made new friends in his school, most being in his house but he was known around the rest of his ear soon s picking friends was easy or him.
As Ryan went through school he lost friends and made new ones to replace them. He held his friends close and stayed loyal to each and everyone of them. To Ryan his friends were everything and they helped him get through school after his parents went to Azkaban.
When Ryan left school in 2023 he also left all of his friends without a word of warning and he didn't even say goodbye to them. He left his friends because he was leaving his old life behind and didn't want to risk changing his mind and he knew that if he said goodbye to them all then they may be able to convince him to stay. He wanted to start a new life in New Zealand away from his only family in America as he hated them all. As usual though Ryan quickly made new friends in his new area of residence but the difference here was that they were not all pure and mixed bloods. He was socializing with half bloods too but only when he was sure they were good enough to be friends with him
Mother- Caysi Porter
Caysi was born in a small town in Ireland. She was an only child and her parent spoilt her and gave her everything that she wanted. She grew up to be a very selfish child and used to bully everyone as she thought herself better then the rest. She was only friends with pure bloods because to her blood status was everything. When she was eleven she started Hogwarts Scotland where she was sorted into Slytherin. This gave her great happiness as she saw Slytherin as the pride of the school. In her fifth year she met a boy, Rhys Porter, who had transferred from Durmstrang and was sorted into her house. They became friends as he too was a pure blood and half way through the year they began dating. When they graduated together they got marrade a few months later and soon after that Caysi was pregnant with her first child, Taylor. When she gave birth to him her and Rhys were proud parents but a year later the baby was stolen and they were told that he died. This made the pair turn cold hearted and evil. Caysi began to hate everyone who wasnt pure blood and when she got pregnant for the second and last time she made sure to keep Ryan safe and make sure he could look after himself. Caysi was soon accepted as a death eater and made sure that Ryan had strong role models to look up to for when he was older her could follow in their foot steps. When Ryan was fifteen Caysi went to Azkaban after killing a muggle born.
Dad- Rhys Porter
Rhys was born in Cardiff, Wales. He had a little brother called Corey and they were very close to each other. Rhys was a well behaved child at him but when he was out with his friends he was a bully. He saw himself better than others because of his blood status and he took pleasure in hurting anyone with lower blood status than him. He was feared around where he lived, feared and respected. When Rhys was ten he got into Durmstrang. He loved the school and thought that learning the dark arts was an essential in life. Again he took pleasure in bullying the lower bloods in his school as he made sure that he was respected in his year. When he reached his fifth year Rhys transferred to Hogwarts Scotland and was sorted into Slytherin. When in his common room he met a girl, Caysi, who he later dated. He fell madly in love with her and felt like she was his soul mate. They had the same views and they both hated people with lower blood then them and they had all the same lessons together. When the graduated together they were soon marrade and Caysi soon became pregnant with his first child. He was thrilled to be a dad and helped her along the way. When Taylor was born Rhys was happy to be a dad and was loving towards his new son. A year on however when Taylor was stolen and they were told he died Rhys turned evil and heartless like his wife. Anyone who crossed him regretted it and when he was told that Caysi was pregnant again he made sure to protect the both of them from anything. Just before the baby was born Rhys became a death eater and decided that they should raise their new son, Ryan, the death eater ways and beliefs so that he would be superior to everyone else. By the time that Ryan was fifteen Rhys was sent to Azkaban for killing a muggle born with his wife and Ryan was left on his own
Brother-Taylor Porter(Ryan doesnt know about him)
Taylor was born to two parents who had a very fuzzy look on the world. Everything had to be how they liked it and if it wasnt then they would destroy it. Taylor was brought up by the two for one year of his life but when he was one year old he was stolen by a couple who turned out to be Rhys's brother and his wife but as they did not see each other often and they lived in opposites sides of the world the family never found out and Taylor grew up being loved. He was taught well and was very smart as he attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic where he made lots of friends and received good grades. He was a prefect at the school and then he was head bot. He liked the responsibility and made sure to do it right. He was very smart and was always doing his best in his work and studies. When he left school at the age of eighteen he decided to travel the world and see the different places it had to offer. He bought a house in Germany where he works as an assistant in a shop until he can find a proper job

Caysi was born in a small town in Ireland. She was an only child and her parent spoilt her and gave her everything that she wanted. She grew up to be a very selfish child and used to bully everyone as she thought herself better then the rest. She was only friends with pure bloods because to her blood status was everything. When she was eleven she started Hogwarts Scotland where she was sorted into Slytherin. This gave her great happiness as she saw Slytherin as the pride of the school. In her fifth year she met a boy, Rhys Porter, who had transferred from Durmstrang and was sorted into her house. They became friends as he too was a pure blood and half way through the year they began dating. When they graduated together they got marrade a few months later and soon after that Caysi was pregnant with her first child, Taylor. When she gave birth to him her and Rhys were proud parents but a year later the baby was stolen and they were told that he died. This made the pair turn cold hearted and evil. Caysi began to hate everyone who wasnt pure blood and when she got pregnant for the second and last time she made sure to keep Ryan safe and make sure he could look after himself. Caysi was soon accepted as a death eater and made sure that Ryan had strong role models to look up to for when he was older her could follow in their foot steps. When Ryan was fifteen Caysi went to Azkaban after killing a muggle born.
Dad- Rhys Porter

Rhys was born in Cardiff, Wales. He had a little brother called Corey and they were very close to each other. Rhys was a well behaved child at him but when he was out with his friends he was a bully. He saw himself better than others because of his blood status and he took pleasure in hurting anyone with lower blood status than him. He was feared around where he lived, feared and respected. When Rhys was ten he got into Durmstrang. He loved the school and thought that learning the dark arts was an essential in life. Again he took pleasure in bullying the lower bloods in his school as he made sure that he was respected in his year. When he reached his fifth year Rhys transferred to Hogwarts Scotland and was sorted into Slytherin. When in his common room he met a girl, Caysi, who he later dated. He fell madly in love with her and felt like she was his soul mate. They had the same views and they both hated people with lower blood then them and they had all the same lessons together. When the graduated together they were soon marrade and Caysi soon became pregnant with his first child. He was thrilled to be a dad and helped her along the way. When Taylor was born Rhys was happy to be a dad and was loving towards his new son. A year on however when Taylor was stolen and they were told he died Rhys turned evil and heartless like his wife. Anyone who crossed him regretted it and when he was told that Caysi was pregnant again he made sure to protect the both of them from anything. Just before the baby was born Rhys became a death eater and decided that they should raise their new son, Ryan, the death eater ways and beliefs so that he would be superior to everyone else. By the time that Ryan was fifteen Rhys was sent to Azkaban for killing a muggle born with his wife and Ryan was left on his own
Brother-Taylor Porter(Ryan doesnt know about him)
Taylor was born to two parents who had a very fuzzy look on the world. Everything had to be how they liked it and if it wasnt then they would destroy it. Taylor was brought up by the two for one year of his life but when he was one year old he was stolen by a couple who turned out to be Rhys's brother and his wife but as they did not see each other often and they lived in opposites sides of the world the family never found out and Taylor grew up being loved. He was taught well and was very smart as he attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic where he made lots of friends and received good grades. He was a prefect at the school and then he was head bot. He liked the responsibility and made sure to do it right. He was very smart and was always doing his best in his work and studies. When he left school at the age of eighteen he decided to travel the world and see the different places it had to offer. He bought a house in Germany where he works as an assistant in a shop until he can find a proper job