Closed Running away

Dante Styx

hiding a terrible secret
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Knotted 14 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Dante Styx finished his shopping for his books, and honestly felt that everything in his life was going well because he was going back to see Daemyn Knight. Daemyn said that he would be back in about an hour, and set him and Cassius loose to go shopping for their school supplies. It wasn't like money was an issue at all. The werewolf was not feeling too great physically because the full moon was coming soon. He held his purchases close to his chest as he started to walk down the cobblestone before he felt something like a chill. Were there dementors in the area? Dante blinked several times, and then shrugged it off to keep walking toward one of the snack shops. He had a lot of leftover money, and he could not wait to spend it on some food that would definitely be frowned upon by his parents. But he just had some hell of a sweet tooth that needed to be satisfied.

@Anastasia Katsaros
Hades idea for them to venture to Obsidian Harbour to find Dante had been right, as he always was. She wasn't surprised to learn that he had good ideas because they'd been together for long enough for her to know that he was almost always right - he didn't make a plan if he didn't think it would work out for them. She was angry though, that she had to bother coming all the way to this silly little shopping village just to find her wayward child. It was true that they needed to get supplies for Samael as well, and they would, once Ana had dealt with the child that refused to come to heel. She saw him, as they made their way through Obsidian. She had considered breaking down Daemyn's door, but thought better of it. Here, Dante would have no where to run.

She didn't want him to run.

There was a full moon soon, and Ana was disturbed by how tired Dante looked as she watched him. Her anxiety grew as he continued to walk and she had to fight off the instant urge to grab him and apparate him somewhere far away. She didn't want him to be frightened. Not of her, in any case. As he seemed to make up his mind about something, Ana stepped forward, into his path, and tried to plaster on a nervous smile. "Dante." There was a hint of annoyance managing to slip up into her tone, though she had not meant it. She was only annoyed at the situation and everything that had evolved from it, not at him, specifically. Still though, as casual as she tried to appear, there was nothing so casual about Anastasia Katsaros - Ice Queen.

@Dante Styx

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