Ruth Windmere

Ruth Windmere

Full Name: Ruth Jinoria Windmere

Birthdate: December 31st, 2025

Hometown: Waitakere City, Auckland

Blood Status: Muggle born

Heritage: Ruth's mother is half Maori, but Ruth is not familiar with her iwi and does not know her marae

Wand: 9 inches, flexible, made of hawthorn with a dragon heartstring core

Hogwarts House: The sorting hat placed her in Slytherin, and Ruth doesn't much care


Hair: Short, brown and curly, just long enough to bounce on her shoulders
Eyes: Grey and large, with long eyelashes
Skin tone: Ruth has freckles across her nose but is otherwise very pale
Build and Body Type: She is very thin and has a large power to weight ratio
Height: Ruth is slightly shorter than average
Style: At Hogwarts, Ruth wears mainly a simple winter cloak above shorts and a t-shirt - she doesn't care much for elaborate designs and overpriced clothing
Scars: A long, thin scar runs down Ruth's thigh, from when she was pushed out of a tree and her leg caught on a branch
Other Distinguishing Features: Ruth looks a lot better when she smiles, but she mostly misses her Muggle friends and family, and doesn't smile often

Personality: Ruth has a select few friends and doesn't care very much about anything else. She is not fussed about her grades, or how she looks to other people, but as soon as someone insults people who are dear to her, Ruth remains calm and calculating and will effectively get back at her opponents. She is impartial to most things and takes her time to survey her surroundings and understand how others work. Ruth doesn't speak up often, and although rather opinionated, never voices her thoughts unless she deems it absolutely necessary.

Ruth is not much of a talker, and at Hogwarts mostly keeps to herself. She wallows in self-pity because all her best friends are Muggles, and she does not want to make other friends to replace them. Ruth isn't easily disturbed, and is almost detached from the rest of society, with the exception of her friends and family, with whom she knows her opinion is always appreciated, and often laughed at. She is not a shy person, and has a lot of self-confidence, but Ruth feels that most people are not worth her time and does not talk to them.

Strengths: Can remain impartial in conflict, analytical of her surroundings, good memory

Weaknesses: Not very open with others, some consider her rude or thoughtless, unable to empathise

History: Ruth grew up like any ordinary Muggle kid in Auckland. When Ruth was five, a bunch of kids, Ruth and her brother Dot, were all climbing a tree together. She got into a fight with an older boy about which branches she could climb, and it ended up with a very big push. Ruth's leg got a very gory gash that went deep into her thigh, and when she hit the ground, her magic absorbed the impact and she was relatively unharmed. The boy who pushed her soon became her best friend.

Ruth played with her friends every day, but kept to herself in classes and focussed on learning interesting things. She found most things about her school trivial, but enjoyed the recesses spent playing superheroes. When she got her Hogwarts New Zealand letter, Ruth was disappointed - she was happy with her life and didn't want to make the change. Her parents, however, thought it a good opportunity, and sent her there anyway.


Michael Tredinnick Windmere, father
Age: 42
Occupation: Quarantine officer
Blood Status: Muggle
Personality: Very driven, but doesn't expect too much from others. He is always one of motivational words and inspiring actions and will do what he thinks is best for his family. He is not a very good listener, and because of his work does not see his kids too often.

Jaeda Tristan Windmere (née Collins)
Age: 35
Occupation: Nurse
Blood Status: Muggle
Personality: Kind and compassionate, but doesn't often have much time for her kids. She does her best to help others and always looks at what others need instead of what she wants. Jaeda is tired a lot because of long shifts at the hospital, but has a soft spot for Dot and his enthusiasm.

Dalton "Dot" Shiloh Windmere
Age: 9
Occupation: School kid
Blood Status: Muggle born wizard
Personality: Dot is bubbly and energetic, and finds it very difficult to multi-task. He has a one-track mindset and his attention span is very short, and he is always coming up with new ideas and topics. He can sometimes be very sensitive, but he is mostly just very excited about everything.

Pets: She bought a pet rat whom she named Weet-bix on her first trip to Obsidian Harbour. Ruth loves him dearly and considers him her best friend at Hogwarts.

Friends: Aside from Ruth's pet rat Weet-bix, she is making a conscious effort to stay away from people at Hogwarts. She remains good friends with the Muggle kids she has grown up with, communicating via letters and returning home for every holiday. These friends consist of D'Artagnan Suca, the boy who pushed her out of the tree, who is thirteen; Zoey Devereaux, who is twelve; Judas Finch, who is eleven; Finnick Devereaux, who is ten; and Ruth's brother Dot. Ruth doesn't want to care about anyone else.

Interests and Hobbies: Ruth doesn't play any sports, but she knows how to swim because of playing in the river. She'll read any book without question or difficulty, but mostly enjoys going outside and playing tag in the sun.

Favourite Place: D'Artagnan's house. She isn't too familiar with Hogwarts yet but she supposes it would have to be the lakeside or the owlery.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: Ruth doesn't care about getting excellent grades or making friends, and her ambitions for her time at Hogwarts currently consist of avoiding everyone, and figuring out where everything in the castle is. She is hoping to stay close friends with people in the Muggle world. Ruth wants to learn the things she has to learn to be a good citizen of the wizarding world, and then go back to the life she loved and felt at peace in.

Best School Subjects: Anything book-related, as Ruth can quite easily write essays and remember specific details. She is also good at Potions, but finds it incredibly boring.

Worst School Subjects: Casting spells is difficult for Ruth because her subconscious does not want to accept that magic is a part of her. It takes much practise for her to perfect any charm, jinx, hex or spell.

Plans for the Future: Ruth doesn't have any idea what she wants to do with her life, but would gladly go anywhere with her friends

Patronus Memory: The day when all her friends were playing in the river, and Ruth got to jump off the rope swing into the water. She managed to push D'Artagnan in, for the only time in her life.

Boggart: The people she loves turning her away

Mirror of Erised: Her Muggle friends standing beside her in Hogwarts robes

A Page From Her Diary:

Dear Diary,

D'Ar pushed me into the river today.
I hate him. I love him but I hate him. I wasn't even in my togs! My jeans were soaked through and of course my shirt was completely see-through. D'Ar laughed and laughed and laughed, but I swam with the current and got to the Devereauxs' house before the lot of them. Zoey lent me some clothes, but the guys were completely unsympathetic. They bully me, I swear.

One day I'm going to get back at him. I wish it weren't so hard to catch him by surprise. Jude, Fin and Dot might help me if I asked them real sweet. They'll make me grovel but it would be worth it. Jude's mum baked him an apple pie to give to us for dinner at the Devereaux house, and it was the best pie ever. I swear, Mrs Finch is a goddess.

I'm gonna read Museum of Thieves now. Fin lent me it because he says it's his favourite. It's good so far.

Love, RJW

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