Running Into You

Tessin Lochan

Well-Known Member
Straight 14 1/2" Sturdy Hawthorn Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
<SIZE size="50">Being alone in a huge house was unnerving. It filled the teen sitting in the guest bedroom with dread. It was the kind of time when he needed someone or even something to talk to. A pet would've sufficed. But alas, he found himself alone. Sitting in a house that wasn't his, with only the simple sound of heavy rain hitting the windows of the house. It wasn't a place where his mind set was safe from drifting back his home, and his problems. The problem being that his now almost everything around him reminded him of her. He saw her everywhere, even though he knew it was just his mind playing cruel tricks on him. His missed her every second of everyday. She was the first girl he had truly fallen in love with, and he believed that he would never fall in love again. It wasn't possible. He wouldn't let it. This much heartache was not worth a simple time with a girl. But here his mind was drifting again. He didn't want to think such things. He didn't want her to continue plaguing his mind. A constant reminder of what he didn't have. After all the entire point of being in New Zealand was so he could have his mind off her. It had worked pretty well up until then. This was the first time he'd been alone since landing, this thought would've annoyed him. He was a teen that liked being away from prying eyes from time to time. Be then, he wasn't so keen. He needed his cousin. He needed someone to talk to. In the end the teen decided that the only way he was going to be able to deal with this lonilness, was by heading out into the village. A thought that would've once annoyed him, but clearly no longer did. Putting on his dark jeans, white v-neck and a large navy blue jumper, that was a few sizes too big for him, despite the teen built stature. He played a lot of sport when he was at home, despite being sixteen he wasn't scrawny anymore. He had been for a very short time, but he'd learned it was little use to him being small. Putting his trainers on he grabbed his keys and headed out of the house. He wasn't very good with rain, he was constantly forgetting that it wouldn't just not rain on him. It was the sole reason why each time he went out in New Zealand when it was raining he easily forgot to take something thick or waterproof. But his head was never in the right place. He was always forgetting the little things, keys, phone, money, jacket. He wasn't ever thinking right. His mind was only ever half on what it needed to be.

Tessin Lochan walked the short distance from the house to the wizarding area. It was a walk he'd done often with his cousin who liked showing him over and over. Showing him the same stores and encouraging him to eat the same food over and over. Routine, that's what they believed would help him. Surprisingly for a guy who preferred spontaneity this routine was odd but it helped. It took his mind off it, off everything. He needed it. That had surprised him more. He's thought he was doing well, but he hadn't he'd been kidding himself that he was doing okay. Everything had been a reminder. Everything just felt worse and worse, here in New Zealand, things were better. He knew it. It was better. But walking down the street he was sure she was walking in front of him. In the rain he was sure that he could see her in the distance. Tessin called out her name. He started into a jog towards where he was sure she was. This happened to Lochie often. He was always thinking that he was seeing her. He would follow her up until he could no longer tell if she was still in front of him. Is wasn't a good sign, and it was only because he was alone that he followed. Lochie wasn't looking where he was running, he was just running and as he slowed he didn't notice the other person. He ran right into them, falling to the floor, hoping the other person would be okay.

Another year has ended in Hogwarts, Cosette Mayfair couldn't believe that everything happened so fast. Raffaelo graduating and her being promoted to her last year in Hogwarts. Only time could tell that she'll be graduation in a couple of months soon. She figured to enjoy some time alone, knowing her boyfriend and her would see each other soon. The beautiful puff went home to enjoy her vacation, breath some fresh air and maybe see familiar faces. It's been years since she saw her brother and sister, who seems to be somewhere else. Raffaelo made her days brighter, even through her darkest times. They needed to talk about something, the part where he didn't attended his own graduation. How could he invite them, his cousin and Cosette when he himself wouldn't be attending. Still she didn't want to hate him, Raffaelo was the only one there for her when she needed someone. As she got dressed, in her favorite pink dress. She looked at her auburn hair and wanted to add a twist, slightly she made the tips of her pink to add some effect on her look.Cosette left their house and brought her bag along with her. It was too boring to walk, so the prefect decided to use her bike instead. It would be easy to get home later for dinner, and since she didn't want to over use her shoes. Once she rode her bike, Cosette started to parade the streets of New Zealand. First stop is Obsidian Harbour, a few shopping wouldn't hurt. Living in New Zealand made it easier for her, they could visit shops nearby just by a few walks. As she reached her destination, Cosette started to walk. Her bike beside her, pushing it while looking at the shops.

A few minutes later she found herself with a lot of shopping bags, she bought a few scarves and a new set of gloves for winter, since it's much cheaper during this time. Usually, she doesn't care about the price but for some reason, she wanted to save some money for herself. A few eyes followed her, she all ignored them. When she stopped in a shop full of mirrors, she left her bicycle outside and went in. The mirror showed her wondrous beauty, her golden eyes a bit unwary but still gorgeous. The shopkeeper instantly entertained her, "Just looking around." she told him with a slight smile and nod towards him. When he left her, she continued to roam around looking for mirrors. She could really use a new mirror inside her bathroom, but she figured it wouldn't be easy to carry it back. For a minute she looked at herself, Cosette looked so taller now. A few growth spurt have invaded her, when no one was looking at her, she twirled a around and adored herself. She wasn't at all vain but she loved seeing herself, once she was done Cosette left the store to go somewhere else. Just when was on her way out of the store, someone bumped her. This made her fell down on the ground, luckily her arms were strong enough to carry her weight. She tried to land as grancefully as she can, a few people staring at her and the boy who bumped her. "Oh Dear!" Cosette exclaimed, seeing her favorite dress dirty and covered with soil. When the stranger bumped her, this made Cosette weak for a while. She could feel her legs a bit numb, so while waiting for the boy to notice her, she stayed there hoping there weren't any bump or bruises on her body.
As his body crashed lightly upon the floor, the small trance he had been in was broken. As he looked around he could no longer see the girl he was looking for. Silently the californian teen cursed himself. He had worked insanely hard so that it wouldn't happen that badly again, but he moment that he was alone without his cousin in weather that resembled the next day when he'd gotten the confirmation. He was damn careful, but Tessin was a sixteen year old boy. He did not always have the best control over things. He was an emotional wreck when he was alone. When he was with his friends it was a lot easier to pretend that he was okay. With them they took his mind off it, but at the same time they were a reminder of what he had lost. New Zealand had been the right kind of change for him. He had to be careful how he acted, while meaning well his cousin and his family were always watching him. Like hawks, making he sure he didn't fly into airspace they didn't like. Alone Tessin always realized why. He had a tendency to do the things he was specifically told to not. Like imagine that girl. It was a good thing that he had bumped into someone when he had, or else they would have other issues. It was then that the teen seemed to remember that he was not actually alone. While being glad that he was no longer doing what he shouldn't he knew that he had to see if the person was alright. Tessin did not like running into people especially when his explanation gave little in the way of real information as to why it had just happened.  He didn't think the explanation of I was following someone I thought I knew, but I know it couldn't have been them because they died. Tessin had to admit he was not in the best situation. He sat a little more straight and then got to his feet. He noticed the person he had bumped into was a girl. A girl with golden brown hair, with a bag and a dress not lying on the ground. Tessin felt bad. He had not intended for such a thing to occur. He hoped she was not hurt. He had a tendency to want to help people in the best way that he could no matter the situation. He took a small step towards her side. "Excuse me?" Tessin hated that he was responsible for such a thing. He knew that it was for those reasons that his cousins family were adamant that one should be with him at all times, that he had to really focus a lot of the time. He had to find things to do. Walking around aimlessly had never helped him. It had never given him the right kind of guidance that he needed. 

The californian teen knelt down next to the girl. He didn't really know how else to address her. He saw that she noticed her dress. For which he felt really bad. It was his fault. Fully his fault.  He however had no idea how he could make it up to her. Since he didn't have much money with her and the dress was pretty smart looking which was not a very good thing in Tessin's case. "I am really sorry." Tessin apologized. He smiled at her slightly. "I was not looking and I am so sorry." Tessin glanced away from her and then back. It was still lightly raining. "I hope the dress is not ruined. Can I make it up to you somehow, like buy you a drink or something?" Tessin asked. Really he was hoping that he just have some company so that it wouldn't happen again. 
Never did the puff thought that she would be here on the streets, dirty and filthy. If only Raffaelo would come to the rescue and carry her home. It was always the typical him, rescuing her in times of need. But today was an exception since he's in Bulgaria, training for Quidditch. Cosette wondered though why he decided to join such team in Bulgaria. Sometimes it would enter her mind if he's distancing himself to her but just a guess of her and nothing more. Back to reality, how unfortunate of her to lie her in the ground, her dress partly torn at the end of it's hem. She wanted to punch whoever it was who bumped into her but violent act never was on her nature. All the prefect was left was sigh and stood up as the stranger didn't even cared to pull her up. Using her hands to remove the dirt out of her dress, still dreading the way her dress looks. Shaking her head in disbelief, her golden eyes turning to slightly maroon. Cosette didn't want to fire up at the boy, though slowly her auburn hair started to turn in a reddish hue. "Just calm down, calm down." Cosette tried to focus on her feelings and her hair color returned to the normal hue. Before it would take days just so she could return her hair color to her natural one. "It is ruined, thanks to you." she said trying to calm herself. If only she could strangle the boy and make him pay. There were a lot of thought circling in, things he can do to the boy. The first thing that entered her mind was to either go home or buy a dress, but it was too early to go home. No one was home, only the house elves not even her siblings.

The puff couldn't even bear going home like this, what will the neighbors thing of her? "A drink for a dress, are you serious?" her French accent spicing it up. She couldn't believe that the boy wants to buy her a drink in return for ruining her dress. In which it cost more that a drink and beside she doesn't need a drink right now, especially looking such a mess. Her still perfectly glowed, though her dress just didn't approved. Cosette got her bike and placed her things, she found her scarf in her bicycle's basket. She could cover it up but it was so unlike of her, looking at her purse. Cosette decided to just buy a new dress, "I don't want this day to be ruined like my dress, so I shall buy a new one. Thank You." the sixteen year old stated sarcastically. At the same time turning her back along with her bike, there was no need for her to stay just the thought of her ruined dress made her furious. Knowing it was best to leave the boy alone, Cosette made her way to the nearest dress shop she could find. Searching for something pink and elegant for her taste, she tried on a few. Looking at the mirror, trying to see if it fits her. At the same time twirling around, since she needed something loose for her to ride her bike later on.
<SIZE size="50">What the young teen didn't expect was for the girl to blow up in his face. It wasn't too surprising but he had hoped that she would act at least a little more understanding about it. That and most girls he met were nice to him, because he could be pretty charming, this was pretty much just being caught in a bad situation. He had no other way of explaining it. Tessin wasn't about to just let him take this from some girl. She didn't understand and he couldn't exactly explain that he was sure he'd seen the image of someone that he knew was gone. It wasn't fair to act in such a way. For all she could've done, was leave silently seething. It pissed him off a lot more than he was pretty sure it should. He couldn't explain why it annoyed him so, just that it did, and he had no real way of explaining why it did. He thought mostly that it was unfair of her to act in such a way. He had done nothing wrong. He had maybe run into her, but he had apologised to her. He had told her that he was sorry. it wasn't like he would buy her a new dress just because it had fallen on the ground. He didn't have that kind of money to just drop on a replacement dress. He figured there would be hundreds more. That it was not the only dress. It wasn't the only one that should could get. Surely there were plenty more. Surely he thought that this dress didn't matter much at all. It was bits of fabric put together. She'd just bought it, as far as he could see, this meant that it had no sentimental value. Tessin didn't really understand how it could mean she'd get so annoyed at him. He didn't understand it in the slightest. Tessin was left standing in the rain, looking at the figure of the girl wandering of. He was annoyed. He was p1ssed off, as much as he'd been in the wrong and she had a right to be angry. there was no need for anything like that.

"Hey!" He called to her, heading in her direction. "Wait!" He yelled breaking into a small run to be able to catch up with her. "Look, I know I might have ruined your dress, but there is no need to be like that!" Tessin said angrily at her. He hated people who focused too hard on material possession, he had few by a choice he'd made years before. He was always so busy that he just didn't have time to do such things. Then tradgey had struck his life, and he'd pretty much gotten rid of anything that had reminded him of her. Which was why he now had very little. That and he was all about living in the moment, not digging yourself down by the simple things. "It's just a dress. You can get a new one, you can get a new one. There is no need to be so emotional over a dress. There is more to life than f##king dresses." Tessin said, his voice lower than usual, "So, be pissed off at me all you want, but, There is no need to be like that. I said I was sorry, and that's that." Tessin sighed, and then turned to leave, he wasn't going to put up with it any longer.​
Cosette didn't need material things or anything but there was something about the dress that made it worth all her love and care. It was a gift from her grandmother, handmade especially for her. She thought of wearing it, since it would benefit her and it's been a long time since she wore the said dress. Cosette wanted to cry back then but decided not to, it was so unlike her to show her feelings outside in the public. So, the puff decided to keep it all in, while waiting for the right time to shed some tears. She hated the boy, one for not even bothering to help her and two for just offering her a drink when he ruined her dress. Why on h3ll would he even be running along the busy street when he could just walk, the fact that bumped her made no excuse for her. As she was went inside the shop looking for some dress to wear, she couldn't help but tear a little. Her most valued dress, ruined. Of course she could fix it but it would be shorter now and it wouldn't be the same. She held the dress into her arms, wishing this never happened at all. Cosette was furious and sad at the same time, her crowning glory turning to a fiery red and though her gold wondrous eyes remained it's shine. When she was about to pick another dress, she heard someone shouting at her.

Turning her back he looked at the boy who bumped her a while back, what nerve of that boy? She could feel her fist forming a ball like shape, but Cosette never tried to be violent. "I can what I want and zay what I want to zay to you for ruining my drezz." her s forming into z's. The French wanted to punch him in the face, hating that he's still ranting up to now. Slowly she could feel her eyes getting teary, though she tried her hardest to push it back. "Just a drezz? Just a drezz! My grandmother gave it to and now she's dead you insolent fool!" she hissed at him. Her hair getting red as ever and her eyes too, red as blood. She tried to pull herself together and only a few tears were shed, he heart aching in pain for such a rude boy shouting at him. Cosette never cursed or anything, so it was hard for her to get mad but if she did it wouldn't turn out nice at all. The prefect started to search for anything to throw at him, but sadly she couldn't find anything. A hanger would be perfect but she left those in the dressing room. "You bumped me remember, I'm the victim here. Now just leave me alone." Cosette stated, trying to regain her composure. Her hair remained it's natural hue and her eyes returned to it's golden color, the shopkeeper couldn't believe what just happened to her. That she just kept looking at Cosette's eyes, thankfully this isn't the muggle world. Quickly, she turned her back at him and entered the dressing room to try on some more dress, leaving him alone.

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