Ruth Zackerell

Ruth Zackerell

New Member
Full Name: Ruth Harley Zackerell
- Birth Date: 13th November, 2010
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance: Has light brown hair and large hazel eyes. She has lightly tanned skin, and a flawless complexion except for a few freckles. Her happy expression lifts your whole day up, but when you see her face when she's unhappy you just want to crawl up and die with her. She is quite tall for her age, standing at 5 ft 3in, and she is a little ahead of everyone else regarding puberty. *wink wink*
- Parents: Her parents - Mary Zackerell nee Colter and Steve Zackerell. She hates her parents to the core, and professes to hate her little brother, but deep inside she probably does like him. They are all Muggleborns and sort of cast Ruth out a little for being a witch, which they still can't grasp.

- Siblings, if any: A muggle brother - Joel Zackerell. He's very annoying, biased, loud and generally stupid, but underneath the mask, Ruth likes him. A little. But she does think he's an arrogant prat.
- Pets, if any: None. She killed all the goldfish within a week (oops ...) and the cat, though more inclined to sleep with her, belongs to her son of a banshee little brother (9 yrs old, he is).
- Area of Residence: Born and raised in Garlynton, a town in the north east of England.
- Blood status: Muggleborn. Bugger.

(If your character is a sorted student:) NOT SORTED YET......
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be?: A fox.
- What would their Boggart be?: Getting so consumed by her depression she kills herself.
- What would their Animagus form be?: A dove.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised?: Money, fame, but also personal achievement; a happy family of her own standing next to her happily. Her mother and father wouldn't be there, of course.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus?: When she and her very best friend from childhood stayed up all night on 'Santa watch' when they were six. She had great fun.
Hey Ruth, welcome to HNZ. I just have a question for now since this struck out to me. I am mostly going off your appearance where you wrote but when you see her face when she's unhappy you just want to crawl up and die with her your boggart answer, and your siggy.

Why does Ruth feel depressed?
Thanks for your question :)

Why does Ruth feel depressed? She's confused - she's merely a eleven year old girl who's going through hormonal changes, and she doesn't have the emotional support from friends and the coping skills people usually have to get through it. She's bipolar. Also her father had depression and is still recovering so it might run in the family.

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